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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 ...
樓主: anniehong0918

滬江維多利亞學校(小學)﹐想聽一下大家的意見 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-31 23:58 |只看該作者
我報左幾間私校, 還有DSS...
已有心理準備, 若果全部fail, 寧願大抽獎.

原帖由 theresayeung 於 08-10-31 23:45 發表
Dear bobodad,

Then, have you appled for other DSS schools for your child?  I have paid $3500 deposit to VSA but have decided not to let my daughter study there la!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-1 00:02 |只看該作者
八卦一問, 是否CIS呢?


原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-10-31 16:44 發表
I agree that Victoria Kin is not bad but the academic of VSA is not good compared with top local schools.

唔覺得佢比其他幼稚園同學差 - My kid is studying K3.  Now he can read Oxford Reading Tree lev ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-1 12:43 |只看該作者

Please check pm.

原帖由 anniehong0918 於 08-10-31 21:13 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-1 14:47 |只看該作者
Not so - out of all 683 Victoria kids last year, only 12 were accepted by CKY & 11 by HKUGA.

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-10-31 16:18 發表

I agree that CKY, HKUGA & Victoria的教學模式相似, so they accept more kids from Victoria Kin.  But other schools......

英華&小拔 - except 執死雞, we shall also consider the parents are ol ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-1 15:58 |只看該作者
But 11 is around 10% out of all HKUGA P1 admission. I dunno about CKY but according to his website, only 83 students got 2nd interview this year, so it is going to be at least more than 10% of all CKY P1 admission.

Therefore, 12 by CKY and 11 by HKUGA are still significant numbers.

原帖由 mow-mow 於 08-11-1 14:47 發表
Not so - out of all 683 Victoria kids last year, only 12 were accepted by CKY & 11 by HKUGA.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-1 16:57 |只看該作者
唔計今年新開的維記, 去年(07-08年)只有何文田屬九龍區, 其他維記都是在港島區. 而蔡繼有在長沙灣及天后的校舍只屬臨時性質, 09年會搬去新落成的校舍 (前羅富國校址, 近前耀中, 近大埔道馬騮山), 相信地區係其中一個因素, 係沒有人去報名, 還是CKY沒有收, ?????

去年, 單就Victoria(HMT) am + pm, 約5班共115人, 其中一人移民, 即有114人, 11名何文田學生考到蔡繼有, 有9.6%考到.

而蔡繼有共5班不多於30人, Max.150個位, 約7.3%分配給Victoria(HMT)的學生.

我認為算是不俗, 不知道大家有沒有其他幼稚園的升小資料可供比較?

原帖由 mow-mow 於 08-11-1 14:47 發表
Not so - out of all 683 Victoria kids last year, only 12 were accepted by CKY & 11 by HKUGA.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-1 17:27 |只看該作者
我個人認為, St Cat, KV在九龍區最大賣點係歷史悠久, 而且有些"F" Playgroup以此作招徠, 大肆宣傳, 只要你讀她們的Playgroup, 就有機會考到 St Cat, KV, 之後就好大機會考到CCKG而進入舊小拔及傳統小學, 因為程度比人深, 傳統小學一般都樂意收St Cat, KV的學生. 但是, 這並不代表St Cat, KV中最好的三成(30%)學生的英文及普通話會好過維記.

KV強項係中文及數學, 而St Cat則強於英文, 但我認識的朋友當中, St Cat都要出外補英文,  KV都要出外補數學. 而比較外籍英語老師的教學時間及師生比例, 我相信維記有絕對優勢.

我曾經在某些場合, 向副校長質疑維記程度會否比人低而不能接上傳統小學, 她說她們採用的方法不同, 要求學生愉快學習, 訓練主動探索及思考, 從生活環境學習這些字(包括中英)及相關的意義, 不是要抄寫強記, 所以, 功課量不需太多,

... 是實上, 幼稚園的學生可以用英語流利地面向全班show & tell 自己的 project; 睇DVD movies要求聽英語, 可以明白及覆述劇情及內容; 沒有上過訓練班但可以自己跟CD學普通話古詩獨誦及以英語獨誦英詩, 參加北大比賽而沒有怯場; 在街上遇到外籍人士可以隨便交談, ...

我認為維多利亞的學生所訓練到的係深度, 不是表面能量化的.

原帖由 cwb 於 08-10-31 02:01 發表

但從客觀睇,維記的小朋友英文及普通話比一般好,當然比St Cat, KV中最好的三成(30%)學生差;因為佢地有成千幾個畢業生,一定有好多入名校,至於維記又未到好差。
可能考小學,要 ......

[ 本帖最後由 俊賢 於 08-11-2 23:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-1 17:46 |只看該作者
我相信俊賢對維記應該有點"偏好"-----記憶中你的小朋友不是在維記讀書的, 對嗎?

在我而言, 因為女兒一直在維記諗書, 所以感受更加深, 對於同學間的情況亦頗清楚-----但要強調, 我絕對唔係"憎"維記, 只係想講講它的學術課程&親身感受...

1) St Cat都要出外補英文,  KV都要出外補數學--------- 維記的學生都係一樣. 我女都有另外補英文, 普通話, 數學等等. 其他同學都大致一樣..

2)至於---"是實上, 幼稚園的學生可以用英語流利地面向全班show & tell 自己的 project; 睇DVD movies要求聽英語, 可以明白及覆述劇情及內容; 沒有上過訓練班但可以自己跟CD學普通話古詩獨誦及以英語獨誦英詩, 參加北大比賽而沒有歉場; 在街上遇到外籍人士可以隨便交談, ... "

WOW....  似乎你遇上了最TOP的維小學生!?  
以我自己的女兒和所熟悉的同學仔而言, 只有

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-1 17:49 |只看該作者
女兒的一位同學, 在面試期間, 連簡單的普通話對答也不行-----你喜歡什麼顏色/食物? etc
因為她的父母都不懂普通話, 也沒有讓她上普通話班.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-1 21:08 |只看該作者
Academic : my kid also 補英文(Komun), 普通話(Komun), will be 補數學(enopi).

For my kid:
1. 用英語流利地面向全班show & tell 自己的 project - ok

2. 睇DVD movies要求聽英文 - yes, because his english is better than chinese.  Both listening and reading.

3. 可以明白及覆述劇情及內容 - ok

4. 沒有上過訓練班但可以自己跟CD學普通話古詩獨誦 - he can't

5. 以英語獨誦英詩, 參加北大比賽而沒有歉場 - never try.

6. 在街上遇到外籍人士可以隨便交談 - absolute no problem.

But my boy was studying in Victoria Kin morning session and another international kin afternoon session last year.  So I think that most of his english skills are learned from international kin instead of Victoria.

原帖由 bobodad 於 08-11-1 17:46 發表
我相信俊賢對維記應該有點"偏好"-----記憶中你的小朋友不是在維記讀書的, 對嗎?

在我而言, 因為女兒一直在維記諗書, 所以感受更加深, 對於同學間的情況亦頗清楚-----但要強調, 我絕對唔係"憎"維記, 只係想講講它的 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-1 21:20 |只看該作者
連簡單的普通話對答也不行-----你喜歡什麼顏色/食物? etc 因為她的父母都不懂普通話, 也沒有讓她上普通話班 - my case was similar.My boy was studying Eng/Cantonese class from PN to K2.  Before K3, he only joined PTH playgroup during long vacation.  So his PTH was poor.  He joined Komun Chi few months ago.  His PTH is improving.

原帖由 bobodad 於 08-11-1 17:49 發表
女兒的一位同學, 在面試期間, 連簡單的普通話對答也不行-----你喜歡什麼顏色/食物? etc
因為她的父母都不懂普通話, 也沒有讓她上普通話班. ...

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-11-1 21:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-1 22:35 |只看該作者
For me, my two kids do not have tutoring for academic subjects, i.e. not for English/phonics, Putonghua, maths.  They learn them all at school already.  I am content with their level, given that my elder son (now P.1) can read Magic Tree House series chapter books since he was in K3 second term, his putongua is praised by his teachers now and he has no difficulty transiting to a primary which teaches Chinese and other subjects in Putonghua.

Parents I know also have not given tutoring classes for their kids (chin, eng, maths).

That's why we have extra time for other fun activities - drama, art, ball games.

i believe it all depends on the expectation of the parents - to push or to pull.

I believe I am the pull type - let the child have interest in learning, to be self-motivated.  

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-11-1 21:08 發表
Academic : my kid also 補英文(Komun), 普通話(Komun), will be 補數學(enopi).

For my kid:
1. 用英語流利地面向全班show & tell 自己的 project - ok

2. 睇DVD movies要求聽英文 - yes, because his english is ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-2 12:02 |只看該作者
其Victoria 幼稚園都唔係周圍冇人收。

以我自己個仔為例, 當年有港大同學會, 赤柱聖士提反, 聖保羅書院及高主教取錄。

最后我選了聖保羅書院,而我個仔亦一直保持全級top 5. 但係唔係名校就教得特別好呢? 我可以肯定地話你知唔係。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-4 00:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 俊賢 於 08-11-1 17:27 發表
是實上, 幼稚園的學生可以用英語流利地面向全班show & tell 自己的 project; 睇DVD movies要求聽英語,可以明白及覆述劇情及內容; 沒有上過訓練班但可以自己跟CD學普通話古詩獨誦及以英語獨誦英詩, 參加北大比賽而沒有怯場;在街上遇到外籍人士可以隨便交談, ...

我認為維多利亞的學生所訓練到的係深度, 不是表面能量化的.

我絕對認同俊賢的講法: 維多利亞的學生所訓練到的係深度, 不是表面能量化的

我兩個仔都係維小讀, 佢地雖然不算得上係可以說出流利英語/國語. 但佢地在reading & listening 方面是很出色的, 同埋佢地學習的attitude 很好, 有自信, 勇於嘗試...etc

維小老師係跟小朋友的程度去教, 真正的"教好"學生. 慢功出細火, 陪養學習興趣和技考, 多過只注重灌輸知識. 我個人就喜歡這個教學方法. :loveliness:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-4 13:32 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

they have one thing which is very different from local school,but similar to international school at the back of it: english teacher is the "main teacher" and teaches all subject except Chinese. there is adv and disadv. of this system.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-4 21:37 |只看該作者
Parents give academic tutoring classes for their kids doesn't mean that they won't give other fun activities for their kids.  Except academic tutoring classes, my kid attends several fun activites and he still has a lot of free time to play.

When you compare the students from VSA and top international schools or elite local schools, you can find the differences.

原帖由 qqzzma 於 08-11-1 22:35 發表
For me, my two kids do not have tutoring for academic subjects, i.e. not for English/phonics, Putonghua, maths.  They learn them all at school already.  I am content with their level, given that my el ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 10:10 |只看該作者
It is not easy to compare students from VSA, international schools and elite local schools since they are not offered the same curriculum.  For example, the use of different languages as the teaching medium is different.

VSA: 50% English and 50% Chinese (PTH);
International schools: Over 80% English and less than 20% Chinese (the majority);
Elite local schools: the ratio varies but Chinese normally accounts for more than 50%.

Therefore, VSA students are not as good as those from international schools in their English language.  At the same time, they are not as good as those from local schools in their Chinese language.  That is the advantage and disadvantage of VSA.  Whether it is good or not is a matter of choice.  Direct comparison is like comparing apple with orange.

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-11-4 21:37 發表
Parents give academic tutoring classes for their kids doesn't mean that they won't give other fun activities for their kids.  Except academic tutoring classes, my kid attends several fun activites and ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-5 12:47 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi cherubic, I agree with what you say,
VSA is some how inbetween local and intenational, there is dis. and adv.

but maybe this is why they still have "fans".

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 13:01 |只看該作者
Hi mattsmum,

A student, in whatever school, has only 24 hours a day.  That is fair.  If a student spends 80% on English language, obviously it is done at the expense of Chinese language.  If his parent perfers one language to others, this is fine (that is his choice).

VSA is somewhat in between (50%:50% type).  However, learning language will not be stopped after leaving school.  It is a life-learning exercise.  The clue is whether you know how to learn.  May be this is one of the reasons why VSA has fans.

原帖由 mattsmum 於 08-11-5 12:47 發表
Hi cherubic, I agree with what you say,
VSA is some how inbetween local and intenational, there is dis. and adv.

but maybe this is why they still have "fans".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 13:09 |只看該作者
今 日 滬 江 維 多 利 亞 學 校 打 電 話 來 話 取 錄 左 仔 仔 ﹐ 但 係 話 要 比 成 HK$17700"保 證 金 "﹐ 請 問 有 無 家 長 已 經 交 左 啦 ?唔 明 點 解 要 交 甘 多 。 。 。
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