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教育王國 討論區 聖保羅書院小學 St Paul Boys 英語水平
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St Paul Boys 英語水平 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-9 06:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我發現雖然個學校網頁則重英文, 但是大部份events, news等都是中文, 而且有關60屆朗誦節也只有中文朗誦成績, 難道與學校的英語水平有關?  請指教.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-9 11:58 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-1-9 12:39 |只看該作者
May I ask whether the St. Paul's College Primary School has provided Putonghua lesson for J.1-J6?  I am now starting to gather some useful school information because my son is now studying at K2 and require to apply primary school after this summer holiday.

Many many thanks,

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-1-9 22:58 |只看該作者
P1-P3: Chinese (taught in Cantonese) + PTH lessons.  

P4: Chinese (taught in PTH) + PTH remedial class (once a week, can attend voluntarily, free of charge), on formal PTH lessons.

P5-P6: Chinese (taught in PTH), no formal PTH lessons.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-10 12:28 |只看該作者
hello 各位 st paul boy 的家長:

你地好,我有個兩歲大的仔仔,現在入讀nursey 了,但想早一步去了解小學的情形,想問 , st paul boy 和 st paul co-edu,那間好呢? 因兩間都是直資學校,要每月交學費,兩間都是中文學校。
可否給予意見, 多謝!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-11 00:51 |只看該作者

N年前, 考小一沒有現在這么紧張,我们那時沒有特別做功課,加上孩子唸的幼兒園又是名不見經傳。祇參加过一次明報的升小一講座就算交了功課。

最後决定報 UGA,因第一任 UGA 校長在明報講座中给人非常好的印象! 咁在抱着陪跑心态下,也有報 SPCCPS。在 SPCPS 的最後收表前一天,才從報上得知 SPCPS 也轉了直资,於是臨急也報了 SPCPS。

结果当然是 SPCPS 收了囝囝,6年下來,我沒有资格評論 SPCCPS,因為她是公認全港最佳,及沒有作为家長的經驗。

但若问在 SPCPS 要交學费,是否有價值時,作為第一屆直资家長,也是不容易用三言兩語去講清楚。

跟所有直资學校一樣,SPCPS 是有 fee remission scheme, 和校長交流中,绝对相信陳校長會希望這個 budget 能年年都用完。所以,可以答交费不应該是考慮因素,但如果真是每月$3,000都有壓力,對少數要依靠 frs 的孩子心理成長,真有不能輕易估計的影响。但學校其他 ECA 收费,全在情理之內,甚或有補貼。

那麼 SPCPS 还有什么好的地方呢?

1.  SPCPS, 於我,是一间颇為窩心的学校,她不是沒有缺点,但她很努力。 过去數年在资源增多的情況下,SPCPS 投放了不少力量去幫助 SEN 學生 (student with special education needs)。我不知道成效,但在每一年的 school report 中,都可以見到努力,在某些学校 sen students 很多時會被視作拖慢學校进度,但看上來 SPCPS 沒有放棄 自己的 sen students,我囝囝昨天还说,今次小六中期試,他估考得最差的不是 sen 同学,而是不用功的聪明仔。

2.  SPCPS 有自信及明白幼兒教育;昨天和朋友談起小一收生面試,有一间新进直资名校,既考英文又考普通話。SPCPS 今年雖改了面試形式,但还是沒有考英文及普通話。你可能認为這样收的小一生程度會有參次,但学校的確有信心可教好学生之餘,幼兒们不必早早被填鸭,因為囝囝唸的是普通过普通的幼兒園,特別有感受。

3.  SPCPS 的學生能見"世面"的机会相對多!90人一級,加上學校又不是要非赢不可,能有资格代表学校的機会就相对多了很多。這对孩子成長真的非常重要!

4.  到底有 155 年的歴史,有些传统的確對学生有好影响,而且學長的人生路,是最佳的教仔材料。

5.  不敢說學校沒有半点貴族味,但學校要小三才容許学生帶 pocket money 返学,校隊要穿"白飯魚",也算有努力。

6.  雖不是人人可以上中学 (也有人考入更好的中學),SPC 和 SPCPS 的关係非常良好,升学壓力相對小,這个周未,就有十多個小六的學生跟学校去广州交流,如果無 SPC ,那敢在最後呈分試前放开手腳?

7.  學英文,是一個终身遊戲,中小、英小的主要分別是算術是否用英語教學。學好英文还有很多方法的。

缺点?在追求成績致上的 HK,SPC 是很多家長对 SPCPS 有保留的原因。但妳/你可參考別一條 thread: 對 SPC 的觀感。

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 09-1-15 08:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-12 12:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 yeesumyin 於 09-1-9 12:39 發表
May I ask whether the St. Paul's College Primary School has provided Putonghua lesson for J.1-J6?  I am now starting to gather some useful school information because my son is now studying at K2 and r ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-1-14 14:03 |只看該作者
HuiTung and Hogwarts,

Thanks for your response.  I heard that SPCPS will be relocated their school site around Pokfulam in 2010.  If so, do you know the school will increase their school fees accordingly?

I intend to let my son to try to apply this school in Sept 09 therefore I want to know more about it.  I have called the SPCPS last week and told that they don't have any open day for this year :(

Many thanks,

原帖由 HuiTung 於 09-1-12 12:18 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-14 23:20 |只看該作者
Hi yeesumyin,

Yes, the school will be relocated to Pokfulam in 2012.  

Your concern, about school fee, is very understandable.  So far there is no official indication or even rumour.  The link below is the school budget for yr 2009-2010, which is posted together with other application documents for JC1 09-10 admission.  You can see that there is no pressing need for any fee adjustment.  However, fundraising campaign is seemed to be unavoidable due to the new site.  You can compare this to next budget, when you apply to the school in the coming Sept.

The transparency of the school budget does allow parents having good information about how the monies being spent, a good governance practice.  I can even carefully conclude that not many schools in HK can be in the same league of St. Paul's, when in terms of accountability and transparency of school budget.

The Year 2009-10 budget:


We might take the SPC (secondary school) new building as a reference.  The school began a new bldg project in 2003 and only completed last year.  Even the new building was on the same site.  Such project was not easy and costly as the site was still being used, day in day out, through those school years.  There was no fee adjustment or major fundraising campaign then.  Of course, this was history and the school board could act differently this time.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 09-1-15 08:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-20 12:38 |只看該作者
看完hogwarts的分享,令我更想让阿仔在SPCPS读书.  一个5-6岁的人仔,你叫他考英文/普通话又有什么用?

原帖由 hogwarts 於 09-1-11 00:51 發表

N年前, 考小一沒有現在這么紧張,我们那時沒有特別做功課,加上孩子唸的幼兒園又是名不見經傳。祇參加过一次明報的升小一講座就算交了功課。

最後决定報 UGA,因第一任 UGA 校長在明報講座中 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 10:13 |只看該作者

To: Hogwarts

Dear Hogwarts, you mentioned not all SPCPS students can enter its secondary school. can you advise about what % can enter SPC?  thanks a lot!

原帖由 hogwarts 於 09-1-11 00:51 發表

N年前, 考小一沒有現在這么紧張,我们那時沒有特別做功課,加上孩子唸的幼兒園又是名不見經傳。祇參加过一次明報的升小一講座就算交了功課。

最後决定報 UGA,因第一任 UGA 校長在明報講座中 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-21 18:12 |只看該作者
The SPCPS is the "feeder" school of the SPC.  Then according to the rule, the SPC must reserve 85% (?) of their F1 places for the kids from the SPCPS.

However, this is not relevant in the case of the SPCPS because there are only 90 students in JC6, while there are 180 places in F1 of the SPC.  In theory, there are enough places for everyone. The school had long told the parents about the admission criteria, which are reasonable in my opinion, and are as follow:

1.  They must have good (around 70?) average mark in JC6.
2.  They must pass the four main subjects: Chinese, English, Maths and GS.
3.  No unsatisfactory behaviour and attitude.

Ms. Chan, the Headmistress, has stated more than once that all boys are children of the school, so they will try their best to make most of them going to the secondary section.  She also said that due to such effort, both the top and the bottom academic tiers in the SPC usually come from the PS.  

Last year, according to some unoffical news, over 85% of JC6 students went to the SPC, with one or two students not meeting all three criteria.   

Also, the school has provided scholarship for the top ten students in the SPCPS.  The 1st - 3rd students in form can enjoy full scholarship and 4th-10th can enjoy half scholarship through the years in the SPC.  It is a very thoughtful deed from the school board and a good means to ensure the cream going to the SPC.  

When the PS is relocated, the number of students in form will only increase to 120.  So there is not so much of an impact to the above arrangement.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 09-1-21 21:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-22 15:56 |只看該作者

Thx Hogwarts

Thanks indeed very much for the useful information.  I will place SPCPS as my first choice for my son when he become K3 (now he is K1).  In fact I was an "old girl" in the college (but only stayed for 2 years so don't know much about the school system),  and very impressed by the graduated boys from St Paul, not mainly due to academic achievement, but they generally have their own way of thinking, know what they want, and doing quite well in their various sector of industries (正氣 I would say).  Hope we can exchange more information in the future!!

原帖由 hogwarts 於 09-1-21 18:12 發表
The SPCPS is the "feeder" school of the SPC.  Then according to the rule, the SPC must reserve 85% (?) of their F1 places for the kids from the SPCPS.

However, this is not relevant in the case of the ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-23 09:45 |只看該作者

to Hogwarts

Dear Hogwarts, please is SPCPS chinese primary school, and SPC english secondary school, right? thx!!

原帖由 angellychan 於 09-1-22 15:56 發表
Thanks indeed very much for the useful information.  I will place SPCPS as my first choice for my son when he become K3 (now he is K1).  In fact I was an "old girl" in the college (but only stayed for ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-23 22:11 |只看該作者
Hi angellychan,

Yes, SPCPS is chinese primary by definition and SPC is English secondary.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-28 12:57 |只看該作者

To: Hogwarts

Thx a bunch. Have a great year of Ox, with happy and healthy family!!
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