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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 SMC & WKF 如何選擇?
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SMC & WKF 如何選擇? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-21 13:07 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有冇人可以給我意見SMC & WKF 如何選擇??   那間辦學理念, 校風, 架構較好?  
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Rank: 4


發表於 08-10-21 14:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 Daniellemum 於 08-10-21 13:07 發表
請問有冇人可以給我意見SMC & WKF 如何選擇??   那間辦學理念, 校風, 架構較好?  

有朋友的小朋友讀緊SMC, 讀得很開心,語文能力很好.至於WKF,因為沒有認識的小朋友讀緊,不知如何.但個人曾有不愉快經歷,記得囝囝去年面試時,親眼看見有一位小朋友哭了,但學校的女副校長不但沒有安撫小朋友,反而叫另一位老師:快些把他帶入房,把他們(指小朋友的家長)"打發".用上"打發"這些字眼,個人覺得怎會對小朋友有愛心!所以最後都放棄這間學校.不過這是個人遭遇,不可一概而論,請多看其他家長的意見.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-21 14:43 |只看該作者
Luckymother, 多謝你的意見!   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-21 14:49 |只看該作者
Vote for SMC for the following reasons:

1. Better language standard eg, English
2. More attention & respect on students' needs and parents' concern
3. Better aware of school mission and put it into practice.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-21 15:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 Bilobi 於 08-10-21 14:49 發表
Vote for SMC for the following reasons:

1. Better language standard eg, English
2. More attention & respect on students' needs and parents' concern
3. Better aware of school mission and put it into p ...

I prefer SMC because they consider parents & children feeling. Three interview for WKF is not accepted by me and finally rejected

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-21 18:19 |只看該作者
I think we are the kind. Is it your child has accepted by both school. I got the same case, I choose SMC, even I live in Shatin.
原帖由 Daniellemum 於 08-10-21 13:07 發表
請問有冇人可以給我意見SMC & WKF 如何選擇??   那間辦學理念, 校風, 架構較好?  

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-21 19:00 |只看該作者
Just has accepted by WKF and SMC is waitlist.  I want to learn more details by both school!  Unit to now...I don't how to do??  It's might be go to SMC to 叩門   In principle I like SMC also but ....I don't know what's the chance?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 09:11 |只看該作者
I think both school is good.  The admission procedure of WKF really need improvement but to certain extend, their school mission still attracts me.  We just can't only based on this to judge whether the school is good or not.  SMC is also good with english languague environment but I also noted from other parents their chinese is weaker compared to other DSS school, so, '1 pin do not have 2 sharp points', we have to understand our kid well and see which is the best for them.  Besides, I think we do need to take transportation time in consideration.  Work hard la, all mommies !  Eventually all will get what they desire as all the kid/family are actually in the same pool and there are more than enough seats ( from DSS/Private/International ) for all the kids.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 11:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 aniwong 於 08-10-21 18:19 發表
I think we are the kind. Is it your child has accepted by both school. I got the same case, I choose SMC, even I live in Shatin.

Hi Aniwong,
May I know your reason? I also live in Shatin, WKF is closed & convenience to us, but I feel SMC is better as per parents' comments & feeling during communication for interview. However daddy prefer to take a closer one.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 12:07 |只看該作者
Are you sure the Chinese standard of WKF school is better than SMC’s.

natelie wrote

I think both school is good.  The admission procedure of WKF really need improvement but to certain extend, their school mission still attracts me.  We just can't only based on this to judge whether t ... [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 08-10-22 12:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 12:15 |只看該作者
In term of 'quantity", since all subjects  (except Chinese ) in SMC are taught in English, so, for sure, students expose to English comparately much more than Chinese...In term of 'quality', I really not sure but quantity sometimes do affect quality... this is not just compare with WKF but also compare to other DSS e.g. PuiKiu which as parents we need to consider, so, that's why we should select the one 'best' for our kids but not the one 'best' for other as we know our own kid the most.  Just a friendly reminder, excuse me.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 12:20 |只看該作者
Most (男人)father will select  the closer one. ( for convenience purpose is also correct. ). So, you can list out a table for comparison base on your child & parent's criterias.  
For my major criterias are:-
1. SMC had better English environment suitable for my  girl, but WKF also good English environment.
2. SMC is a happy school with teachers pay more attention on the studients since SMC is only 80~ studients in P.1. ( For my girls, she needs more support by teacher. )
3.  Also, the negative (administration) comments from WKF is more then SMC if you notice all the post.
Thanks !!

原帖由 lenmama 於 08-10-22 11:47 發表

Hi Aniwong,
May I know your reason? I also live in Shatin, WKF is closed & convenience to us, but I feel SMC is better as per parents' comments & feeling during communication for interview. However  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-22 13:14 |只看該作者
Sorry. May I know the full name of SMC?

原帖由 aniwong 於 08-10-22 12:20 發表
Most (男人)father will select  the closer one. ( for convenience purpose is also correct. ). So, you can list out a table for comparison base on your child & parent's criterias.  
For my major criteri ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 13:33 |只看該作者
I opted SMC coz my son is now studying P.1.   So far, it proved the school as well as teachers concern so much on STUDENTS, especially their needs & developments (all-rounded, not only focus on acadmic).

The Eng. standard of student is so proficiency.  Take an example that my son did one exercise throught "web-site" which was a newspaper clipping from SCMP.   My son did it by himself!!!

Moreover, their Putonghua standard is not bad ga~

All in all, I found our decision on picking SMC for our son is GOOD CHOICE.


Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-22 15:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 WD40 於 08-10-22 13:33 發表
I opted SMC coz my son is now studying P.1.   So far, it proved the school as well as teachers concern so much on STUDENTS, especially their needs & developments (all-rounded, not only focus on acadmi ...

Any comment on TT and SMC

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 16:02 |只看該作者
我有今年浸小小二同smc小一既書單, 兩間都係用"現代中國語文漢語拼音版", smc仲多左一d普通話既教科書而浸小係無既, 咁兩間有無額外校本制作既工作紙輔助教學我就唔知勒...

可能, 同傳統學校比, 始終差d都唔定, 但我地係中國人社會, 中文可以自己補吖, 我有好多亦舒既小說, 可以同個囡睇, 再唔係, 可以同老豆睇金庸, d 中文點都唔會太恐怖掛~~~

原帖由 catcatmom 於 08-10-22 12:07 發表
Are you sure the Chinese standard of WKF school is better than SMC’s.

natelie wrote

I think both school is good.  The admission procedure of WKF really need improvement but to certain extend, the ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 17:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 TszYingMama 於 08-10-22 13:14 發表
Sorry. May I know the full name of SMC?
St.Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 17:16 |只看該作者
I have seen Chinese test paper of TSL (very similar to SMC) before, it is not so easy that what I heard from others. I don’t think SMC’s Chinese subject is much lower standard than the other schools especially those new DSS, even thought all subjects are taught by English except Chinese. Needless to say, the students who study in Pui Kiu/ Kiangsu are able to speak Putonghua well for their school background.

原帖由 natelie 於 08-10-22 12:15 發表
In term of 'quantity", since all subjects  (except Chinese ) in SMC are taught in English, so, for sure, students expose to English comparately much more than Chinese...In term of 'quality', I really  ...

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 08-10-22 17:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-23 11:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 aniwong 於 08-10-22 12:20 發表
Most (男人)father will select  the closer one. ( for convenience purpose is also correct. ). So, you can list out a table for comparison base on your child & parent's criterias.  
For my major criteri ...

Hi Aniwong,
I just went for 2nd interview yesterday, Ms Lee said that the schools bus just reach Shatin. I am living in Ma On Shan & my daughter is taking care by grandma daily, it really put me on the list of criterias & concern at all.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-23 12:06 |只看該作者
Hi, lenmama
Is it SMC 2nd interview?
Thanks for your information.
I heard my teacher friend said that her son has made great progress in his English studies in P.1 now and very happy!

原帖由 lenmama 於 08-10-23 11:33 發表

Hi Aniwong,
I just went for 2nd interview yesterday, Ms Lee said that the schools bus just reach Shatin. I am living in Ma On Shan & my daughter is taking care by grandma daily, it really put me on  ...
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