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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 Standford Course at Infokids (???$$$)
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Standford Course at Infokids (???$$$) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-18 00:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My daughter is studying the Standford Maths course in Infokid.
The company always drives the parents to pay the deposit course fee without confirm which class time to parents early before the registration.

point 1:
Before 13 June 2009, the parents have to pay the deposit cheque to the company for sept 4, 2009 registration but they do not confirm the seat and class time in verbal or writing at the same time. (Late registration fee HK$150 would be charged after.)

point 2:
If they offer the unrequested or unexpected class time to the students and the parents withdraw the registration, they will have the problems to get back the deposit. (All requests for cancellation of re-registration must be in writing. De-registration fee of US$100(HK$780) will be charged for requests received after the respective payment date Aug 11, 2009.)

point 3:
If the parents pay the balance in instalments, they do email, SMS and phone calls to the parents 2 weeks before the deadline. It is so annoying. They seems to have financial problems.

point 4:
Although they are running the USA Standford University course for HK gifted students but their service is not like any education institution or professional organisation.

As a consumer, noone will buy a service that no confirmation or reservation class time to consumer by the service provider.  Be aware of their registration, Infokids has the rights to change the class time, assign the class or cancell the class but the parents don't have any rights to withdraw the full deposit.

Urgent! Please advise me and give other education institution which can provide the similar course.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-6-18 12:51 |只看該作者
據我所知, EPGY 係HK係得Infokids有得讀 , 佢地話: 收邊個學生, 能否升班, 都係 Stanford-EPGY 個邊話事, 張transcript 都係 Stanford 出, 做個d classwork 都係直接入Stanford-EPGY 個server .... 照咁講, Infokids 都係當一盤生意咁做, 所以, 佢重有其他 course 讀, 係 profit making business, 難怪追學費追得咁急 ...
如果係數學gifted, 係咪一定要讀哩個 course? 非常貴呀 ....
頭返轉睇 ... 我當初(9年前)俾囡囡去讀, 得到咩? 就因為佢係gifted, 就因為Stanford 個label, 家中有一大箱 EPGY教材, 重有係美國買返哩的textbook + solution, 囡囡話唔好dum, 係佢一個難忘的童年回憶!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-21 21:22 |只看該作者
What's your comments on this course?
Is it not worth taking?
I am eager to know as I have registered this course for my son!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-21 23:09 |只看該作者
You can directly register EPGY online and get the materials from Stanford and do it online at home.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-22 14:20 |只看該作者
Hi cemily

Have you done it before?
What's the difference between joining the courses provided by infokids and taking EPGY online?

原帖由 cemily 於 09-6-21 23:09 發表
You can directly register EPGY online and get the materials from Stanford and do it online at home.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-23 04:46 |只看該作者
No, did not take the course myself, do not believe in additional drilling, only believe in introducing concepts to my child, ie leave drills to schools, and only do every day application of maths.

But many people around me do the EPGY, some online and a few at Infokids. Cannot speak for them regarding if Infokids is good.

Some express that if the child needs group stimulation, eg he/ she likes being better than others, or the child would listen more to a teacher than parents, then class may be better though v time consuming traveling etc.

Many take the course online and it's father/mother and child time. And you can be selective cos the materials/ worksheets can be quite repetitive.

原帖由 Chess 於 09-6-22 14:20 發表
Hi cemily

Have you done it before?
What's the difference between joining the courses provided by infokids and taking EPGY online?

[ 本帖最後由 cemily 於 09-6-23 04:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-23 13:25 |只看該作者
Thanks for your reply.

For your friends taking EPGY, what are their purposes? Are their children gifted in maths and so need an enrichment course? Or is it for the exemption credit?

I have been teaching my child maths with singapore textbooks and coursebooks since last Sep.  He will be in P1 this Sep.  I think I need an extra course because he has mastered almost all primary maths levels quite well. As I am not a science student, soon I will not be able to teach him further in maths.  So I need a long term and well structured maths course for him.  

I choose EPGY because of its brand name and the exemption purpose. But it is expensive. Do you have any alternative course to suggest for my consideration?

原帖由 cemily 於 09-6-23 04:46 發表
No, did not take the course myself, do not believe in additional drilling, only believe in introducing concepts to my child, ie leave drills to schools, and only do every day application of maths.

Bu ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-24 00:07 |只看該作者
Sorry, as I say, I do not believe in drilling my child, so I have no other course to recommend.

Well, as for my friends, I am not sure if they took the course for enrichment or just as another tutorial math class, trying to complete primary maths ASAP well in advance of school's curriculum.
原帖由 Chess 於 09-6-23 13:25 發表
Thanks for your reply.

For your friends taking EPGY, what are their purposes? Are their children gifted in maths and so need an enrichment course? Or is it for the exemption credit?

I have been teac ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 09-6-25 00:04 |只看該作者
My son studies EPGY with Infokids when he was K3 and now he is S2 or G8, he is studying Intermediate Algebra, next round is Beginning Calculus.

We choose EPGY because of I don't believe in drilling in maths like Kumon (Other always quote EPGY is drilling, so what is Kumon and Olympic Maths???). I can see now he is exceptional good in problem solving by applying math concept in daily problems.  The tutor of Infokids is marginal and I need to spend time to guide him through the first few Grades and hand off in Grade 5.

After studying EPGY for 1.5 yrs and my son was identified as gifted.  In P3, he got Higher Distinction in EPGY Talent Search, which can be useful in US to look for gifted program in the area he shines.

I also sent him to Stanford for summer program at P5 to P6 (by himself), which was eye opening for him and we can see his improvements in self-discipline, creativeity and self confidence.  Infokids is not helpful in this, I applied directly to EPGY.  You can search my name in Baby Kingdom and you can see that.

Another resource is John Hopkins, HKUST collaborate with them and provide gifted program in HK, but you need to get at least one distinction in the Maths World Class Arena Test.  You can check the website by typing World Class Arena Test HK. He got double distinctions in both Maths and Problem Solving so he is eligible to apply for a summer program in Imperial College in London this summer.  Now, we need to evaluate the Swine Flu situation before sending him to London.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-25 00:33 |只看該作者
Hi ANChan59

Thanks for your sharing.  Is your son studying in local or international school?
I am worried if the workload of EPGY too heavy for my son who will be P1 this sep!

原帖由 ANChan59 於 09-6-25 00:04 發表
My son studies EPGY with Infokids when he was K3 and now he is S2 or G8, he is studying Intermediate Algebra, next round is Beginning Calculus.

We choose EPGY because of I don't believe in drilling i ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-27 20:45 |只看該作者
Dear ANChan59,

Is your child bored in Math class at school? If so, how does he cope with the boredom pls?


原帖由 ANChan59 於 09-6-25 00:04 發表
My son studies EPGY with Infokids when he was K3 and now he is S2 or G8, he is studying Intermediate Algebra, next round is Beginning Calculus.

We choose EPGY because of I don't believe in drilling i ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-1 21:01 |只看該作者
Dear ANchan59,

My son is also qualified to study the Standford University Infokids course and the John Hopkins, HKUST course.  Could you please let me know which one is better or should I register both for him?  He's a p.5 student.

I greatly appreciate if you could kindly email me the reply to [email protected] as the deadline for registering the Standard course will be on Feb 3.

Thanks very much for your help in advance.

With best regards,
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