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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St Paul Boys 及 聖類斯小學 程度相差幾遠呢? ...
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St Paul Boys 及 聖類斯小學 程度相差幾遠呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-28 14:34 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
如果2間學校相比, 聖類斯有哪些不足的地方呢? 英文程度哪一間較深呢?  請分享!
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-28 15:31 |只看該作者
我唔知St. Louis, 但St. Paul's Boy 一D都唔淺囉!


原帖由 mymelody2003 於 08-10-28 14:34 發表
如果2間學校相比, 聖類斯有哪些不足的地方呢? 英文程度哪一間較深呢?  請分享!

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-28 16:26 |只看該作者
可唔可以講吓St Paul 英文有幾深,等我有個心理準備?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-29 12:41 |只看該作者
Primary one 1st Term Test

1) Fill in the blank : Who, Which, What, How.....

2) 考preposition, 但有幅圖 - 比 (table / ball)
但要 Complete sentence and use the suitable words:
Ans : The ball is under the table.

3) Fill in "a", "an" & "X"

4) Show you a picture and words - Fill in the suitable words

5) He, his, She, her, I, my......

二份papers : 6 pages & 8 pages, F4 size papers, 各供35 min.

好難依時完成, 又要快, 又要準, 都幾有難度! 文中也有好多生字!


原帖由 BMW70 於 08-10-28 16:26 發表
可唔可以講吓St Paul 英文有幾深,等我有個心理準備?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-29 13:53 |只看該作者
Yes, I completely agree with TTJTT mama that the English level required by the SPC boy is quite high.  My son is 5.5 years old and just got 14 shields in the starters cambridge test held in Sept this year.  I thought his English was not bad.  However, he only got 81 & 82 marks for his English Comprehension and Composition Assessments for the first term exam.  He was unable to complete the test paper.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-29 15:34 |只看該作者
Hi Picnic03,

你小朋友讀邊班?  同班D同學係咪有好多都做唔晒? 深淺一件事, 但35min 真係好難completed 8張papers, 攪到做漏而無分, 真係唔抵! 想向學校反影!


原帖由 picnic03 於 08-10-29 13:53 發表
Yes, I completely agree with TTJTT mama that the English level required by the SPC boy is quite high.  My son is 5.5 years old and just got 14 shields in the starters cambridge test held in Sept this  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-29 16:38 |只看該作者
原帖由 picnic03 於 08-10-29 13:53 發表
Yes, I completely agree with TTJTT mama that the English level required by the SPC boy is quite high.  My son is 5.5 years old and just got 14 shields in the starters cambridge test held in Sept this  ...


Your son is 5.5 years old NOW???  The minimum age to get into P.1 is 5 years and 8 months woh ...   How could this be?

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-30 08:41 |只看該作者
多謝各位媽媽/爸爸的回應,咁應該點預備咁深嘅考試? 一年級都咁深,咁一般學生係唔係都係八十幾分已經係top架啦?!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 09:28 |只看該作者
我諗st paul boys程度應該比普通小學高"半級"以上, 聽聞普通話都幾深架


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 09:46 |只看該作者
路過, 多口問下, 想讀st. paul boy's 既係咪都係諗住原校升上中學, 唔會報其他學校?

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-10-30 10:13 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

As far as I can recall, the boy ranked 1st last year in P.1 had average score >95. and boys in top 10 places in class scored  > 90.

Correct me if my information is wrong.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 11:19 |只看該作者
Hi LittleKidult,

兩睇啦!  現在升中可以同時簡兩間中學, = 多一個chance, 有實力可以博倒間官或津中潻!


原帖由 LittleKidult 於 08-10-30 09:46 發表
路過, 多口問下, 想讀st. paul boy's 既係咪都係諗住原校升上中學, 唔會報其他學校?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 11:32 |只看該作者
有個家長話同一班 P1.學生有個攞 100分, 有個19分, 所以我也半信半疑!兩個分都極難攞!


原帖由 BMW70 於 08-10-30 08:41 發表
多謝各位媽媽/爸爸的回應,咁應該點預備咁深嘅考試? 一年級都咁深,咁一般學生係唔係都係八十幾分已經係top架啦?!

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-30 11:32 |只看該作者

Top 10 係全級定全班?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 11:47 |只看該作者
我點解咁問呢? 因為聽個親人講, 佢前幾日同個今年升中既小學家長傾開, 個小朋友讀既直資係有中學部既, 家長話想同個小朋友報另一間名校(同名但唔係剩男校果間), 學校方面話唔會寫推薦信比佢, 基本上只有移民先會批推薦信, 另外話學校將呢幾次張d考試測驗卷set到好深, 基本上冇人攞A, 只有部份B, 其餘大部份係C.....
原帖由 TTJTMaMa 於 08-10-30 11:19 發表
Hi LittleKidult,

兩睇啦!  現在升中可以同時簡兩間中學, = 多一個chance, 有實力可以博倒間官或津中潻!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 11:59 |只看該作者
Yes, the top 30% SPCPS P1 students usually score an average around 90 but the passing mark is still 60.   Don't give too much pressure to the kids because a balance school life is more important than high marks.  Boys are more energetic but shy in sitting still to study.  So a balance daily schedule will help them to grow in not only health but also academic strength.

From my experience, scoring high mark is not everything, the school does not ask for just that.  If you trust her words, she wants the development of a whole person.  My boy is now in P6, the school still encourages ECA and P6 students are still engaging in many inter-school events.  Yesterday, I even needed to write a letter to a teacher in giving reason why my kid did not attend one particular session of an ECA, and funny enough, the reason was that he clashed his schedule due to an inter-school match.  And I am fine with that.  This is why St. Paul's is a very good school for my boy, she offers a balance development for him without the pain to battle for good banding.

In saying so, the school does ask for a reasonable academic strength because most of the boys will go to the secondary school.   However, the selection criteria does show that the school has strong confident in her students.  The top criteria of going to the secondary session is good conduct and a good pass in P6 as the second criteria.  In my understanding, a good pass is around 70 in average with no fail in major subjects.

I trust St. Louis School also has all the benefits as St. Paul's because Salesians of Don Bosco, who are running the school, is an order having delicated so much in bringing up many fine young men for HK.  I still deeply appreciate my time in her evening school.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 08-10-30 12:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-30 12:12 |只看該作者
I think the boys in SSPC who get average over 90 are really very smart.  An average kid like my son would not be able to survive in SSPC.  However, is the standard of St. Louis or Raimondi College similar?  I am afraid that I would choose a wrong school for my boys when every subject is too difficult for him and he'll lose self-confidence (This is the case of my friend's kids). If I choose some other school, I am afraid that the standard is not high enough to cope with the EMI secondary school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 12:19 |只看該作者
PTH - Kindergarten時有根底就唔覺深, 因為要考四聲筆試的.

名次來說不重要, 因為只反影在校內的排位!

壓力? 我就覺得一定要比小朋友自己去感受吓, 這樣才會成長, 做事認真, 有要求, 才有進步!


原帖由 BMW70 於 08-10-30 11:32 發表

Top 10 係全級定全班?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-30 12:25 |只看該作者
Hi LittleKidult,

There are still As from the recent P6 test.   The Principal has given good rationales in not giving recomendation letter in a P5/6 briefing, I trust it is the same briefing as mentioned by you.   

Yes, students are not encouraged to move to other schools and I trust this is a position, which can be understandable, in the very beginning.  Also most of the kids I know do express wishes to go to SPC.  Brotherhood is another important side benefit and changing school will jeopardize this benefit.

If a child can score As in SPCPS, of course he can try many good schools even without a recommendation letter.    Most of the discussion is worry towards SPC's standard.  As most likely, my boy is going to this school in next Sept, I follow the development of the SPC quite closely in the recent years.  I am ok with the school especially with the new principal and their preparation for the new NSS.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-30 12:48 |只看該作者
Hi hogwwarts.

Thanks so much for your sharing. My son has atended SPC's second interveiw and we have quite a good impression towards the school. But as SPC doesn't organize any P1 admission talks so we can just hear around for the comments of SPC.

To me, I trust that SPC PS is a very good school at this stage as it's a DSS, having autonomy to choose bright students and plan its curriculum. However, from history, SPC (secondary) may not be that "outstanding" in academic achievement though it has a "brandname".

I get into a dilenma whether or not to enrol (if really offered), as my son is also having a chance for 2nd interview with YW. I like both PS indeed, jsut wonder how well the through- train secondary schools are.

Any ideas? Thanks so much.

原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-10-30 12:25 發表
Hi LittleKidult,

There are still As from the recent P6 test.   The Principal has given good rationales in not giving recomendation letter in a P5/6 briefing, I trust it is the same briefing as mentio ...

[ 本帖最後由 Bilobi 於 08-10-30 12:52 編輯 ]
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