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高主教 (中學部) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-6 15:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
聽人講高主教中學部好唔得, 教風唔係咁好. 請問有冇人知呢?

我諗緊幫仔仔報小一呀, 麻煩比 d 意見我啦
   1    0    0    0

希望可以同我隻佬白頭到老    做個永遠幸福快樂既小女人

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-7 09:16 |只看該作者
係咪真架, 我無收到此news wor?

高主教一向都是著重德行, 簡單來說是比較嚴, 而學術成績亦是高過教育局standard(我找不到有關website, 不過您可check吓, 因之前從教育局看過).  不過中學部係中西區是我需要考慮的因素.

以過來人經驗分享如果要讓小朋友入讀心儀學校, 當然要多聽有經驗人事的comments, 不過一定check清楚不能以訛傳訛.  Good lucky. :)

原帖由 ladykin 於 09-9-6 15:00 發表
聽人講高主教中學部好唔得, 教風唔係咁好. 請問有冇人知呢?

我諗緊幫仔仔報小一呀, 麻煩比 d 意見我啦

[ 本帖最後由 FungMm 於 09-9-7 10:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 12:49 |只看該作者
RC has never intended to be a school only for the excellent.

In our old days when the Secondary Section was still a private school, almost every student could be promoted from the primary section.

Of course, it is difficult for RC to keep this policy nowadays.  However, they still try hard to retain as many internal students as possible.  Thus, it is not stunnig to find the Secondary Section with lot of Band 2 students.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-7 14:29 |只看該作者
我有一份是2009學期年中總結首100名中學的資料.  不過不懂什麼upload上, 因是jpg格式.  有無人可以教我點upload la?  Thanks! ops:" />

此rating是根據A-G不同的情況而統計.  而高主教是位於47, 雖不是首20名的名牌中學.  但oveall我都好滿意呀. 尤其在學生畢業後之升學及就業出路有83.4%.:)

[ 本帖最後由 FungMm 於 09-9-7 14:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 14:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 FungMm 於 09-9-7 09:16 發表
係咪真架, 我無收到此news wor?

高主教一向都是著重德行, 簡單來說是比較嚴, 而學術成績亦是高過教育局standard(我找不到有關website, 不過您可check吓, 因之前從教育局看過).  不過中學部係中西區是我需要考慮的因 ...


唔知您仲記唔記得我呢, 早前我都有問過高主教既問題, 因為呢間係我打算幫仔仔報 3 間直資/私校既其中一間   我唔知係咪以訛傳訛, 但係我仔仔個鋼琴老師講既, 佢本身喺國際學校教書, 所以我先想問清楚

希望可以同我隻佬白頭到老    做個永遠幸福快樂既小女人

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-7 14:57 |只看該作者
Hi ladykin,

您好, 您一提我有d印象wor!

那您的piano老師有無其它可作介紹?  如果好"行"咁recommend給您首10名的名牌小學, 一定答得大體不會失禮呀嗎.  其實都有好多人問別人那一間小學/中學較好.  其答案好多時我都是根據他本人的age, 環境, 成長及network而回答.

例如我住沙田區好幾間出名的學校, 校風, 教法一定可以略知一二, 相對荃灣, TKO皆是.  好像上年我問別人時(當然是一些好有經驗).  但有d inform都未必合用, 不過可作reference.  尤其他們說一些當年好好亦十分難考的, 我都有為囝囝報考及花很多時間多作了解.

當我們作了最後決定時我亦有實地考察其學校, 確實其校的老師及學生的品德.  當中幸運地有他們口中的名牌小學收了囝囝但我都放棄了而choice RC.  是對是錯?  

我們作為家長不能改變學, 所以一定要小心選擇適合的學校給小朋友.  另一方面只有父母才知道自己小朋友的潛能在那裡.

如我有覆您之前的pm, 我答案都是一樣要找一所適合小朋友本身的學校而不是找一所只是名牌的學校.  

現在距離我囝囝升中學還有慢長的時間, 我當然會留意RC中學部的動向, 不過最重要是讓囝囝適應小學生活, 愛上學, 品德的發展.

SORRY, 可能有些少離題tim! Keep in sharing!  haaaa

原帖由 ladykin 於 09-9-7 14:31 發表


唔知您仲記唔記得我呢, 早前我都有問過高主教既問題, 因為呢間係我打算幫仔仔報 3 間直資/私校既其中一間   我唔知係咪以訛傳訛, 但係我仔仔個鋼琴老師講既, 佢本身喺國際學校教書, 所以我先想問 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 17:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 FungMm 於 09-9-7 14:57 發表
Hi ladykin,

您好, 您一提我有d印象wor!

那您的piano老師有無其它可作介紹?  如果好"行"咁recommend給您首10名的名牌小學, 一定答得大體不會失禮呀嗎.  其實都有好多人問別人那一間小學/中學較好.  其答案好多時 ...


佢冇 recommend 我邊間呀, 因為我住北角, 可以報既都唔多, 其中一間喺九龍, 另多一間喺西環

希望可以同我隻佬白頭到老    做個永遠幸福快樂既小女人

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-22 09:30 |只看該作者

回覆 6# FungMm 的文章

Dear FungMm,
thank you very much for your kind reply. You are always helpful !
your info is detailed and neutral, which is very precious to us,
my son got the offer at RC. still struggling. i also got a lot of very "opposite" opinions of R.C. I don't know why.
RC sec school: some people say it is band 2 bottom! some people say it is band 1 middle!
I checked the school annual report, seems the F5 and F7 results not bad ah! then why some people still saying it is so bad?

by the way, can you pls kindly PM me you list of sec school banding on hand? It is crucial to me to make decision as i have to convince my hubby and my m-in-law side relatives !!! they have a lot to say on this matter !!!
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-22 09:50 |只看該作者
[中西區有9間官津學校, 唔係band1英中就係band3中中. 男校英中以英皇同聖若瑟較top, 上年聖若瑟14分有75.92%而英皇就67%. 高主教比聖類斯較好, 前者屬band1中(上年14分有61.45%), 後者屬band2頭(最後一次公佈14分有42.9%). 女校英中以英華同聖士提反較top, 聖士提反上年14分有79.1%, 而英華就冇資料. 但係英華係中西區女生首選, 相信命運同英皇差不多, 會考14分估計都係6x%, 聖嘉勒屬band1尾.

第一階段中六收生, 聖嘉勒中五約157人, 中六有84個位, 結果有5個位剩, 即是有79人夠14分(如果全部原校升讀), 佔50.32%. 而英皇中五約192人, 中六有120個位, 結果有20個位剩, 如果全部人原校升讀, 就有100人夠14分, 佔52.08%. 但係我相信有唔少英皇仔走咗去第二間讀. 整體14分既比例應該同上年差唔多, 都係6x%咁上下. 不過我地唔可以只睇14分既比例, 優良數目都好重要.

Band3中中有2間, 聖士提反堂同梁銶琚. 如果以所剩學位推算. 聖士提反堂14分佔13.13%而梁銶琚佔15%. 兩者似乎唔係差好遠, 但梁銶琚比聖士提反堂早收夠人, 相比之下梁銶琚比聖士提反堂好少少. 如果以我標準去評估, 呢兩間屬band3中.

中西區仲有兩間抽獎直資, 即係聖保羅書院同香港聖瑪加利女書院. 如果根餘額推算, 前者有13個位剩, 14分就佔46.39%, 不過睇番上年佢既學校報告, 有94.4%既中六位係原校升讀, 即大約58%, 所以佢係差過高主教, 但係都好過聖類斯好多. 至於聖瑪加利, 就有20個位剩, 14分推算係25%, 屬band2尾. 當然選學校(尤其是band2尾至band3), 校風都好緊要, 要自己去實地理解, 呢o的工夫唔慳得.

歸納上面既分析, 下面就係中西區學校既排位.

聖士提反女子中學 (上年6科14分佔79.1%)
聖若瑟英文書院 (上年6科14分佔75.92%)

英皇書院 (上年6科14分佔67%)
高主教書院 (上年6科14分佔61.45%)

聖保羅書院  (推算上年6科14分約佔58%, 今年46.39%)
聖嘉勒女書院 (推算今年6科14分佔50.32%)

聖類斯中學 (最後一次公佈6科14分佔42.9%)

香港聖瑪加利女書院 (推算今年6科14分佔25%)

樂善堂梁銶琚書院 (推算今年6科14分佔15%)
聖士提反堂中學 (推算今年6科14分佔13.13%)


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-22 10:27 |只看該作者

回覆 9# VIRUS 的文章

Dear Virus,
thanks for your quote.
I have read and checked through this link few days ago already. that 's why i have this query:
why RC exam results quite good but still a lot of bad comment from people around me? (e.g. private tution center teachers, kindergarten principle comment, friends living at HK side, ??) and it is one existing primary school parent who told me RC is good but he rank it as band 2 head only for sec school?
I feel so strange and odd?
seems contradict to the fact listed in the public exam results?

what is more,
RC just announced its % for 14 marks or up, for 08/09 year, should be 74.3%!! it should be even better than King's college 07/08 !!

so why ???
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-22 11:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 littlemak 於 09-11-22 10:27 發表
Dear Virus,
thanks for your quote.
I have read and checked through this link few days ago already. that 's why i have this query:
why RC exam results quite good but still a lot of bad comment from pe ...

I posted on a thread about SLS vc RC in 小一選校 of latest public exam results stated in their school report and their inter-school sports results. I'd say there has been significant improvement in academic and sports results recently, so the not so positive comments may be based on outdated figures, personal bias, spread of rumours etc...
1 thing encouraging RC was placed overall 6 in the recnt 2009/2010 inter-school D1 swimming competition, the all time high and further improvement over last yr. So, I'd say RC, at least currently, is up and up.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-22 11:44 |只看該作者

回覆 11# waiwaibaba 的文章

Tks so much for sharing.
I rank RC as my top 1-3 choice, after reading all threads here.
Thank you so many moms here (and dads also) for valuable advice.

only concern is far from home and how to convince relatives.

anyone know, if travel by nanny bus, from kowloon tong to RC, taking how long?
littlemak小麥 天行健,君子以自強不息!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-22 12:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 waiwaibaba 於 09-11-22 11:33 發表

I posted on a thread about SLS vc RC in 小一選校 of latest public exam results stated in their school report and their inter-school sports results. I'd say there has been significant improvement  ...

It is correct that RC is up and up now.  
Below is % of students with 14 points or more from
best subjects :

2004 :  45.5%
2006 :  54.5%
2007 :  60.8%
2008 :  61.5%
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-23 10:00 |只看該作者
I chose RC for my boy coz he is capable in English.

In the meantime, he applied HKGUA as it is within walking distance.  The language subjects are taught by native language speakers (both English and PHT).  They charge about two thousand bucks per month.  A big deal!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-23 12:21 |只看該作者
RC is a reasonable choice and don't be overworrying.  At least, kids are well disciplined there in general.

Personally, I think academic result depends largely on the quality of students.  The chart you see today may not apply tomorrow.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-23 14:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 johnnyrotten 於 09-11-23 10:00 發表
I chose RC for my boy coz he is capable in English.

In the meantime, he applied HKGUA as it is within walking distance.  The language subjects are taught by native language speakers (both English and ...

Did your kid also accepted by HKUGAP ? If so, what's yr choice?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-23 15:37 |只看該作者
HKUGAP is our first choice because of less pressure.  Our son was not admitted in the end.

HKUGAP is very different  from a traditional school.   They don't have any test from P1 to P4 (may be changed).  I heard two years ago their TSA result was mediocre.  May be not pushing hard enough.  However, I have met some of their students on a bus speaking good English and PTH.  Pronounciation is very accurate.

Of course there are other outstanding schools like St. Paul and DBS, but really I don't want to waste my time in doing comparisons.  I selected RC as our second choice as it is above average and more importantly, I am an old boy.  So higher chance and save me from being exhausted.  At least, my wife would not murmur around me.

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyrotten 於 09-11-23 16:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-11-29 15:58 |只看該作者
secondary school oschestra is also above standard, it got many awards in recent few years, especially HK school music festival, they got champion in recent 2 years!! Harray!!

發表於 09-11-29 16:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-29 17:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 belle 於 09-11-29 16:28 發表
For 2009, % of students with 14 points or more  from best subjects is 74.3%
It is quite good.  YOu can check from the following link.

http://www.raimondi.edu.hk/new/document/School_Report_2008_-_2009 ...

Thanks !  It is quite good.  RC should be
band 1 top to band 1 mid if have 74.3% with
14 points or above for HKCEE.
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
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