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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 今日in完St.Paul!
樓主: HebeMama630

今日in完St.Paul! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-21 23:27 |只看該作者

Thanks a lot for your reply!等我仲大吵大鬧哦hb唔小心成晚...hee hee... 你救了他免捱哦.   I think I was too nervious at that time.  Anyway, our Father knows which school suits my daughter the most, so I will enjoy my Chinese New Year holidays and wait for the result to be released in March peacefully.  Hope that you receive good news in March.  Tks again.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-21 11:28 發表
Hi, the number on the envelope should be the same as your registration number.

However, I think your husband may not have threw away the interview letter.  It was took by the interviewer.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-22 00:14 |只看該作者
Hi rtam,

You are welcome and you better don't tell your husband the truth!  Just kidding!

Honestly, we have set out heart for SHCK already so any news TOO GOOD, will probably force us to make a choice again!


原帖由 rtam 於 09-1-21 23:27 發表

Thanks a lot for your reply!等我仲大吵大鬧哦hb唔小心成晚...hee hee... 你救了他免捱哦.   I think I was too nervious at that time.  Anyway, our Father knows which school suits my daught ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 11:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 happysin 於 09-1-19 12:47 發表
現階段其實各位媽咪都已有1-2間心水學校在手, 對於st paul 取錄與否真的不需要太介懷, accepted的咪當bonus,failed的咪當係考'名校'的一個experience... 星期六我囡的表現都是一般,但,當晚我看著我囡訓覺時,覺得她在全部的interview上已盡全力,真的很叻,亦唔可以expect佢地真係可以坐定定去俾人問野;而如果讀書係一場marathon, 咁,st paul唔收係唔係會在日後比其他人差一些呢? 我看又未必...小朋友讀邊間學校都要講緣份,所以啦..唔好睇得st paul咁重要, 最緊要係小朋友開心健康...共勉之...

絕對同意.. 讀書最緊要係睇小朋友本身. 狀元唔係名校先有. 與其讀名校包尾, 不如讀普通學校考頭幾名重好.. 人生漫漫長路, 讀邊間幼稚園實在微不足道. 正所謂 "塞翁失馬, 焉知非福".

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-22 12:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 kkmoremore 於 09-1-21 00:10 發表
Hi HebeMama630,

你講得無錯! 小朋友咁鍾意間學校, 如果結果唔收, 我地做父母真係好心酸.

好似早前我女考聖心, 係門口排隊時, 她突然一反常態, 不斷說:「我鍾意呢間學校, 我要入去,我要係呢間學校讀書!」. 到in 時 ...

to kkmoremore,

如果你女女真係咁鍾意聖心,何妨做些功夫,囈下學校,可能最後會有好消息架。我有朋友個女女數年前又係rejected,連 wait list 都無,但朋友好想女女讀聖心,於是又send 信又親身去見sister求位,最後成功求到位。你可以試下,因都有人係hold 住聖心等SPC, 如SPC 收就會give up 聖心,到時會有後備位放出來架。Sister 好錫小朋友,你show 俾佢睇你的誠意,話佢知女女幾咁渴望係聖心返學,可能有機會架!


[ 本帖最後由 shunshunma 於 09-1-22 12:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 13:04 |只看該作者

我真要懺悔, 因當日老公好認真好同心咁去面試, 盡力為女兒尋「幸福」, 我們已盡了力, 若天父的心意是不應去SPK, 我便心安地去自己都好滿意的KG, 只是前途上(中小學沒一條龍) 會較多挑戰.
好奇一問: you seem to be preferred SH more than SPK.
Do you have any specific concerns about SPK?
Can you share.
SH is very tough in terms of workload, so are you prepared?
To be honest, I love SPK very much, the only thing hesitate me is the school is pretty strict with the primary and secondary students as I heard.
So I found the SP girls always look calm, bright but a bit sad (
I have been observing them for so many years since I was a little girl. I hope I got it wrong.
Hope my comments won’t upset anyone.
Just share my feeling.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-22 00:14 發表
Hi rtam,

You are welcome and you better don't tell your husband the truth!  Just kidding!

Honestly, we have set out heart for SHCK already so any news TOO GOOD, will probably force us to make a choi ...

[ 本帖最後由 rtam 於 09-1-22 13:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 15:07 |只看該作者
Hi shunshunma,


最初我都有咁諗過! 這是因為見到個女好似好鍾意間學校才想盡力幫佢爭取! 但依家已經打消了這個念頭! 因為想深一層, 聖心係好好, 不過未必適合我地. 我有親戚現係聖心中學讀緊, 佢係由幼稚園讀到依家中學, 一向係聖心的高材生 (全級頭10名) 無錯!佢的程度係好高、成績很好、亦很乖、很叻!但係由細到大, 佢同佢媽咪亦付出唔少!! 早前同佢媽咪傾開聖心讀書的情況, 佢媽咪所講的, 絕對令我卻步! 所以比學校rejected 咗! 可能係一件好事來的! 因為我比唔到呢個commitment出來! 如我收到的係waiting letter, 我諗我會嘗試去叩門, 因為聖心始終係一間好好的學校, 只得一絲的希望, 我都想盡力爭取 (因為封信未in前已準備咗, 會做埋去! ). 所以我好相信最終入到邊間學校, 上天已一早安排咗! 免x 無幸福!!  況且, 我地一早已有心儀嘅學校收咗, 相信那間應該更適合我地 (依家讀書,唔係剩係小朋友讀!)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 15:19 |只看該作者

Though SH is not my cup of tea, I am so curious about what made you so struggling after hearing your relative’s comment.
Workload or the SH culture?
I am so scared!

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 09-1-22 15:07 發表
Hi shunshunma,


最初我都有咁諗過! 這是因為見到個女好似好鍾意間學校才想盡力幫佢爭取! 但依家已經打消了這個念頭! 因為想深一層, 聖心係好好, 不過未必適合我地. 我有親戚現係聖心中學讀緊, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 16:05 |只看該作者
Hi rtam,

係因為佢話學校好demanding! 佢女讀私小的! 再加上可能佢要求高啦! 你知啦! 考過第一, 就唔想考第二架啦!! 不過你唔駛咁擔心, 小朋友的適應力係好強嘅, 佢地習慣咗就唔會覺得辛苦! 只係家長會辛苦啲啫!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-22 18:04 |只看該作者
Hi rtam,

Yes, I have a personal preference on SHCK over SPK.  I have already put many comments in bk concerning so wouldn't wanna bring it up again.  If you need, I can PM you.

I was brought up in HK island and studied in Band 1 school all the way.  I am basically surrounded by students from these two schools (and more).  Of course, those are old days but based on the good tradition, I am still circle by the same group of people with their kids in these schools.  So, may not be as directly but comments are still being given to me.

I truly have no objective answers on which school is better comparing the two, I think this is the key point.  If I can have such information then I think my life would be much easier.  The two schools are so much different in styles!  Of course I can talk all day since I spent my entire secondary school life focusing on most of the band 1 girl schools (except DGS only)!

Anyway, the key here is, I am surprised why most parents can make such an easy preference on spk over shck.  I have spent lots of time in the past 3 months, putting my own business aside to try to help my daughter find the perfect school for her.  With all these efforts, I don't seems to be able to actually convince myself that spk should be better than shck.  At the end, I decided to trust my daughter's instinct and let her make her own decision.  She has been serious about it and I believe she really means it.

I believe families are all different, and kids would have been brought up differently.  Unless most parents have similar preferences than may be spk fulfills the majority's interest better.  Other than that, I really don't have a clear winner here.


原帖由 rtam 於 09-1-22 13:04 發表

我真要懺悔, 因當日老公好認真好同心咁去面試, 盡力為女兒尋「幸福」, 我們已盡了力, 若天父的心意是不應去SPK, 我便心安地去自己都好滿意的KG讀, 只是前途上(中小學沒一條龍) 會較多挑戰.
好奇一問: you ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 19:00 |只看該作者
Hi ian,

Your daughter is so lucky because her father cares her so much.  She will be a very bright girl for sure.  If you don't mind, please PM me your comments or simply forward me your previous messages.  Please be open, I won't be upset about any negative feedback because deep in my heart, I still have some reservation...  I truly agree with you that we should agree / respect our daughters' instinct.  I know my girl loves very much the kindergarten I registered for her earlier (me too), but somehow, it's her mother who doesn't want to torture and go through the P1 application process after 3 years.

BTW, the colleague next to me is a traditional SH girl, I admire her very much because she is persistent, tough, competitive yet sensible.  In my eyes, girls from both schools are great but just in different styles.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-22 18:04 發表
Hi rtam,

Yes, I have a personal preference on SHCK over SPK.  I have already put many comments in bk concerning so wouldn't wanna bring it up again.  If you need, I can PM you.

I was brought up in H ...

發表於 09-1-22 20:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 rtam 於 09-1-21 00:02 發表
Can someone help me please?

My husband threw away the interview letter accidentiallymouth:" />  and just returned me the empty envelope.  Can someone tell me the no. written on the envelope (right bott ...

唔關你 hb 事,老師收左封面試信架。

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-22 21:44 |只看該作者
Hi rtam,

You may find my responses concerning these schools in this link:


I am open to comment on them but frankly I don't want my personal comments to irritate other parents and causes any unnecessary arguments.  The final decision is very SUBJECTIVE, and CIRCUMSTANTIAL.  

A key reason that we choose SHCK, is because my elder daughter has inherited much of my talent naturally.  In school days, I suffered as the school works are not challenging and lost interest on studying after the first few years.  SH is known to be academically pushy within the school so I decided this will be a good place to study for her.  Of course, this cannot be done without my loving wife's help, whom gave up her teacher job, and devoted her time for the family!  Even though I believe my daughter can handle the school works herself, but it will be nice to know there are always one of the parents around to help her throughout the way.

Concerning how to handle your children's instinct, my suggestion is to listen to their preference, but as the parents, you need to help them to choose among their choices.  SHCK is not the only one my daughter likes.  As the parent, we need to help them since they may not know what will that leads them to the future.  So, don't just listen but need to balance the various options you have.

I hope this help!



原帖由 rtam 於 09-1-22 19:00 發表
Hi ian,

Your daughter is so lucky because her father cares her so much.  She will be a very bright girl for sure.  If you don't mind, please PM me your comments or simply forward me your previous mes ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-1-22 21:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-22 23:38 |只看該作者

原帖由 virgobb 於 09-1-22 20:15 發表

唔關你 hb 事,老師收左封面試信架。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-23 00:05 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot.  I share your point of view.  You have mentioned something which is my main concern (but not necessary yours and other parents' concern).  

So let's share the result later in March.  

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-22 21:44 發表
Hi rtam,

You may find my responses concerning these schools in this link:


I am open to comment on them but frankly I don't ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-4 15:20 |只看該作者
rachel b & invitation,

因為小朋友仲細, 短短幾分鐘真係睇唔到d咩,
因為小朋友都以父母為榜樣, 有樣學樣,

anyway都改變唔到結果, 只係想同妳地分享下﹗

原帖由 RachelB 於 09-1-19 23:56 發表
你已經問得多啦,我記得2008係問咗(1),(3)&(4)就TING出去,連張椅都唔熱要SAY .ACUTALLY我個BB 2008/09 讀緊SPK K1 AM CLASS.而且唔係一定係收有$ & 名人.都係嗰句隋緣啦,  GOOD LUCK。...

原帖由 invitation 於 09-1-19 11:54 發表
Hi, BabyHilary,


[ 本帖最後由 BabyHilary 於 09-2-4 15:45 編輯 ]
感謝天父所賜一切恩惠, 我們誠心感謝您, 因主耶穌基督之名, 亞孟。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 09:22 |只看該作者
May i ask which school uniform is the kid wearing in the picture??
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-22 00:14 發表
Hi rtam,

You are welcome and you better don't tell your husband the truth!  Just kidding!

Honestly, we have set out heart for SHCK already so any news TOO GOOD, will probably force us to make a choi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 11:32 |只看該作者
Sacred Heart!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-5 17:06 |只看該作者
Dear Babyhilary,


1) who take care of the children  ?
my girl is take care by a relative as i need to go to work.
2) what do you expect your kid can learn from a kindergarten ? 學術方面唔重要,因為我不會要求一個幾歲的孩子可以識好多學術上的野,打後還有十幾廿年要讀書.最重要係德育方面的培養.希望孩子在學校可以學到合群,有禮,懂得尊重人...
3) when you choose a kindergarten, what are the major factors that you consider most?會選擇有獨立校舍的學校.
4) how to improve the communication between school and parent?我要返工,太多親子活動我好難參與.最好可以用互聯網或電話和老師溝通啦.
5) 為何選這間幼稚園 ? 因為識得幾個係st.paul讀中小學的女仔,佢地都好乖,都話間學校好好,所以想個女讀.
question 6) i forgot...


原帖由 BabyHilary 於 09-2-4 15:20 發表
rachel b & invitation,

因為小朋友仲細, 短短幾分鐘真係睇唔到d咩,
因為小朋友都以父母為榜樣, 有樣 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-2-5 18:35 |只看該作者
Yes, it's the Sacred Heart uniform.  I bought it from another bk mom (thanks again!) so can let my anxious daughter to try on!  She is very happy, especially with the pink tie!  (But I have learned the ties will be in different colors for different classes)

原帖由 ericby 於 09-2-5 09:22 發表
May i ask which school uniform is the kid wearing in the picture??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-5 18:56 |只看該作者
dear invitation,

thanks for sharing!

原帖由 invitation 於 09-2-5 17:06 發表
Dear Babyhilary,


1) who take care of the childre ...
感謝天父所賜一切恩惠, 我們誠心感謝您, 因主耶穌基督之名, 亞孟。
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