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請問邊套phonic有'ea'這個vowel? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-19 20:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問邊套phonic有'ea'這個vowel? thx
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發表於 08-11-20 17:02 |只看該作者

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Jolly Phonic "ea' sound e

發表於 08-11-20 18:54 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 02:40 |只看該作者
Hi mama,

"ea" is actually the long e or the same sound like the letter name "E".  Don't need to buy a set just for that.  I write on a piece of paper to teach my kids the following words:


Hope this help.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 11:32 |只看該作者
I have my daughter memorize the magic figures 108775.  The numbers is to say her how many ways to spell the long vowel sounds as follows :

Ways to spell the long sounds of each vowel

10 - A  ( A, a_e, ai, ay, ey, eigh, ei, ea, et, e' )
8   - E  ( E, e_e, ee, ie, ey, ei, ea, y )
7   - I   ( I, i_e, igh, y, ye, y_e, ie                  
7   - O  ( O, o_e, oa, oe, ou, ough, ow, )
5   - U  ( U, u_e, eu, ew, ue )

Hoping it is useful to U all.

原帖由 pangpuiyee 於 08-11-19 20:10 發表
請問邊套phonic有'ea'這個vowel? thx

[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-26 16:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 12:00 |只看該作者
Can anybody tell me the difference between the sounds "s" & "ss", "f" & "ff", "l" & "ll".

I addition, I want to teach my daughter phonics at home.  Any teaching material recommend??

A thousand thanks!!

[ 本帖最後由 carollpc 於 08-11-26 13:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 13:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-26 11:32 發表
I have my daughter memorize the magic figures 108775.  It is the key to say her the long vowel sounds as follows :

Hi Kiiiiiler-mom,

May I ask where this 108775 come from?  Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 16:38 |只看該作者
Sorry for making you confused.  The numbers I wrote is for my kid to track How Many ways to spell the long sounds of each vowel.
e.g. 10 ways to spell long A, 8 ways to spell long E etc....

原帖由 IaMMoYY 於 08-11-26 13:56 發表

Hi Kiiiiiler-mom,

May I ask where this 108775 come from?  Thanks.

[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-26 16:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 21:05 |只看該作者
其實係唔係10種都發出 'a' sound 就得?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 23:04 |只看該作者
How do you pronounce the following general words with the letter "A" ?

1) April     (A)
2) Cake    (a_e)
3) Train    (ai)
4) Clay     (ay)
5) Grey    (ey)
6) Eight    (eigh)
7) Beige   (ei)
8) Steak   (ea)
9) ballet    (et)
10) cafe'   (e')

These are blended with Long A sound, but we also need to memorize the exceptions ......   

It is not certain to pronounce every word correctly, you and I had better check it sounded details in a dictionary

Thanks for your kind attention.  bye.

原帖由 pangpuiyee 於 08-11-26 21:05 發表
其實係唔係10種都發出 'a' sound 就得?

[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-26 23:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 23:34 |只看該作者
Being read the word DRESS's IPA Symbol in a ADL dictionary,  I couldn't find any sound difference between a word ending with a consonant "s" and double consonants "ss".  
It just shows a phoneme "s"  at the end of the word     -      dress     /dres/

But I get used to saying it with sounds "s" a bit longer

Copied from ccming34

for more rules, check out:

Phonics is such an important part of reading and spelling.
We work on 12 different phonics charts during phonics class.
These phonics rules are very important to learn, as they are keys to sounding out new words and application in spelling.
The children are tested over these rules after a duration of working on them. These charts are from ABeka Christian curriculum, which we use in our classroom.
Click on the chart below to see each chart.

Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3
Chart 4
Chart 5
Chart 6
Chart 7
Chart 8
Chart 9
Chart 10
Chart 11
Chart 12
Chart 13

Phonics Rules

Phonics Rules

Listed below are some of the phonics rules that we learn in phonics class and that help us to decode words and apply in the writing process.
We play many games and sing songs to reinforce each rule and make it fun to learn and recall.

Phonics Rule #1 Short Vowels

When a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short and is
marked with a breve or we call it a smile.
The vowel is usually short when there is one vowel.
(cat, dog, hot)

Phonics Rule #2 Long Vowels

When there are two vowels in a word the first one is long and the second one is silent.
The first one talks and the second one is silent.
The first vowel is marked with a long line and second one is crossed out.
(coat, ride, read)

Phonics Rule #3 Double Consonants

Double consonants make one sound and the final consonant is crossed out.
(cross, bless, class)

Phonics Rule #4 c or k rule

C comes before a,o and u.
(cat, cot, cut)
K comes before the other two-i and e.
(kite, key)

Phonics Rule #5 ow/ou

The ow and ou make the sound as if you were being pinched and said “ow”.
Ow and ou can also say just “o” when it is on the end of a word.
These vowel combinations can have both of these two sounds.
(count, wow, mow)

Phonics Rule #6 er, ir and ur sounds

These three combinations make the same sound of “er”.
They are marked with a little roof called a circumflex.
It is the sound a rooster makes in the morning. (bird, nurse, fern)

Phonics Rule #7 or sound

Or makes the “or” sound and is marked with a long line above the vowel.
In order to remember the sound that “or” makes we say, ”At Christian Center School, the children have a choice for a snack. “You may have an apple OR an orange.”

Phonics Rule #8 w before or

When w is before “or”, the “or” says “er”.
(work, word)

Phonics Rule #9 oo sound

There is a long and short sound to “oo”.
The long sound is marked with a long line above both “oo’s” as in the word tooth. The short sound is marked with a smile above both “oo’s” as in the word book.
(booth, took)

Phonics Rule #10 oi and oy sound

Oi and oy make the sound of a pig that says, “Oink”.
“Oi” comes in the front and middle of a word and “oy” comes on the end of a word.
(oil, boil, boy,toy)

Phonics Rule #11 qu sound

Qu are always together and we say they are married.

Phonics Rule #12 4-H club

Sh makes the sound of asking someone to be quiet and putting your finger by your mouth and saying, “Sh.”
Ch is the sound of a train trying to make it up the hill and chugging away.
Th makes the sound of putting your tongue between your front teeth and blowing.
Wh has a hard sound and a soft sound.
The hard sound is said louder as in whale and the soft sound is like blowing out a candle as in who.
(show, church, wheel, why, think)

Phonics Rule #13 all and alk

There was a teacher named Mrs. Hayes.
She loved the boys and girls in her room so much, she felt like they were her own children.
She said each day, “I love to talk about all my children in first grade.”
(ball, chalk)

Phonics Rule #14 prefix and suffix

A prefix comes on the front of a word and is pre, which means before.
A suffix comes on the end of a word and suffers such as ed, ing, en, s, es, and ly.
(encamp, going, looked,churches)

Phonics Rule #15 compound words

A compound word is made up of two words that come together to make a whole word.
(doghouse, butterfly)

Phonics Rule #16 syllables

Syllables are word parts.
We can identify how many syllables are in a word by clapping it while saying it.

Phonics Rule #17 contractions

Two words can be put together to make the word shorter by leaving out certain letters.
Children have to learn which letters to leave out.
(wasn’t, I’m, isn’t)

Phonics Rule #18 abbreviations

Words can be made shorter by leaving off some of the letters.
A period is put in place of these letters.
Children need to learn which words can be abbreviated.
(Sept., Mrs.)

Phonics Rule #19 quotation marks

Quotation marks are place around what someone said.
We call them little huggies or little nines on the front and little sixes on the end.
(Mother said, “Please come in.”)

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6


原帖由 carollpc 於 08-11-26 12:00 發表 [url=http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=26464883&ptid=1684859]
Can anybody tell me the difference between the sounds "s" & "ss", "f" & "ff", "l" & "ll".

I addition, I want to teach my daughter phonics at home.  Any teaching material recommend??

A thousand thank ...

[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-28 09:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-27 15:38 |只看該作者

Many many thanks !!!!

原帖由 kiiiiiller 於 08-11-26 23:34 發表
Being read the word DRESS's IPA Symbol in a ADL dictionary,  I couldn't find any sound difference between a word ending with a consonant or double consonants.  
It just shows a phoneme "s"  at the end ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-1 01:12 |只看該作者
bear 是怎樣拼的?
如 b/ea/r ,應讀作 (beer)

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-1 18:55 |只看該作者

音標中"倒3倒e"是發long a 音。e.g. hear, there, wear

bear   /b/ /ear/  它的拼標是/b倒3倒e/
                         (括a/e/i/o/u 也可能發long a 音)
                         about的"a"同樣發long a 音

beer   /b/ /ee/ /r/    它的拼標是/bi倒e/
                              ("i倒e"是a long e音。
                                e.g. here, deer, dear … )
                               phonics法是beer (long e)


原帖由 pangpuiyee 於 08-12-1 01:12 發表
bear 是怎樣拼的?
如 b/ea/r ,應讀作 (beer)

[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-12-2 08:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-12 00:16 |只看該作者
thank you very much!!!

and how about this word:    the
'th' sound 'f'. Then, why 'f' +'e' = the?


Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-12 00:19 |只看該作者
hi kiiiiiller,

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-12 11:48 |只看該作者
hi, pangpuiyee,




在此,多謝您技巧的提問 —— 讓大家多一點思考……


原帖由 pangpuiyee 於 08-12-12 00:19 發表
hi kiiiiiller,

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-12 12:15 |只看該作者
The "th" has 2 sounds which are voiceless (air out) and voiced (vibrated)  它是無有聲子音,也是有聲子音。

Its voiceless sound likes the sound of  "f", but it is not true.  Its symbol is (0 -inside) really. For examples, words thank & thumb

The voiced sound of "th" is (0 xat the top) likes the prefix of word "this", that etc...   

the IPA symbol of "THE" is  
( 0 xat the top  倒e  )  

remark :  很多時在非重音節,母音a,e,i,o和u都會
               發這個"倒e"短母音(e.g. about, pleasure )


- Go Go English    ABC Phonics  自然發音篇
-   "         "                                KK  音標   (好似係)

You're welcome

原帖由 pangpuiyee 於 08-12-12 00:16 發表
thank you very much!!!

and how about this word:    the
'th' sound 'f'. Then, why 'f' +'e' = the?


[ 本帖最後由 kiiiiiller 於 08-12-12 12:46 編輯 ]
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