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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 聖瑪加利, so many -ve comments, why?
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聖瑪加利, so many -ve comments, why? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 20:13 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear Parents,

I attended 聖瑪加利 briefing session with friends.
We all like the school and apply P1 for our kids.

It seems that there are some -ve comments on this school.

Any +ve comment?

Or, 聖瑪加利 really needs improvement?

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 21:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 MauChai 於 09-10-30 20:13 發表
Dear Parents,

I attended 聖瑪加利 briefing session with friends.
We all like the school and apply P1 for our kids.

It seems that there are some -ve comments on this school.

Any +ve comment?

Or,  ...

There will be for sure. The team of St Margaret's spokesmen will shortly appear. Just wait for a while.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 21:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-30 21:06 發表

There will be for sure. The team of St Margaret's spokesmen will shortly appear. Just wait for a while.

當然+ve comment 係 team of St Margaret's spokesman 啦. 因為佢地係用家嘛.  
不如又等吓-ve comment 係點講仲好啦???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 21:57 |只看該作者
I guess the -ve comments are basically coming from those who are not parents of SMC.  

Their comments were primarily based on (1) the school's history of being a government subsidized Band 3 girls' college; (2) extract of the less  favorable comments from the report conducted by the Edu Bureau 2.5 years ago; (3) ad hoc personal experience which may not have reflected the whole picture or may not be exclusively SMC...

These may not provide you a true and fair picture.

I am happy to share my personal experience.  I encountered your same situation 2 years ago.  Frankly speaking, SMC was not my first choice at the beginning. Both my husband and me changed our mind after talking to the Vice Principal in the 2nd interview.  We eventually gave up the seat in our preferred school.

Since then, I paid special attention to SMC's students whenever we came across on the road, in the MTR... (I mean the primary students only - chosen by the school under DSS).  It added more comfort to our decision.

We chose SMC or even recommend to friends - (1) its good language learning environment - as seen by the progress of my boy; (2) caring teaching staff - the school takes serious on parents' comments and all are handled within reasonable time; even the admin office is very helpful in getting hold of the teachers for parents; (3) happy learning - less writing and copying homework but we noted the amount of workload is increasing year by year; (4) good parents relation - parents of senior grades are very helpful and enthusiastic in providing advice if need.

I would say the school has been progressing very well since its being a DSS.  The first batch of its directly admitted students is now in S1.  Heard that their TSA results were very promising.  Hence, the number of applications increased substantially this year.

If you have a chance to meet the Vice Principal or other head teachers in the 2nd interview, you will learn more about the school and its academic performance in details.

If you are interested in SMC, you may go to its forum in BK - which is mainly sharings amongst SMC parents.  This may provide you some insights.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 22:12 |只看該作者
提供-ve comments 大部份唔係smc家長 (好多仲係bk新會員 )

提供+ve comments 除左smc家長亦有其他中肯家長 :)

那一些是事實, 看觀自會判斷.

我相信每間學校總有地方需要改進, smc都唔會例外.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-30 22:21 |只看該作者
Here they come. There should be 2 more to come - one with a revolving globe and the other XXXma...:

Disclaimer: i am not a new member & without any kid applying for P1. I am just a passerby finding the threads of SMC very interesting - a team of authoritative spokesmen who will pop up whenever anyone raises some 'not-so-happy' experience with the school. Really funny...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 22:23 |只看該作者

Good observation - 新會員.

I am so surprised why these suddenly come up (not true nor fair).

Do you think they have hidden agenda?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 22:40 |只看該作者
每年到選校既時間總係會好多呢d新會員出現, 仲要係好多個一齊出現, 綜合原因大概係咁:

1. 係interview過程真係對學校好唔滿意(smc唔係佢地杯茶)
2. 製造多d不利新聞, 等有心讀既卻步, 咁自己小朋友入讀機會會大左 (陰謀論 )
3. 樹大招風, 好多人會覺得smc唔算係名校, 點解咁多人講

bk小一選校呢度就係想比多d資訊比有需要既家長, 如果有該校家長回應都叫spokesman, 咁呢個forum可以摺埋唔洗開, 淨返果d咪得番 "聽朋友講.....", "見隔離師奶果小朋友...." 呢d唔知真定假既資料流傳, 睇黎都無用啦.

或者我地都應該開多幾個身份用下, 咁可能人地無插得咁甘

原帖由 spiderlily 於 09-10-30 22:23 發表

Good observation - 新會員.

I am so surprised why these suddenly come up (not true nor fair).

Do you think they have hidden agenda?

[ 本帖最後由 G-Ma 於 09-10-31 19:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-10-30 23:51 |只看該作者


- delete -

[ 本帖最後由 inprogress 於 09-11-18 20:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-31 02:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-30 21:06 發表

There will be for sure. The team of St Margaret's spokesmen will shortly appear. Just wait for a while.

Of couse there are fans of respective schools and this is normal.  Just like football team and fans would fight in the bar.

Defending is quite reason however attacking the others is really matter.  Parent never enrolled the other schools but would draw a picture in vivid color, just like studying there before.

SMC is not the only group...there are A-Z different groups here.  I am "Y" group.:;pppp:

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-10-31 10:49 |只看該作者
This is nothing wrong or funny but a group of SMC parents who are willing to share their own experiences and observation.  I truly appreciate their efforts which had helped me tremendously last year.

My boy is now in P1 and he loves SMC.  As a parent, I believe I have chosen the right school for my son.

原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-30 22:21 發表
Here they come. There should be 2 more to come - one with a revolving globe and the other XXXma...:

Disclaimer: i am not a new member & without any kid applying for P1. I am just a pa ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-31 11:05 |只看該作者

回覆 4# G-Ma 的文章

Totally agreed.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-31 11:44 |只看該作者
我是 SMC 今年小一新生家長,大約在 1.5 年前,我開始在BK留意各心儀小學的 topics,so far 未有在此"小一選校" forum 發現有現任家長對學校作出 -ve comments,最近在此 forum 見到的 -ve comments,全是由非現任家長提供的。


部份抨擊是不合情理的,例如只把視學報告內 -ve 部份post 出來,但 +ve 部份則沒有提及,這明顯是沒有把 full picture 顯示出來。我曾看過其他至少5間出名直資學校的視學報告,每間學校皆獲評有 +ve and -ve comments,所以 -ve comments 不是 SMC 獨有。

部份抨擊是有理據的,例如收生程序出現疏忽、混亂、school office 職員未夠專業(本人特別同情 Mlock 遭遇),正如副校長所說,學校仍有很多需要改善的空間,希望家長明白,沒有學校是完美的,我們相信學校只要是積極尋求改善、尊重家長有建設性的建議,以上的情況會有所改善。

至目前為止,囝囝喜歡上學,我特別滿意每當有問題向老師查詢時(打直線電話留message,我曾向4位老師查詢問題共十多次),他們會很快回覆我,從未試過不獲回應。Sports day 當天有同學仔媽咪問我有否接到老師的來電,她說老師巳分別在9月及10月致電給她,跟她談論她囝囝在學校的 discipline (她囝囝是比較活躍的),然而,老師委任了她囝囝做班長,相信是想令他明白想管好他人,先要管好自己的道理。

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 09-10-31 12:06 |只看該作者
我女讀既係一間同smc好相似既新思維學校, 今年好彩, 無咩特別-ve既評論, 但往年呢個interview季節, 總有好多無中生有既流言.........有d都幾嚇死人, 例如上個校長只做一年(明明3年完約), 有d話課程深到大學畢業都唔識教(真係拔苗可以助長, 幼稚園就教醫科啦), 有d話個個月做project份份一千幾百, 有d話每年走幾十個老師
當然講得既, 個個都好似有內幕消息咁, 總係識朋友呀, 老師呀even校董, 睇完只有一句話--啼笑皆非(最勁係總係interview季節至收料上bk講, 平時又唔見講)
總之邊句真邊句假, 自己俾心機睇清楚啦.......
原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-30 10:40 PM 發表
每年到選校既時間總係會好多呢d新會員出現, 仲要係好多個一齊出現, 綜合原因大概係咁:

1. 係interview過程真係對學校好唔滿意(smc唔係佢地杯茶)
2. 製造多d不利新聞, 等有心讀既卻步, 咁自己小朋友入讀機會會大左 ( ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-10-31 12:29 |只看該作者





原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-30 22:40 發表
每年到選校既時間總係會好多呢d新會員出現, 仲要係好多個一齊出現, 綜合原因大概係咁:

1. 係interview過程真係對學校好唔滿意(smc唔係佢地杯茶)
2. 製造多d不利新聞, 等有心讀既卻步, 咁自己小朋友入讀機會會大左 ( ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-31 12:32 |只看該作者
I begin to aware of this school recently because of preparing P1 application for my daughter. At the begining, I also have the similar questions like other parents.

After attending the briefing session on Aug., both my husband and I decided to apply SMC as it provides excellent learning environment for language development. Luckily, my daughter is being accepted and has the chance to join this big family next year.

I do think that each school has its strengths and weaknesses. Don't just focus on the past experience as we are looking for more improvements in the future.

Besides, I really admire the upper class parents of SMC as they are willing to share their experience and views frequently. It reflects the parents-school relationship is really good.

Hope all the 2010 P1 parents can receive good news from their preferred schools.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-31 20:12 |只看該作者

回覆 13# spiderlily 的文章

spiderlily, please ck PM.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-31 21:01 |只看該作者

please check pm

原帖由 little-duck 於 09-10-31 20:12 發表
spiderlily, please ck PM.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-1 23:40 |只看該作者
If your kid is not studying at SMC, how can you give  convincing argument or comments? If any parents don't like this school, then don't apply for it, that's easy, save your time, save your money.  Spend your time wisely to train up your kids for the interviews in other famous schools, but not attacking a school that you don't know much! My boy is studying at SMC and he enjoys his school life very much! This is what we want! Of course, there's still room for improvement and parents always keep a close contact with the teachers to help improve the situation,this is what we can do. There's no perfect school, right? After viewing all the comments, I just want to say G-Ma, I love you!!!!I'm proud of you!!!
原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-30 21:06  發表

There will be for sure. The team of St Margaret's spokesmen will shortly appear. Just wait for a while.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-2 01:36 |只看該作者

正如有家長講, 咁多現任smc家長都咁支持學校, 呢d已經係最好既證明, 如果學校辦得唔好, 家長亦唔會花時間替佢辯護. 家校合作得好, 對小朋友既成長及學習一定會有好大既幫助.

原帖由 estherking 於 09-11-1 23:40 發表
If your kid is not studying at SMC, how can you give  convincing argument or comments? If any parents don't like this school, then don't apply for it, that's easy, save your time, save your money.  Sp ...
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