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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 :) 07-08 K1C (Kent Rd) 家長 Part II 繼續傾 (:
樓主: chingchingb.ma

:) 07-08 K1C (Kent Rd) 家長 Part II 繼續傾 (: [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 09:52 |只看該作者
Hi, 各位!好多日無上網,但係你地都已經訊息萬變,果然厲害!

Joslau,恭喜你呀! 希望小baby健健康康、快快樂樂!你都要好好調養身體,快D上黎BK同我地再傾過!第時我地再出來,可以同你個小公主一起出來玩!

唉!  我呢排比個新工人攪得頭都大埋,呢個印印英文識兩成,中文識三成,我地都無法同佢溝通到,下下都貼身跟住佢,然後又做動作,又講單字,又畫埋圖畫,所有身體語言都出哂黎,都係得個吉,佢黎左一個星期,我同老公都投哂降, 還要叫之前個全日鐘點繼續係屋企做黎教佢(唔係教佢,係幫佢做!),真係死得!我地而家決定再請另一個,所以苦不堪連的日子睇怕仲要繼續苦落去到年尾啦!今年真係流年不利!

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 11:21 |只看該作者
咁個agent都有問題喎, 中英文都唔識仲介紹俾客, 又浪費金錢又浪費時間, 希望你下個會搵到好工人喇。

原帖由 boygirl 於 08-11-4 09:52 發表
Hi, 各位!好多日無上網,但係你地都已經訊息萬變,果然厲害!

Joslau,恭喜你呀! 希望小baby健健康康、快快樂樂!你都要好好調養身體,快D上黎BK同我地再傾過!第時我地再出來,可以同你個小公主一起出來玩!

唉! ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-4 20:47 |只看該作者


原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-4 00:32 發表
chingchingb ma

tks a lot, i will have a look on next sat la
u are really a super mama, all the quest can know and also help me to find the ans...........tks u again

ngo mum

發表於 08-11-4 22:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-4 22:13 |只看該作者
Don't be upset. Katrina went to 2 interviews last week. The first one is her own school (need to attend interview for upper nursery). She was scrared also, in her own school! A place where she goes everyday! Of course she didn't speak a word. SO embarassing!. In the second interview, the teacher was so patient that that Katrina managed to speak 5 words! Better than none, I told myself. But I don't think she will talk to KV teacher this Sat. I took annual leave to bring Katrina to KV to pick up Jeffrey after class, hope she will not be so scared. Hei Hei reaction was the same as Katrina first interview last month, she avoided (actually push back)teacher when the teacher touched her.Although Hei Hei did not talk to teacher but did she  answer teacher's question, I mean by nodding her head, use finger to point to the right answer etc. ? Relax, (include me) and good luck to us.

原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-3 23:11 發表
Dear all

i'm so sad ah, Hei interviewed on last sat but she hasnt ans teacher. 1st time, i told teacher that she maybe felt hungry and teacher let us went out to eat something & came back.  teacher i ...

發表於 08-11-4 22:31 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-11-4 22:35 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 23:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 chingchingb.ma 於 08-11-4 00:37 發表
可以傾呀 ,你有冇我咁好耐力先?

ha.....when i send out the message, no quick response so i log off.  But if i see your response, i think i will also

But miss you all really

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 23:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-4 00:51 發表
icic, i came home early at 9:30pm today but still cant see them. they are sleeping - hei has fever today, so poor

ngo mum
so most of the time you can't chat/play with them after work ?  poor!
I come back home average 8pm so there still some time for me to chat with them.
anyway, cheers up .

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-4 23:57 |只看該作者
Never mind la.

我見好難得有4個媽咪on line,先玩咗咁耐,好似msn咁。

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-4 23:45 發表

ha.....when i send out the message, no quick response so i log off.  But if i see your response, i think i will also

But miss you all really

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 23:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 v.lo 於 08-11-4 00:52 發表
Josephine has just started the phonics class at YMCA.  I enroled this cos parent can attend the class with the child so I know what she has learned and I can do revision with her as well.

But I think ...

Wah....so quick that 2nd lession start blending Why so quick?  Is that kids should know some basic sound before they start blending ?

they use Jolly phonic?   

My son still haven't phonic class yet.  anyone know the difference between synethic phonic and jolly phonic ?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 00:00 |只看該作者
跑馬地寶血收咗都係good news wor!!!

但我都會wish you & Hei Hei the best of luck for the forthcoming interviews in SC, KV & SR。

原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-4 22:03 發表
chingchingb ,

收到, thanks.今個星期十分忙, 五六日都要和晞晞interview, 但有好消息, 跑馬地寶血收了晞晞, 我想晞晞只要去st cat, 根德園 和st rose, 其他可以不去, 一會和ngo ma 談談

ngo daddy,

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 00:01 |只看該作者
I also wish you & Katrina the best of luck for the interviews this weekend.

原帖由 Kangaroo 於 08-11-4 22:13 發表
Don't be upset. Katrina went to 2 interviews last week. The first one is her own school (need to attend interview for upper nursery). She was scrared also, in her own school! A place where she  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 00:03 |只看該作者

原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-4 22:35 發表
chingchingb ma

tks a million ar , i dont know how to say .... u are so nice

ngo mum

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-5 00:04 |只看該作者
好消息呀, 起碼你地同hei hei都冇咁大壓力先丫, 順其自然喇, hei hei 一定可以越戰越勇, 全部都順利過關!

原帖由 sunphoto88 於 08-11-4 22:03 發表
chingchingb ,

收到, thanks.今個星期十分忙, 五六日都要和晞晞interview, 但有好消息, 跑馬地寶血收了晞晞, 我想晞晞只要去st cat, 根德園 和st rose, 其他可以不去, 一會和ngo ma 談談

ngo daddy,

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-5 00:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 v.lo 於 08-11-4 01:00 發表
Agree with ngo mum, chingchingma you know a lot!  佩服佩服!

Josephine always sleeps late and wait for me (even I came back late at 11:30pm last week) but she also wakes up before 8am when I le ...

for me, the weekday i normally come back home at 8pm then have sometime with my kids.  Then ,  story time, go to bed with them. i can have me personal time about 11pm.   Also can't spend too much time becuase tired.
Then on weekend, (Edwin don't have too many extra courses), we go outside and it take nearly one day spend.  Sunday will be a day for us to spend with friend / relatives.  So, basically i don't have my time for shopping/reading/with friends.......

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-5 00:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 chingchingb.ma 於 08-11-4 01:06 發表

唔好咁講,知咁多都因為我你FT mum,多時間及亞囡帶"hid",如果你遇到"kic"手嘅女就自然會從失敗中濾積到保貴經驗。


you really know a lot and provide good suggestions to us.   A pro mum!

sunphoto is also great becuase OT a lot but still take care 2 kids

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-5 00:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 Kangaroo 於 08-11-4 22:13 發表
Don't be upset. Katrina went to 2 interviews last week. The first one is her own school (need to attend interview for upper nursery). She was scrared also, in her own school! A place where she  ...

Good luck to Katrina & Hei Hei for coming interviewa

Congratulation to Hei Hei

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-5 00:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 boygirl 於 08-11-4 09:52 發表
Hi, 各位!好多日無上網,但係你地都已經訊息萬變,果然厲害!

Joslau,恭喜你呀! 希望小baby健健康康、快快樂樂!你都要好好調養身體,快D上黎BK同我地再傾過!第時我地再出來,可以同你個小公主一起出來玩!

唉! ...

Can you request a phone interview with the maid so that get a idea how much Eng & Chinese she know.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-5 00:38 |只看該作者

啱啱睇咗小小information,synthetic phonics ("SP")同jolly phonics("JP")有少少相似,都注重教blending, e.g. "cat", "SP"會先教分開3個音讀,即c-a-t => cat(即putting the individual sounds together),咁首要條件要識基本40+個 sounds。但我唔清楚"SP"係咪跟alphabetical order嚟教sound,如果係咁就冇"JP"咁快學blending,因"JP"係"s,a,t,i,n......"呢個order教letter sound。換言之,當教咗頭3個alphabets就可以開始學blending喇。

而"JP"會將每個音形態化,e.g. "s"就好似條蛇咁發出"時時"聲,亦配合snake呢個字; "a"就好似比蟻咬到手臂咁"吖"一聲,亦配合番 ants on my arm用a字開頭嘅字。"SP"就好似冇形態化呢樣嘢,只係好似傳统咁教"a" sound有個蘋果嘅圖樣show比小朋友睇。


原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-4 23:58 發表

Wah....so quick that 2nd lession start blending Why so quick?  Is that kids should know some basic sound before they start blending ?

they use Jolly phonic?     

My son still haven't phonic class yet.  anyone know the difference between synethic phonic and jolly phonic ?
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