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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 A luck to escape from a direct subsidy school
樓主: chanpa

A luck to escape from a direct subsidy school [複製鏈接]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-7-21 09:59 |只看該作者
其實要搵答案好易的, 善用bk function, 按粒制就有clues了

好明白你既煩惱, 我都有個朋友e甥仔有阿氏保加, 今年升中派位, 佢父母擔心得不得了, 怕佢去左間新學校情緒又受困擾......好彩個媽咪"身經百戰", 最後主動去見新中學校長, 傾完放心多了
原文章由 chanpa 於 08-7-20 09:15 PM 發表
My son does not study at HKUAPS.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-21 11:33 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-21 19:58 |只看該作者
Hi Chanpa

Please PM me the school making you suffered a lot!

Many Thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-21 20:56 |只看該作者
PLEASE note that mine is a question NOT a guess!!!!!!!!!!

I think it is not fair either now, because it seems that ALL DSS schools are labelled as "bad" school.

原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 08-7-20 19:06 發表
PLEASE唔好亂估, 港同成績表根本無conduct呢一樣野

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-21 22:41 |只看該作者
What's the meaning of knowing his previous school name ? chanpa stated that they sent out so many letters but only one school accepts their application. That means the popular situation is most of the schools will not accept such kind of pupil.

I think knowing his current school name is much important.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-22 00:42 |只看該作者
(嘆息) 是的, 除了少數由傳統轉做直資的名校,  直資新校的認受性是很低的。

囡囡考小一, narrow down左一兩間直資。 我有親友問她一個在職小學老師朋友, 邊一間好, 得到的意見竟然是: "個小朋友正唔正常? 讀書跟唔跟到上?  正常就讀傳統學校啦, 個d學校係專俾d有問題的去讀, 好似過度活躍症, 同人相處有問題呀咁..." 也有家長朋友同老公說: "乜你咁縱個女呀, 俾佢讀間咁easy的學校?"

別人說什麼, 不會輕易動搖自己多次分析後作的決定, 不過, 聽完也多少有d唔開心。

我說的完全是題外話, 不好意思。

原文章由 breefan 於 08-7-21 20:56 發表
PLEASE note that mine is a question NOT a guess!!!!!!!!!!

I think it is not fair either now, because it seems that ALL DSS schools are labelled as "bad" school.

[ 本文章最後由 TomDog 於 08-7-22 00:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-22 10:06 |只看該作者
I feel very angry when I read your post, that 'school' is definitely not a good school, they didn't even try to help but hurt student and their parents' feeling, shame on them!!

Wish your son settle well in his new school!

原文章由 chanpa 於 08-7-20 21:15 發表
My son does not study at HKUAPS.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-22 11:11 |只看該作者

你仔仔很好彩, 有肯聽他說話分享因由的父母. 如學校沒有心或能力去幫助你仔仔個案, 再留下去只會害了仔仔, 又苦了該校. 轉新校是一個明智的決定. 希望在與新校良好的溝通下, 你仔仔在校有多些支援關心, 只要家校合作, 愛心, 關心, 專業人士支援加耐性, 一步步地, 相信你仔仔的問題會一天天地見到改善!  , 為你地打氣,請加油!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-22 12:39 |只看該作者

身為現今家長實不輕易, ,不過終有一天會守得雲開見月明的.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-22 19:03 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 clmom 的文章

Hi Clmom



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-25 00:33 |只看該作者
Hi every mums

I remembered that the Headmistress considered that A grade was excellent, B grade was good, C grade was satisfactory and D grade meant needed improvement in the appeal meeting.

The Headmistress considered that my son's conduct was not satisfactory but he needed improvement.  Therefore, she gave him grade D+ in conduct.

I thought she was crazy and 無料 to handle my son.  A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C,and C- also needed improvement.  She cannot make a positive way to look at my son but is very defensive to find faults on my son.

Furthermore, my son got prizes on Mandarin and Mathematics in the name of the school.  The school posted these on its website which seemed that the school trained him.  In fact, I employed a private Mandarin teacher for my son and attended twenty hours training course outside for Mathematics.  Why did not the school add conduct marks for my son (為校爭光 )?

I shall take action to the school and the running organisation to 還 亞仔公道.

Thank you for all support and concern in this issue.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-5 03:16 |只看該作者
Dear Chanpa,

           I knew how you feel, I think your son was in the same class with my kid .  
            At the beginning in grade 2 when the school was newly started.  I'd heard about your son's behaviour.  At that time I was one of the parent who did worried about my kid might got hurt. I apologize for my worried.
            But later , I went to participate in the  class when that year the former pincipal  let parents to watch how our children did in the class.(But this year  parents can only watched the video instead.)
          Anyway, I sat in the back ,and I was impressed by your son. Because he is the smartest boy in the class. Also, he was the one make the whole class so active to answer teacher's question.  I was amazed that his knowledge is beyond that grade.  He is the normal kid to what I know of.  To what I'd heard and what I'd saw . I'd came out a conclusion to myself that the boy lost temper might just because somone or something cause him lost temper.  Since then, I told my kid be nice and friendly to him and I knew I don't need to worry about my kid might get hurt anymore. Because he is harmless. He is nice.

           This year ,I went to school and met your son a few times.  And I'd talk to him . He was so nice and have conversation with me. He is the lovely kid to what I know of.
And I'm so glad, because I haven't heard any lost temper case out from him. I knew he is improving . And I feel sorry for my kid lost such a good classmate.
          I found out the common mistake we make which is chose this school to our kids.  
               I should change school for my kid too. So, it is wise for you to find another school for your son.  you are a good parent.
               I 'm always worrying my kid is not a outstanding student and didn't get any prize for the school .  He is only a normal student doesn't like competition. Sooner or later, they might tell my kid to find another school.

               Other  parents should find out this school and think about it before made a decision for their kids.  

                On the other hand, I also want to know the new school your son going to.  I need to keep in mind , might need that in the future.  Never know what might happen .

                Now, I'm  looking forward someone will come around and do some change and keep the promises which were made when the school was newly started.

                  Best wishes for your family !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-5 15:03 |只看該作者
I feel very lucky that my son did not apply to this school

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-11 03:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 C.F. 於 08-8-5 03:16 發表
Dear Chanpa,

           I knew how you feel, I think your son was in the same class with my kid .  
            At the beginning in grade 2 when the school was newly started.  I'd heard about your s ...

Dear CF

          Don't worry about your kid.  I think that those chosen by the previous chief principal are good students who had special talents/potentials.

          I experienced that 活動在學校, 教學在家中。  But youhave no guideline at home.  So you have to teach your kid at home i.e. to train him to be traditional one.  

          All the school promise is empty. (自求多福)  Don't you see that there is a psychologist, a social worker, two teachers in a class but so called mentor only in this year? (有的像賣仔) With some unknown/hidden political reasons, the psychologist, who had serious conflict with the primary headmistress in 2007, was transferred to the secondary school and he never took a notice on the primary school students in this year.  Previously, the psychologist held good parent lectures but now the parent lectures were contracted out.  This psychologist was also resigned this year and the school employed a new psychologist.

           I suggest that your kid should do extra exercises for future use/preparation.  I teach my son with the guidelines of the book, 孩子的成功來自媽媽 1%的改變, 張炳惠博士著。  It teaches how to make the son study on a table and to increase the study time.  In other words, it teaches the son to increase his attention span.  

           In the classroom, the study atmosphere is not good.  So you should train your son by yourself.  The other class XB is much worse than XA.  XB is more confused(亂).  You can see in the video for 觀課.  In addition, many teachers left the school this year, which  brought the continuity problem.

           I heard from a parent that a P.6 student coming from a traditional primary school studied in F.1 in this school.  This student became more relax in F.1 and now he was promoted to F.2.  How can this student makes a competition with outside students when sitting for public examination?  Secondly, I heard another direct subsidy school requests many not up-to-standard students to repeat.  Thirdly, I heard that a parent was disappointed to the book list of the secondary school as the books are easy.   

          Work hard for your kid. (1%聰明, 99%勤力, 沒有不勞而獲)  The school said that the school has taught the students all at school and the parents just played with the students at home.  Don't worry about the revision.  (邊有禁 數)  
          We support all together.  If you have any problem/question, please PM me and I shall call you back.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-11 11:33 |只看該作者
I'm glad that my son did not enter that "Kowloon university" affiliated primary school !!!

Add oil chanpa!

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-14 18:20 |只看該作者
Dear chanpa,

Congratulations to both you and your son.

As I am applying for P1 for my son, could you please tell me the names of your son's old and new schools?

Thanks very much for your help.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-8-28 14:28 |只看該作者
I have a mixed feeling after viewing this thread.  My son studies in it too.  So far, I don't have major issue with it, and my husband and I do play with my son mostly at home and haven't spent much time on doing homework or revision.  I don't know if my son will become less competitve than other students in traditional schools because of that...

Last year, there were two classmates of my son that have behavorial problems.  One other classmate got hurt badly during one incident and was on wheelchair for a month.  As a parent, I have to admit that I did worried once that my son might be the next to get hurt - his pants got a hole cut by one of the boys but he didn't get hurt.  I guess it's also hard for the teacher to handle the very active students.  My son said the class discipline is very poor.  I hope there will be improvement this year.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 01:34 |只看該作者

Dear all kind baby-kingdom ma,

My son starts the new P.4 in a traditional school.  He has one Chinese dictation and one English dictation in each learning cycle.  Each dictation is equal to the total amount of the previous DSS at least three months.  My son now got good marks in dictations and I am busy at closely monitoring his study.  In September, he got a Chinese assessment and a Mathematics assessment.  Luckily, he passed them.  I am confident that he will be better later.  He is now working hard.  In the past one month, I do not receive any complaint from the school whose classmates and teachers are good.  The students there pay much effort on study but not paying trick on other students.  My son sounds that he loves this school very much and does not lose his temper so far.  

What happened after the first case conference after Chinese New Year 08.  The DSS student guidance teacher (SGT) referred my son to the Educational Psychologist of Education Bureau but not his so called educational psychologist in DSS.  But it was too late.  The Educational Psychologist of Educational Bureau interviewed with me, my wife and SGT to collect the basic information.  Then, a second case conference with English teacher, Mathematics teacher, SGT, Educational Psychologist, Educational Psychologist student, two senior staff of Educational Bureau, my wife and I was held.  In fact, after the first meeting with Educational Psychologist, I request the assistance of Educational Bureau for the change of school.  After finishing the final examination in July, a third case conference was held before summer holiday.  This was just a round up meeting with the classteacher, Mathematics teacher, SGT, Educational Psychologist, my wife and I.  Where is the headmistress and the female discipline master?  Are they scared?  Do they avoid seeing us for the bad conduct?  Before that, I did not pay the school deposit for the next school year.  I have strong desire to leave this evil DSS no matter where my son goes to study.

After March, this is only SGT to handle the case.  I receive no concern from the chief Principal, headmistress and female discipline master.  When my wife and I met them in the school, the headmistress and this female discipline master just walked away. (如同陌路人)  We were just transparent.  I write them for an appeal.  Yet, the school authority is very scared and does not write back to me with a good reason.   

In this year, this DSS receives no new student in P.4.  Totally, three students of previous 3A, including a student whose parent was a member of Parent Teacher Association, left the school and one repeated.  Of course, this parent knows more school information than me.  It is understandable why this parent chooses to leave this school.  The last student left DSS with his younger sibling.

I read from a newspaper last week and in the website.  A parent wrote to the newspaper to praise this DSS and many good comments were posted in the internet.  But this is only P.1 parent but not P.2, P.3, P.4 and P.5.  Where are these parents?  Do P.1 parents know the outside primary standard?  If the parents lastly sent their kids to study abroad, OK you stay at DSS.  Otherwise, you should think carefully.  (不做白老鼠) Once you start your child in this DSS, it is very difficulty to get out of this DSS.  你想逃,你要有好身手。

This is the end of a sad story of a boy with special learning difficulties.  

Thank you for those reading my messages and those support my son and I.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-5 08:16 |只看該作者
Hi! Chanpa,

I'm glad to know your son is doing well in the new school.
Keep it up!!
We all support you!!
原帖由 chanpa 於 08-10-5 01:34 發表
Dear all kind baby-kingdom ma,
My son starts the new P.4 in a traditional school.  He has one Chinese dictation and one English dictation in each learning cycle.  Each dictation is equal to the total  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-5 12:38 |只看該作者
this book may be useful for you.

Boys Adrift浮萍男孩:發現男生缺乏動機的因素,再造獨立負責的男兒本色


以前我做學生時,班上沒有一個同學是過動或注意力缺失,現在幾乎每一班都至少有一個,有的班還高到四、五個。頑皮的孩子自古至今都有,男生沒有調過皮、挨過打,好像就不可能長大,但是皮到要帶去給醫生看、要吃藥,好像是沒有。所以這個注意力缺失過動症(Attention-Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder, ADHD)就變成了二十一世紀非常引人注目的疾病。本書作者是個家醫科醫生,又在賓州大學念到心理學的博士學位,手邊有臨床門診的資料,又有作研究的訓練,加上「好奇」是人的本性,他就開始去研究為什麼本世紀有麼多過動/注意力缺失的孩子,而且為什麼男生居多。



在台灣談性別差異是件危險的事,我曾因為談到男女在同一件事的處理上大腦有不同之處,而被猛烈攻擊,甚至黑函說我政治不正確。但是在實驗上的確有看到差異,所以必須要講。其實每個人有每個人擅長的地方,真正的男女平等應該是每個人去做每個人擅長的事,不論它是刻板的男生的事或刻板的女生的事。法律要保障的是機會的平等和薪水的平等。作者也看到了男女大腦上的不同,所以他認為男生需要適合男生天性的課程表,從他們的長處切入,去開啟教導他們的心智。他說男生需要常常去戶外活動,在大自然中觀察,從實際動手操作中學習(其實女性也是需要)。如果孩子花很多時間在電腦螢幕前面而不在戶外,會有所謂的「文化自閉症」(Cultural Autism),最後形成被孤立、牽制、阻遏的那種「隧道感官」感覺(Tunneled Senses),他們抓不到概念或問題的重心。因此,從本書中,你可以強烈感覺到作者贊成男女分校或分班,男生需要競爭才會有動機。作者舉了很多例子來支持他的看法。我來自女校,回想自己的成長過程,我承認他講的有道理。


讀者可以想像馬路上有個裂縫,大人一腳就跨過去了,孩子則必須蹲下來爬過去,爬時還得戰戰兢兢,生怕掉下去。但是等孩子長大一點,腳步變寬時,他也一步就跨過去了。小時候看希臘神話金羊毛(Golden Fleece)的電影,巨人一腳就跨過了博斯普魯斯海峽;或是《格列佛遊記》裡的格列佛一把就把船抓起來,多麼輕而易舉。看到台灣的父母,孩子才三歲兩個月就送去學功文數學,真讓我心痛。這本書有很多篇幅是為了這樣的父母寫的,作者從大腦的觀點來勸告父母不要揠苗助長,每個人大腦的成熟時間不一樣,大腦同一區塊男女成熟的時間也不一樣,不必心急,晚一年上學沒有所謂的面子問題,幼稚園本來就是個學習與別人相處的遊戲地方,沒有「被當掉」的面子問題。











作者Leonard Sax是家醫科醫生,也是心理學博士,在「好奇」心的驅使下,他開始研究為什麼廿一世紀有那麼多過動/注意力缺失的孩子,而且通常以男生居多。他研究之後發現社會和生物兩方面因素的共同影響,是造成男孩像浮萍一樣到處漂泊,缺乏動機和目標最主要的原因,這其中包括了學校和教育方式的改變、電玩遊戲取代其他娛樂活動、環境雌激素干擾內分泌平衡、流行文化對男性氣概的貶抑……在明確指出所有造成孩子缺乏動機的因素後,最後還建議父母可以怎麼做去改變孩子:盡量帶孩子去跟大自然接觸,並用心替孩子找一個適合他的學校,讓孩子可以重拾動機。

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 08-10-5 12:40 編輯 ]
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