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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBSPD interview today - bad experience
樓主: kaifu

DBSPD interview today - bad experience [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-25 23:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 chunchunmommy 於 08-10-25 22:24 發表
This is exactly what my boy told me.
The sticker is used to identify who has completed the interview. I think different time slot has different colours. My boy has an orange one and I noticed that all ...

I wonder what the boys did inside. My son went in with his shirt tucked in, and when he came out, his shirt was completely out of his pants. So untidy. :-xHe told me he watched TV. Maybe that's for them to wait until the whole group finished?

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-25 23:17 |只看該作者
My son told me that he played LEGO inside. Then some teachers asked him to spot the wrong things in a given picture. He mentioned no questions was asked. Dunno it's true or not.
My son said they watched cartoons after the interview.  
原帖由 ahtan 於 08-10-25 23:12 發表

I wonder what the boys did inside. My son went in with his shirt tucked in, and when he came out, his shirt was completely out of his pants. So untidy. :-xHe told me he watched TV. Maybe that's for  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-25 23:22 |只看該作者
My son got green colour, his interview time was 9:00 a.m. 24/Oct

原帖由 snoopy888 於 08-10-25 16:09 發表
I wonder did every child got a sticker after the interview.  I saw many boys got a blue one, is there any different colour than that.  pls share.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-25 23:59 |只看該作者

原帖由 nscwong 於 08-10-25 00:26 發表
I don't think the school is too popular to give a shit about you feel.  If you don't like it, you may leave.  As simple as that.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-26 01:09 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

上到禮堂交表,嘩!好有系统咁喎!咦?同尋日唔同既?(因為本人臨尾先發現忘記帶支票,所以白等了一小時 )都好D,有咁多行收表,點都快D嘅,起碼唔駛呢個班房轉嗰個班房吖,我唸收表收得最浪費時間同騎呢都算係呢間,我咁講係有原因架,負責收我表既女老師,外表好成熟,咦,靠得住喎!但係點解你乜都要問隔離果位咁年青可為既男老師既?!你唔係應該要知道收乜資料架咩!!嘩!你代課咋嘛?男拔有你呢種矇查查既老師,點搞呀??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 01:21 |只看該作者
My son got a blue stricker which means he has finished questions. He is so happy because he can play LEGO with the other boys. They saw a Disney cartoon inside the big classroom. The teacher hasn't asked a lot of questions, but the teacher knows him everything(????)
They can read book or draw a picture.

It is a good experience that he can go with strangers for more than hour.  

原帖由 chunchunmommy 於 08-10-25 23:17 發表
My son told me that he played LEGO inside. Then some teachers asked him to spot the wrong things in a given picture. He mentioned no questions was asked. Dunno it's true or not.
My son said they watch ...

[ 本帖最後由 JustinJustin 於 08-10-29 10:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 14:02 |只看該作者
我囝囝昨日去interview, 作為大人體驗什麼叫店大欺客, 冷血無情尼d詞語.....

對待家長的方式不用我說, 好多人已經回應了, 是為店大欺客, 但我個人更覺得佢地係冷血無情.... 眼見自己小朋友開心的回到身邊, 一路問返interview d 野, 突然見到佢白t-shirt上有好多啡色一噠噠野, 以為佢玩得太開心整污嘈左, 點知佢話係lau nose 血, 佢之後仲話係一個wear 黃色衫既肥仔一拳打埋佢個nose 到... 囝囝話冇老師見到, 咁我問老師有冇理佢安慰佢, 佢話冇, 咁我問你d血邊個同你清理, 佢話老師剩係等佢自己去洗乾淨成手血同清理自己, 我問咁有冇理你, 佢話冇.... 其實我唔係好明當時係點, 佢話老師有同佢去 洗手, 不過又冇理佢, 我諗可能佢覺得老師只係同佢去, 不過冇問佢有冇事, 冇乜take care 佢, 佢先話老師冇理佢.... 但係, 佢話同老師講有人打佢, 不過冇理到, 尼下我覺得有冇搞錯.... 之後又完全冇同家長講返件事係點.... 就算唔係好嚴重, 都應該打個電話通知家長卦... 要等我行左落山先知佢係因為比人打先流血 (因為好偶然佢會流nose 血ga), 如果早知道, 我諗我會捉住老師問點解冇人理.....

佢ma ma 聽到我咁講, 直情慶到話就算收左佢, 都唔好去讀.... 唉... 雖然有一剎那我都咁諗, 不過收到先算la, 雖然囝囝已經有二間好好既學校收左 (名氣雖然冇咁大, 爰心絕對比dbs好, 家長feeling 非常好, 若果唔係dbs 名氣大, 都唔會報, 不過而家都會重新考慮), 講得好矛盾, 請原諒, 不過我諗bk mami 好多而家都係咁矛盾....

不過就真係好唔開心, 亦唔放心將自己個囝交比咁既學校讀書, 但若果佢收囝囝, 又好矛盾好冇放棄.... 而家真心想佢冇2nd in, 唔洗煩.....唉.... 真係犯賤.....

講完, c服晒!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-26 22:27 |只看該作者

原帖由 Happywoo 於 08-10-26 14:02 發表
我囝囝昨日去interview, 作為大人體驗什麼叫店大欺客, 冷血無情尼d詞語.....

對待家長的方式不用我說, 好多人已經回應了, 是為店大欺客, 但我個人更覺得佢地係冷血無情.... 眼見自己小朋友開心的回到身邊, 一路問返 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-26 22:42 |只看該作者
店大欺客 - 非常貼切:loveliness:

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-26 23:36 |只看該作者
點解會咁架? 睇完個心有些唔舒服.
原帖由 Happywoo 於 08-10-26 14:02 發表
我囝囝昨日去interview, 作為大人體驗什麼叫店大欺客, 冷血無情尼d詞語.....

對待家長的方式不用我說, 好多人已經回應了, 是為店大欺客, 但我個人更覺得佢地係冷血無情.... 眼見自己小朋友開心的回到身邊, 一路問返 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-26 23:41 |只看該作者
我阿仔的經歷比你們的好得多, 因為佢係細仔, 去完廁所不能將恤衫妥善sit番入條褲內, 但有一位男仕幫他"憂"褲, 真的唔該.

原帖由 potatoiris 於 08-10-26 22:42 發表
店大欺客 - 非常貼切:loveliness:

[ 本帖最後由 lemonred 於 08-10-26 23:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-26 23:59 |只看該作者
My elder boy also applied for the school couple of years ago but didn't perform good enough to be  admitted. I'm also planning to apply this school for my younger boy next year. This is a very good school indeed. But it's a pity that there are really too many applicants. It's quite difficult to handle such large group of young applicants for interviews within limited time frame. I recalled that I just went down the hill for an afternoon tea at New Century Plaza and went back to pick up my son at the time that the school informed me earlier. The process was pretty close to the planned schedule without much discrepancy in terms of timing. I didn't have to wait a long time outside.  But I think it's a bit odd that they can't offer toilet facilities for the parents visitors.  If it's the first year they conduct such a large-scale interview, I think it's fine, but not an excuse anymore for having it so many years already.  
Regarding the case of Happywoo, my personal opinion is that the large number applicants couldn't allow the teachers to handle the kids with such good care like in kindergarten.  My experience is that once your kid goes to primary school, unless it's found to be a very serious fight that results in injury that irritates the kid a lot, teachers usually won't really call the parents immediately.  In schools, especially in junior grades, real fight does not happen.  The injuries are mostly caused by boys getting too excited.  Also, when the boys get together, some sort of "body contacts" are unavoidable.  If your boy could overcome this and "forgive" the other kid who punched on him, I think you would better praise him for forgiving others easily. Don't you think so?

原帖由 Happywoo 於 08-10-26 14:02 發表
我囝囝昨日去interview, 作為大人體驗什麼叫店大欺客, 冷血無情尼d詞語.....

對待家長的方式不用我說, 好多人已經回應了, 是為店大欺客, 但我個人更覺得佢地係冷血無情.... 眼見自己小朋友開心的回到身邊, 一路問返 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-27 01:25 |只看該作者

很多人, 但安排尚算OK, 樓下排完上樓有兩間課室等, 教職員及校工都好有禮貌, ...由於忘記帶身分證影印本, 要上一層校務處影印, 途中有幾個班房, 很奇怪, 當中有兩三個課室, 門口同時都好像站立著兩三名小學生, 及一位老師, 情景就好像老師正在責備學生似的, 由於趕時間, 沒有再留意... 如果無睇錯, 點解好像同時有三班同學都被罸企在課室門外, 受到老師的責備????

在小朋友排隊登記面試前, 老師說可以先帶小朋友去洗手間, 但是, 媽媽則唔淮倍同小朋友如廁,校工說這裡是男廁, 所以改由爸爸帶, 當然順便自己都可以去方便... 但是男校內究竟有無女廁? 若是老師廁所, 會否公開使用???

整體上沒有太不愉快經驗, 可能放榜後知道落選, 就會覺得不愉快....


原帖由 ratafan 於 08-10-26 23:59 發表
My elder boy also applied for the school couple of years ago but didn't perform good enough to be  admitted. I'm also planning to apply this school for my younger boy next year. This is a very good sc ...

[ 本帖最後由 俊賢 於 08-10-27 01:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-27 08:55 |只看該作者
經你這麼一說, 我的感覺比較好一點.... 其實我也知道小學與幼稚園會有分別, 不過當你見到自己的囝囝整件衫都是血, 又沒有人解釋, 真的會很嬲, 我亦知道小朋友有磨擦是少不免, 也未想過要追究什麼, 不怪那小孩, 不過, 我覺得學校既然見到整件衫都是血, 是否亦應告知家長一聲?

只是, 我見其他小學十分體諒, 有間學校的副校長親自打電話給我老公, 為的是覺得我們住得太遠 (學校在hk side, 我們住新界西), 怕收了我們小朋友十分辛苦, 知道我們會搬家, 就很高興的收了我的孩子, 還要我致電給她找不到她時, 她亦致電幾次給我, 要親自回覆我才作罷.... 可能這才是我期望的小學.....

但興幸的是, 囝囝雖然有此不愉快之事, 他還是很喜歡dbs (其實應該說冇一間小學仔是不喜歡的, hoho), 也不怪那個小朋友, 只是話佢用左好大力打, 好痛, 不過佢就冇還手 (一額汗), 行得遠遠.... 尼一刻我覺得佢又大左 (因為佢曾經令表哥塊面lau 下 疤痕, 只是因為表哥搶佢玩具玩)....

原帖由 ratafan 於 08-10-26 23:59 發表
My elder boy also applied for the school couple of years ago but didn't perform good enough to be  admitted. I'm also planning to apply this school for my younger boy next year. This is a very good sc ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-27 11:48 |只看該作者
Let's be a little bit fair about this school during the application process because based on my observation, the delay was mainly caused by some parents who forgot to photocopy their transcript.  The teachers had to stop and wait for the parents to make photocopies.

During the interview ........... hehe....other parents already said here.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-27 11:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 Happywoo 於 08-10-27 08:55 發表
只是, 我見其他小學十分體諒, 有間學校的副校長親自打電話給我老公, 為的是覺得我們住得太遠 (學校在hk side, 我們住新界西), 怕收了我們小朋友十分辛苦, 知道我們會搬家, 就很高興的收了我的孩子, 還要我致電給她找不到她時, 她亦致電幾次給我, 要親自回覆我才作罷.... 可能這才是我期望的小學.....

每年那些頗具名氣的直資學校都遇到取錄生最後唔讀,waitlist 後補補上,跟住更有連後補也withdrawl的case,多不勝數! 記得幾年前聽港島一不錯的直資学校briefing,校長很誠懇,請正選生家長一收到心目中的1st choice通知信,就請盡快通知他們放棄學位,待後補補上.好多時co-ed,dbs一收,d家長多數會放棄那些用呢做保險的學校.
你說此校副校長,也希望make sure 收了那些真正想入的.  而公關手法也很好.
不過其實揀學校,除了interview果日的經驗外,我諗去下學校既open day,會了解多少少那間學校的學習氣氛,是否自已喜歡. 一間有幾百人報的學校,在各方面的安排都比一間有二千人報的容易,flexiblity也高很多.而要爭客關係,門面功夫亦多較優勝.但實際給學生的教育如何?要了解多一些才可下定論.

[ 本帖最後由 eemay 於 08-10-27 12:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-27 15:55 |只看該作者

Weekend 看到你的 sharing, 心有點唔舒服, 你囝囝冇事嘛? 小朋友被推撞至流血, 我覺得並唔係小事, 雖未必要追究責任或誰是"曳仔", 但既然老師知道, 理應通知父母呀。

From your sharing, can feel that you're a very gentle & reasonable parent, 可喜的是, 你的小朋友 EQ 好,家教好, 是父母的功勞啊! 有着心地善良的小天使, 是最大福氣呀! 比入到"名校"更可貴呢!

雖然我的小朋友在 interview 當日未有發生不愉快事件, 但老实講, 此校的安排及對家長的基本尊重, 实在有大大的 room for improvement!! 至少, 不要把馬路當作 waiting area, 可以嗎?

Three cheers for you & your little prince!!

原帖由 Happywoo 於 08-10-27 08:55 發表
經你這麼一說, 我的感覺比較好一點.... 其實我也知道小學與幼稚園會有分別, 不過當你見到自己的囝囝整件衫都是血, 又沒有人解釋, 真的會很嬲, 我亦知道小朋友有磨擦是少不免, 也未想過要追究什麼, 不怪那小孩, 不過, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-27 15:59 |只看該作者
Some parents told me that kids watching Disney's cartoon is kind of 'washing brain'.  I think at least the kids are having fun there, not like DGJS asking few questions and leave.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 08-10-27 16:05 |只看該作者
If my son didn't read the books at the waiting room, it means my son has failed the interview?

Any existing parents can share?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-27 16:17 |只看該作者
My son didn't.

He told that he kept writing Chinese characters on a piece of paper instead!

原帖由 eva007 於 08-10-27 16:05 發表
If my son didn't read the books at the waiting room, it means my son has failed the interview?

Any existing parents can share?
:-D :-D :-D :-D
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