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Pui Ching v. Munsang [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-1-6 17:06 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Pui Ching / Munsang, how to choose, which one is better?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-6 17:20 |只看該作者

原帖由 YTSZLOK 於 09-1-6 17:06 發表
Pui Ching / Munsang, how to choose, which one is better?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-6 18:02 |只看該作者
me too..... but I think I'll choose Pui Ching if they accept my son although Munsang accepted him also.

Rank: 1

發表於 09-1-7 21:14 |只看該作者

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why do u choose PC other than Munsang, could u share your view?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-10 20:54 |只看該作者
我也想知呀? 因兩間也收琳琳讀am class
原帖由 YTSZLOK 於 09-1-7 21:14 發表

why do u choose PC other than Munsang, could u share your view?

Rank: 1

發表於 09-1-11 16:31 |只看該作者
Me too!  PC is 1st choise but MS is also good.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-11 17:49 |只看該作者
This problem annoyed me.

For KG and Primary School, I will choose PC, for Sec Schoo, I really hesitate of it, if all the subject is taught by Chinese, how to develop their English Language skill, also, when they go into college, they need to tune all in English.
For language development, we need to provide enough opportunity for them to read, write and speak, if they spend 8 hrs in school and major language is Chinese, I really worry of that?

Can anyone in PC Middle School tell me the real situation of PC Middle School.

Thanks a lot.

I really don't know which school should my girl attend!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-12 12:17 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-12 16:22 |只看該作者
I have a question about the band 1 % of the primary school.  I just find Pui Ching has only about 50% band 1 students, while Munsang has less than 50%.

On the other hand, I find there are many of the local schools (not famous) do have 5x - 60% band 1 students, not mentioning their peer school at kowloon tong, 九龍禮賢學校 which is over 70%, and 九龍塘宣道小學 is over 80%.  

My question is :
1. If then, why do we have to go these 2 schools in any means (presume many of the families live quite far away from the school) ?  

2. On the other hand, it's very likely that their secondary school will become the DSS school, meaning that we have to pay school fees for 12 years.  Is that really worth ?

3. They do not allow students to join the lucky draw for P1. That means, we have limited our choices to their primary school.

Hope anyone can answer me.  Thanks !

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-1-12 16:39 |只看該作者

%只是一個indication, 我唔知禮賢同宣道有幾多畢業生, 咁如果計總人數, 又係邊間學校的人數多d呢?

另外, 培幼同培小係接龍的, 即係只要你小朋友係培幼畢業, 佢唔會理你個小朋友成績好壞, 都會收佢讀小學, 咁係無scan過的情況下, 有教無類, 有大部份係band 1學生已算不俗。 而宣道我知係要考小一入學試的, 禮賢我唔清楚! 咁一間揀過先收, 一間收左我再教, 咁就睇家長自己的要求係點啦!

另外, 聽聞宣道都幾谷, 我有朋友個大女讀宣道, 細仔都唔比佢讀, 佢話實在太辛苦! 而培正, 在我來說, 我覺得佢的默書, 考試, 測驗的密度都比一般的地區名校為少! 呢樣亦都係睇家長自己的要求。

其實選校都好主觀的, 小朋友咁細唔識自己選, 唯有家長幫佢地選, 家長咪考慮下自己想小朋友有個點樣的學校生活, 返怎樣的學校!  其實無論邊間超級名校都唔會話符合每一個小朋友的成長/家長的期望。  所謂吾之熊掌, 汝之砒霜!   

派位第一輪係可以報架, 你亦可報考任何私校/直資學校, 但大抽獎就唔可以架啦!

原帖由 tpybaby 於 09-1-12 16:22 發表
I have a question about the band 1 % of the primary school.  I just find Pui Ching has only about 50% band 1 students, while Munsang has less than 50%.

On the other hand, I find there are many of th ...

[ 本帖最後由 Alexismama 於 09-1-12 16:41 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-12 18:04 |只看該作者
MANY THANKS, Alexismami.

I think you have explained well on the % of band 1 students, and I think the % is reasonably good in such bases.  And the academic result doesn't mean all to a school.

But to us, on the 2nd and 3rd points are we still pondering on.

On the other hand, since we live in TKO, we are likely to move to live closer to school.  But the property price would also be another headache for us.  Do you have any suggestion for a better living place near to PC ?

Great thanks !!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-1-12 18:37 |只看該作者
第二點我答唔到你, 因為就算小女一路讀上去, 佢都係讀津中, 如果我細仔讀上去, 咁可能就真係要交中學學費啦, 但都要9年10年後的事, 我真係想唔到咁遠囉。 如接龍後培中可以提供任何自選課程和自由度有幾大, 我估暫時都未有人可以答到你。

第三點我已答左你, 你可以參加第一輪, 亦可報考任何其他私校/直資學校, 但大抽獎就真係唔可以啦, 除非你放棄培小學位。  但如果你去考直資學校, 當比你考到, 佢都要係你大抽獎前要求你填一份放棄大抽獎的聲明才confirm學位比你, 咁同培小又有何分別呢? 除非你根本係心儀津小/官校, 如果真係咁, 你根本無需考慮培幼。 因為以我女當年培幼的程度來說, 真係好輕鬆, 因為有培小的學位, 培幼真係提供左三年愉快學習的幼稚園生活比我個女。  但聽聞呢一兩年都好似多左少少功課, 但我唔肯定, 因為我自己無小朋友係幼稚園就讀緊。

如果你想讀出名的津小/官校, 以我自己的觀察, 都谷得幾勁, 因佢地要保持成績比家長睇佢有幾多band 1生嘛, 咁培幼出嚟的學生會跟得比較辛苦囉。 老實講, 我女上小一時都好唔慣架, 對默書測驗一d認識都無架, 你叫佢溫書, 佢都唔知為乜要溫, 因為幼稚園時都唔使做呢d嘢, 寫字都係好簡單果d。

但你又唔使擔心喎, 上到小一, 佢地又有方法可以令小朋友識好多字, 我女識睇的中文字都唔少架。  

其實, 選校真係睇家長心態, 我就唔想小朋友太辛苦, 所以我覺得培正ok喎, 反而你叫我比小朋友去讀某d名校, 一開學無耐就默書, 仲要背默, d英文書一開始就好似預左你係ok打左個底咁, 家長會好辛苦囉。  我覺得返學係老師教學生知識, 家長係輔助, 而唔想本末倒置, 父母教左小朋友知識, 返到學校, 老師係輔導囉!

原帖由 tpybaby 於 09-1-12 18:04 發表
MANY THANKS, Alexismami.

I think you have explained well on the % of band 1 students, and I think the % is reasonably good in such bases.  And the academic result doesn't mean all to a school.

But  ...

[ 本帖最後由 Alexismama 於 09-1-13 11:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-1-12 18:41 |只看該作者
至於living place, 培正附近都唔會平架啦, 如30幾年舊樓, 租都要過萬, 但你願唔願意住咁舊的樓呢?

一係要上到何文田居屋果邊, 價錢會合理d, 我自己都唔係住果邊, 所以唔多熟, 但培正校車都會去到tko, kg無乜功課, 只係車程睇下幾耐, 但上到小學如果又課外活動, 又溫書咁, 你可能需要考慮係咪真係要搬。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-13 10:35 |只看該作者
Thanks so much, Alexismama. You are so nice.

You do explain very well on the point 3, and I do understanding the rule now, thanks.  

And this also implies moving the living place to net 41 would not mean more choices for P1, as we are allowed for the 1st round game only.  Unless we waive the seat in PC can we have the 2nd round lucky draw, in such case there is no point to study in PC kg, right ?  

And I do agree with your view on point 2 that nobody knows how the education system would be evolved or offers PC secondary school would provide many years later.  Though, I think most of the students would prefer continue their study in the secondary school. From the % of students of PCPS that go to PCSS I think it can indicate this fact.  From above, can we also conclude that it's a very very high chance (realistic cases) the students in KG would move on to PCPS and PCSS ?

On the teaching language, I think PC would quite insist in Chinese teaching which they value the most.   So, will most of the students limit their choice to go into CUHK rather than HKU as it would be quite difficult to adapt to the English teaching ?

The last concern for us is, we know PC is doing very good at science and maths. But may I know how well is the communication skill of the student, will they be given chance to present and have discussion on different topics ?  We're also hoping the school can be more 'open' rather than being too 'traditional'.

Sorry for raising so many questions, but they really make us headache.  Thanks again.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-13 11:48 |只看該作者
培小是否100% 上培正中学?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-13 12:06 |只看該作者
唔係架. 要平均分在80分內, 否則都入唔到.

原帖由 chan328 於 09-1-13 11:48 發表
培小是否100% 上培正中学?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-13 13:48 |只看該作者

原帖由 bol 於 09-1-13 12:06 發表
唔係架. 要平均分在80分內, 否則都入唔到.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-13 15:54 |只看該作者
No ah, you can know more details as below topic which issued by a very helpful PC mami.


原帖由 bol 於 09-1-13 12:06 發表
唔係架. 要平均分在80分內, 否則都入唔到.

[ 本帖最後由 mimi_mama 於 09-1-13 16:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-13 16:12 |只看該作者
Hee, this link should be ok!!!


原帖由 mimi_mama 於 09-1-13 15:54 發表
No ah, you can know more details as below topic which issued by a very helpful PC mami.


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