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教育王國 討論區 啟基學校 啟基家長請分享
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啟基家長請分享 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-9 23:54 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-10 15:52 |只看該作者
My elder daughter studied in CCS. She is a F.2 student studying in a Band 1 EMI secondary school in Homantin now. As she said, she feels the Headmistress and the teachers in CCS are very nice, much much better than the ones in secondary school. She can cope with all the English teaching subjects easily. Actually, the level in P.1-3  is a bit easier but the senior grades are not so easy. Honestly speaking, the level of CCS is easier when you compare it with DGS or Maryknoll of course. However, the students in CCS are happy and willing to go to school. Every students can take part in the talent show in the school closing ceremony every year. This is a good opportunity to build the confidence of the students. No matter how poor is the academic result you are, you still have a chance to prove your ability. It is an important experience for the children to build up confidence which is useful in their whole life rather than having too much negative competition at the " famous schools ". As I know, some of the 'famous schools'  will only select the top students to take part in the school functions. If you are not so bright in school, you will just sit back each time. Of course you may say CCS is a private school. The parents have to pay. That's why they treat their students ( clients ) good. For me, that's the effect that I want. I cann't find from other schools that can provide happiness and build up confidence to my children. I think these are important experience in their life. I also heard from my relatives and friends that the attitudies of the Headmasters and the teachers from both 'famous schools' and government schools are not as good as CCS.
As a conclusion, CCS will let an ordinary child brighter and make a bright child more out-standing.
My little daughter is now studying in P.6. I'm sure she can admit to a Band1 EMI secondary school also.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-11 22:52 |只看該作者

thank you for your sharing. Do u think that the children (boys) are much naughty than the other children? My son's teacher said that the children in 啟基 is quite naughty and the discipline was not quite good and under control, is it true? My son's teacher said that she has attend the 觀課 so got the conclusion.
Pls comment cos I consider my child to study in this school. Thank you.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-12 22:23 |只看該作者

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我兩個仔都讀啟基, 大仔較文靜, 細仔比較好動, 我覺得大仔讀左啟基後活左好多, 佢都係斯文, 但個人開朗左, 而細仔一向活躍, 所以有時都比班長 提佢轉堂時要安靜, 我試過觀課, 我覺得佢地上堂好活, 唔會坐定定, 但所有學生都好投入, 我地班家長睇都覺得好開心, 所以小朋友上堂都好開心, 如果同傳統排排坐聽書比較, 你可能會覺得啟基無discipline, 但我就覺得原來活動教學係可以咁樣, 真係大開眼界, 老師付出好多精力, 小朋友好投入。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-13 00:19 |只看該作者
thank you for sharing!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-19 21:39 |只看該作者
Dear Jenny 1234,
其實,需要視乎小朋友的性格,如果佢性格文靜,都唔會因為受其他人影響而變成百厭,right?啟基d學生比較活潑,好有童真,肯定唔會一舊飯咁坐定定,但都好有discipline,校長時時都提醒他們要有禮貌,早會時,還會教導他們人生道理及畢生受用的金句,例如:「Never give up!」、「適當時候做適當的事情!」、「身在福中要知福」.....,不過如果你要求d小朋友好似大人咁坐定聽書就一定唔適合你啦!d老師上堂都好好心機教書架!聽我個女講,即使堂上有同學攪攪震,老師都只會罰作句,都幾實用呀!好過打手板,罰抄咁無聊。

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 09:25 |只看該作者

I just enrolled this school for my son and can you share how they will conduct the interview with the child.  They had already asked to bring a story book to go.

Parent will attend to the speech delivered by the Principal.  I just don't know whether they will have second interview to the child and the parent.

Secondly, about how many seats will offer in P1, because I can't found information about competition entering this school in internet.  

Thanks to share.

原帖由 wksin 於 08-10-12 22:23 發表

我兩個仔都讀啟基, 大仔較文靜, 細仔比較好動, 我覺得大仔讀左啟基後活左好多, 佢都係斯文, 但個人開朗左, 而細仔一向活躍, 所以有時都比班長 提佢轉堂時要安靜, 我試過觀課, 我覺得佢地上堂好活, 唔會坐定定,  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 19:11 |只看該作者

我只知小一有4班, 每班22-24人, 所以唔會多過100個位。

我個仔IN 既時候, 首先係自己入去, 個次係校長親自IN, 15 mins 之後, 就 in parents. 我同校長傾左差唔多一個鍾。

Principal ask my boy to read the book and ask some common question.

I think the most important is whether parents accept their 教育理念。

[ 本帖最後由 wksin 於 08-10-21 18:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-21 09:21 |只看該作者
Thanks wksin.  Your information is really helpful.

原帖由 wksin 於 08-10-20 19:11 發表

我只知小一有4班, 每班2-24人, 所以唔會多過100個位。

我個仔IN 既時候, 首先係自己入去, 個次係校長親自IN, 15 mins 之後, 就 in parents. 我同校長傾左差唔多一個鍾。

Principal ask my boy to read th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-4 09:55 |只看該作者
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