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教育王國 討論區 九龍塘宣道小學 小一小提琴班老師係米唔多得?
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小一小提琴班老師係米唔多得? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-9-26 10:31 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
好似一早以為各小朋友+家長咩都識晒(eg. 睇譜), 次次求求其其教, 45分鐘分比幾個小朋友, 一堂都學唔到幾多野!

再係咁, 要自己出去學了.
又請問可以飛走果個老師嗎? 如果自己出去學, 點回應返學校d 音樂Test/Exam?
Thanks a lot!
   1    0    0    0

Rank: 8Rank: 8


發表於 08-9-26 11:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 chu1027 於 08-9-26 10:31 發表
好似一早以為各小朋友+家長咩都識晒(eg. 睇譜), 次次求求其其教, 45分鐘分比幾個小朋友, 一堂都學唔到幾多野!

再係咁, 要自己出去學了.
又請問可以飛走果個老師嗎? ...

They cannot refund the course fee to you if you decide to quit now.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-23 16:47 |只看該作者
You can choose other teacher for private class at school.  My daughter's teacher is Yip sir.  He is good but a bit expensive.  You can check w/him directly.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-4 13:00 |只看該作者
Anyone can give comment on violin's teacher at school??

Can we request to change teacher??

Is it all kids here learn violin at school also have private class??

I also have same feeling : 好似一早以為各小朋友+家長咩都識晒(eg. 睇譜)

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-6 10:26 |只看該作者
I think you have to think twice before you started the violin class with the violin instructor from APS.

Firstly,his qualification didn’t worth to charge so high($325/30 mins; $500/45 mins, & $650/hr).  The teacher from APA only charge $400/hr+  Pls be adv. that that he’s only a graduate from APA.
He isn’t a violinist in any orchestra or affiliate to any organization.  BTW, APS fail the interschool competition under his conducting for many years.

Hisgeneral reputation is not good, just listen to the parents of the old boys & girls from APS or goto any private music company (I once goto buy a bow for my girl, the lady  ask me who is the instructor.  When I said who he is, all the ppl from the shop ask me to "change" becasue he is no good, they give me several reasons: not qualify, not attentive to students, must be there for the lesson or "he" will "hair" the lesson or talk on his mp...."  ).
Or even other instructors from the same discipline.

HBut what i trully concern is he didn’t really concern about his student, he never have a plan for his student.. take my child as an example, every class and year are heading nowhere…I have to force him to decide which year/grade my girl has to sit for exam...

I read from the forum one of the parent mention about most of the student who won in HKSMSA or get good marks from ABSRM were all having a private teacher (of course cannot let him know or he will treat your child with a diff. face)  I only knew it last year when my child become very frustrated and i start to share our problem with parents from a upper grade.  They are so kind to let me know we should find a private teacher to teach my child so i did.  There we start to have some hope!!! My child did well in her exam and we hope she will get a prize from the competition next week.  On the other hand, when your child can do well in the above, he will be happy and kind to your child because this is all his credits.   A voluteer parent told me that they saw him report to the principal and boost how many student won the competition.  But I could understand this is life!

One sad news are those who solely follow him, most of them failed the ABSRM exam last year(Sept to Nov slot).  
Actually some parents are angry because he didn’t try his best to help the student to prepare the exam.  He will complaint the students was not well prepared, too many activities or should just play violin and quit everything.  As a parent, i don't agree with what he say.  Nowaday, every secondary school are looking for the "all round student, at least a sport and a music, plus some other talent."  Take an example of this year, DBS accept 7 boys now, they have to go thru interview, such as ball test, instrument exam and oral (english & chinese).  None of them from violin... As for DGS, last year they accept those from debate club.  Anyway, as parent like us, we have to plan the path of our child well.

HoII do have some thought after my child start to have another private teacher, I would ask how could a violin teacher be good in teaching for not bring his violin to most of the class?
Besides, I think I know why...
Every class just go by nothing and no plan, sometime play the competition pc, sometimes lay the orchestra pc… Talking about any exam or competition, my experience is he will just help you to choose 3 pieces and force you to study yourself (how could a primary student study the pcs by herself? Plus we are paying $325/30 mins)
He will revise it with you during class but always very easy to get angry, shouted, yelled and compare your chlld with others (said xx could play well with this pc within 1 weeks or so, how come you can’t…).  At the very end, he will ask you to book  time slots with his friend as pianist so the lady will revise the pcs and other part of exam with you.  

To   To be very frank, we felt we made a big mistake to change to 1 to 1 or chosen this teacher.  My girl was always under fear and extremely depressed and she always wanted to quit    Do you know i felt sad about this kind of attitude from a teacher.  I knew there was a mother who withdrew her child because of they cannot stand this kind of bad experience.  So if you are a newcomer, pick other instrutment if you need to find a good instructor.  I heard that double bass is a very good choice and the instructor is a good man.  Woodwind is also a good choice to choose.  If violin is a must. go somewhere.

I remeber when we started with the group in p1;
Do you know how he teaches in group?
Yelled to the student, especially those without parents’ accompany.
Many of student failed to continue because they can’t stand this kind of teaching method (very different than the teachers from APS, they are kind and caring)
I saw some children has his/her own violin teacher already when they join the group, the instructor will have a lot of difficult words for the parent to listen.  You know, we are those who thought he will be nicer when 1 to 1…but that's not true.

Why we still not quit. It's a matter of convenience, no need to travel after class or he knows what to prepare for the school exam. And we hope that the student will get good marks in your report card.   Besides,  h
e is the conductor of school, we think it’s easy to get in or sit in a good position in the orchestra…and we are afraid he will be mad if we quit

According to my girl, his conducting method is to yell and to angry. Especially to those who play in the ball team.
Practically to a the boy, he have great bias on them.  My child ask me a good question:  Everyone need an instrument in Aps and everyone is encouraged to join a sport team.  Why the instructor so angry with those sport team member.  If the school don't allow student to join sport if they are orchestra member.  Why the school not setting a rule to govern it.  Anyway, i am glad that my child didn't belongs to any team.

My girl also participates in a well known youth orchestra.
She told me that the conductor in this orchestra is very different.  She always ask whether she can join this one only but quit the school one.  My girl said the conductor from the youth orch is serious but nice.
The conductor is willing to teach.  He will guide them to learn and to know how to play and understand the sheet music.
Here in APS, the conductor only force them to play the music, and must be well.
Until now, she doesn’t understand the meaning or the music that they will play in the music festival at all.
She called herself a robot in the orchestra .
All she know is she will be scared because the door will close if she is late, the conductor will yelled if you make a mistake, or if he “choose” to be angry with you, you will be moved to the back of your team.
And you will be kicked out from the orchestra.
Therefore, some of her schoolmate rather stayed in junior or immediate orchestra in order to play safe.  And the conductor are nicer.

One more sharing, as we can’t sit in every class, we much worry that he will cross with my girl (as I could see this happen to other student)
On the other hand, I have to convince my girl to stay until she get into a secondary school.
Frankly,  after we started with other teacher, I start to understand my girl can improve so much…and she could play so well.

Besides the above, I always have some question in mind:


I know that some parents had compliant that He is so rude and discouraging to the students but how come the school still keep him?

We notice that he is using the classroom to teach the students from other school, some are graduate of APS, some are relatives of the APS students.
Did he report to school how many student he is currently teaching, and paying tax?
I heard that he refuse to receive any form of payment except cash, is it the way to avoid paying tax.
As a Christian school, is it proper?
Did the school know or receive a commission?

He teaches student at school after school hours, will the insurance cover?

The school orchestra have fail for so many times.
In the past,APS won in the past because of not much competitors.
Now other school , like DBS, ST, Pauls, CCC is picking up because they hire very good conductor.
And my friend , who are a musician accompany me to watch the HKSMSA last year told me that APS orchestra made quite some mistakes for the pcs they played.
They played well as a whole, but not the details.  He also comment about the conducting …

Sorry for the long message but this is all from the bottom of my heart, I just want the newcomers think carefully before you make the decision.
Otherwise, you may need to follow my footstep.
(Wanted to quit but scare that someone will have bias on my girl about school work or orchestra)  the above is only personal sharing not judgement.  Good luck and hope you find a good teacher.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 22:51 |只看該作者
Hi Alenmao,

Noted your comments below, my daughter's violin teacher is a lady.  But my feeling is more or less same as you.  Tks for your sharing!!

I plan to quit in school & go outside to find a private teacher fm P.2.

Do you know if we change other type of 樂器outside, school will give any noise or not??

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-11 09:45 |只看該作者
I would suggest you the followings:

1. change to wondwind instrument at school, their teacher is better (choy) and i heard that he will help you to plan the learning path,he will also nominate your child to other orchestra outside the school; or

2.  if you decide to quit, you better inform the teacher in charge (Ms. Wong).  She is a nice lady. or

3.  if you want to keep violin, stay in the group for a while and find a private teacher outside the school.  i heard that the fees and teacher at Parson is good.  (H/E, pls be remind that the competition of violin is very high, not just for school, but also a show off to secondary interview)

Good luck!

原帖由 LittleFish 於 09-3-10 22:51 發表
Hi Alenmao,

Noted your comments below, my daughter's violin teacher is a lady.  But my feeling is more or less same as you.  Tks for your sharing!!

I plan to quit in school & go outside to find a pr ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-11 12:53 |只看該作者
1. May I know what is "wondwind instrument"??

2. Really tks for your advise. Your daughter now is P2??

原帖由 alenmao 於 09-3-11 09:45 發表
I would suggest you the followings:

1. change to wondwind instrument at school, their teacher is better (choy) and i heard that he will help you to plan the learning path,he will also nominate your c ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-17 08:52 |只看該作者
sorri for the typo, should be woodwind.  My daughter is not P2.

Pls forget about my woodwind suggestion. Instructor Choi is good but i think over my suggestion these few days and i think the best way is to find a instrutor outside the school.   It is because there is no conflict of interest and it's easier to make any kind of decision in future.

Last saturday, a parent share with us about his child winning the Music festival because the "other" instructor they have and that instructor spent so much effort to train his child.  He feel very bad because he need to "pretend" and to praise the school instructor for his "good" teaching.  However, we all know this is not the fact.   Somehow we as parent feel very bad and sorry about acting like a 2-face man in front of our kid.  

We think this is not right to give so much "Power" to an instrument instructor at school. How can it be fare for "him" to be an instructor and also the examiner of the school orchestra.  Be a instructor but also the marker for music examiner at school.  And we think this is the reason why he can be so "loud" but no one can go complaint him because of the kid.   His act of blackmail is really something...

There are too many thing behind the scene, the adult world is no fun...

原帖由 LittleFish 於 09-3-11 12:53 發表
1. May I know what is "wondwind instrument"??

2. Really tks for your advise. Your daughter now is P2??
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