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人算不如天算--IN 沙田樂基 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 13:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
仔仔同老公第一次in得甘差,大家都唔夠休息....老公只睡了3/4個小時,昨晚三更半夜由上海趕返香港!!個仔7:00叫佢起身,佢已經心情勁差,去in時,明明選擇in英文,偏偏來了一個廣東話老師,老師問野,仔仔有3/4次講"l dont know" 識都唔答(因為佢對廣東話反應慢d),加上老師問老公野時,老公一句起兩句止,唔似佢d口才,完全都無將仔仔的優點講出來.想幫口,老師又即時問第二條問題,當時我真的無西心機....還有in8:30分,門就8:30開,幾十秒至兩三分鐘後(總之好快好快)即in.....我地一家3口都未準備好,仲要係8:30之中的頭幾個IN TIM,總之未試過in得甘差!!!唉~~之前IN7間都IN得好好,全收....反而我最喜歡的學校就出事了.....人算不如天算,ANYWAY都好多謝一直比心得我的網友!!THANKS --
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-28 14:18 |只看該作者
Don't be upset! Nursery is just a start & there are a lot of challenges waiting for you & your kid in long road. Definitely, there are still a lot of good schools waiting for your kid.

Last yr, I just delivered my little kid for 2 weeks on the HKPS interview date, called the school for reschedule but they rejected even I provided the hospital proof. I was away with my elder kid for 2 weeks (put in my 99 place) & first met her again in front of school. She was very upset & never sit by herself. Finally, we were failed.

This yr, we are happy coz we got a lot of school offers for K1.

There are hopes always!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 15:05 |只看該作者


原帖由 6321 於 09-11-28 14:18 發表
Don't be upset! Nursery is just a start & there are a lot of challenges waiting for you & your kid in long road. Definitely, there are still a lot of good schools waiting for your kid.

Last yr, I ju ...

多謝你的支持及分享!!我常常說:過程盡力,結果平常心面對!!而這次我覺得很無奈,原因是:我沒看到老公和仔仔盡力,但是我不可以抱怨他們什麼.....老公出差體力疲倦,不是他的錯!仔仔還這麼小,年幼無知,睡不夠不回答陌生人問題,也屬於正常,我不能夠抱怨什麼,我只能夠說很無奈!!既然沙田樂基與我無緣...只好在9龍塘THINK上學了!!!希望它更合適我的仔仔!!!明年又可以再努力過!!!ANYWAY 真的好多謝你的安慰!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-11-28 16:07 |只看該作者
人算不如天算, 這topic我深深體會到.

11月頭是各幼稚園的面試大日子, 但可惜我仔忽然發燒, 病左一星期多, 錯過了數間學校的面試.  有些學校很好 (如聖保羅堂), 見我有醫生紙, 給我補考的機會, 很公平, 但有些, 就一口話no.  

病後他勁扭計, 去到某校interview, 表現非常差勁, 但估唔到最後咁都收, 又係人算不如天算的例子.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 19:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-11-28 16:07 發表
人算不如天算, 這topic我深深體會到.

11月頭是各幼稚園的面試大日子, 但可惜我仔忽然發燒, 病左一星期多, 錯過了數間學校的面試.  有些學校很好 (如聖保羅堂), 見我有醫生紙, 給我補考的機會, 很公平, 但有些, 就一 ...

唉~~總之now父母壓力好大,都唔知是不是自己比自己!!!自找苦吃???不過阿q d唸,今次失敗都好,起碼唔好覺得仔仔樣樣叻,不知不覺真的會自大....對自己對仔仔都唔好!!!:)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 19:35 |只看該作者
Totally understand your feeling.  Just do the best preparation and leave the results to god and take it easy.  KLT THINK is a good school.  May be our bb will be classmates.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-28 22:50 |只看該作者
好多時都聽到有關九龍塘THINK的comment.  其實, 佢係咪同馬鞍山THINK同出一系. 而課程同師資係咪差好遠架? 只知道馬鞍山THINK嘅N1班不重英文教學, 但該校仍以語文教育為出名.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 23:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 MAMAMEEE 於 09-11-28 22:50 發表
好多時都聽到有關九龍塘THINK的comment.  其實, 佢係咪同馬鞍山THINK同出一系. 而課程同師資係咪差好遠架? 只知道馬鞍山THINK嘅N1班不重英文教學, 但該校仍以語文教育為出名. ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-28 23:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 AAAFamily 於 09-11-28 19:35 發表
Totally understand your feeling.  Just do the best preparation and leave the results to god and take it easy.  KLT THINK is a good school.  May be our bb will be classmates.


發表於 09-11-28 23:34 |只看該作者
Yes .. THINK is good .. and now I'm struggling if I should let him change school next year (to those so called famous KG in kln tong) ...

but 1 thing to clarify ... there're video clips about school life but it won't be updated every day ga ... Anyway, you don't have to worry cos the sch provides intensive care for your kid.

原帖由 luiflora 於 09-11-28 23:22 發表

9龍塘Think是最多外國老師,加上學校大,可見天,可上網睇小朋友上課情況!N班每天有1小時45分鐘廣東話,1小時英文,15分鐘國語,升K1英文及國語比重會愈來愈多,廣東話開始減少,去到K3時,學生的英文及國語已經好好了!!而 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 12:38 |只看該作者
That's good.  Thanks for sharing.  

原帖由 luiflora 於 09-11-28 23:22 發表

9龍塘Think是最多外國老師,加上學校大,可見天,可上網睇小朋友上課情況!N班每天有1小時45分鐘廣東話,1小時英文,15分鐘國語,升K1英文及國語比重會愈來愈多,廣東話開始減少,去到K3時,學生的英文及國語已經好好了!!而 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 22:27 |只看該作者
are you interviewing for international class???
i was supposed to "in" for local class, but the adm girl asked me if i would like to have "international " instead, because too much applications for local..... and finally we had the international interview.....

原帖由 luiflora 於 09-11-28 13:29 發表
仔仔同老公第一次in得甘差,大家都唔夠休息....老公只睡了3/4個小時,昨晚三更半夜由上海趕返香港!!個仔7:00叫佢起身,佢已經心情勁差,去in時,明明選擇in英文,偏偏來了一個廣東話老師http://ads.baby-kingdom.com/www/d ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 22:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 jaimegaga 於 09-11-29 22:27 發表
are you interviewing for international class???
i was supposed to "in" for local class, but the adm girl asked me if i would like to have "international " instead, because too much applications for lo ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-29 23:56 |只看該作者

原帖由 jaimegaga 於 09-11-29 22:27 發表
are you interviewing for international class???
i was supposed to "in" for local class, but the adm girl asked me if i would like to have "international " instead, because too much applications for lo ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-11-30 01:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 luiflora 於 09-11-28 13:29 發表
仔仔同老公第一次in得甘差,大家都唔夠休息....老公只睡了3/4個小時,昨晚三更半夜由上海趕返香港!!個仔7:00叫佢起身,佢已經心情勁差,去in時,明明選擇in英文,偏偏來了一個廣東話老師http://ads.baby-kingdom.com/www/d ...


其實我都好吾開心呀,我之前一直都吾知原來KlnTong Think教英文既時間係多過其他分校咁多架,無諗過一樣係Think,原來教既野會吾同,當時只係諗住選間方便少少既(Lam Tin),之後響呢度睇d媽媽講開先知!!唉,一諗起就吾開心,怪自己點解吾選KlnTong......

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 14:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 pingu_k 於 09-11-30 01:48 發表


其實我都好吾開心呀,我之前一直都吾知原來K ...

我打算比個仔仔讀一年半學校,所以in沙田靈光幼兒學校,好時光(沙田),嘉德麗(沙田第一城),康傑(馬鞍山)for 2010年2月,朗思(9龍塘),迦南幼兒園(9龍塘),啟思(9龍塘)for 2010年8月!留位了think,沙田樂基等結果,還欠9龍塘樂基未in.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-30 15:13 |只看該作者
dear twinstar...is your kid studying in Think? Is he/ she enjoy in studying? how's the teacher? Do u think their Mandarin and english has been improved?

發表於 09-11-30 15:47 |只看該作者
Yes ar .. he;s now in K1. He really loves school a lot. Sometimes I asked him if he wants to change to a new KG next year (those in Kln tong), he cried and said "no" and he wanted to stay in THINK.  You know this is what I'm struggling now ....

The teachers are very caring. If you're in LN, they called u every day for the whole mth to report about your kid's progress. Won't have so many calls in K1 but have progress report every 2 weeks for Chi and every mth for eng.

To me, his English and PTH have improved a lot, esp Eng. In N1, he learnt quite a no. of Eng vocabs though there's not much lesson time for Eng. In K1, he now can speak simple Eng sentences. Eng listening should be of no problem for him now. Since I didn't speak to him in Eng often at home. I think this is already v good.

As I put him in E/C instead of E/PTH classes both in N1 and K1, compared to Eng, his PTH is not as good as Eng. But he can still sing those PTH songs and speak simple vocabs / phases taught by the teachers now e.g. "brushing teeth, I love papa and ma ma, mooncake, fruits" etc.

原帖由 wcecilia926 於 09-11-30 15:13 發表
dear twinstar...is your kid studying in Think? Is he/ she enjoy in studying? how's the teacher? Do u think their Mandarin and english has been improved?

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 09-11-30 15:50 編輯 ]

發表於 09-11-30 15:53 |只看該作者
hey .. you don't have to worry. I think for nursery, finding a school which is near your home is very important too. It's very harsh for a 2 yr old kids to travel long way to school. You can change it to Kln tong in K1 even now you cannot successfully changed to Kln tong in N1.

原帖由 pingu_k 於 09-11-30 01:48 發表


其實我都好吾開心呀,我之前一直都吾知原來K ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-11-30 21:28 |只看該作者
actually i picked local because it is morning class, but i choose international as second choice....btw how old is your son? what questions did they ask?
here are the question she asked my daughter:
1- what is your name? ( my daughter is only 13 months, i wonder if she had read my profile before the interview ?!? and of coz she was puzzled.... )
2- who is your daddy? who is your mommy? ( she got it )
3- where is your nose? where is your mouth? ( she got it )
4- picture of fruits, and ask to point the apple.. ( she keeps on pointing to the banana, and say nana?!?  )
5- picture of animals, and ask to point the dog... ( i need to tell her wow wow instead to point out the dog... )

原帖由 luiflora 於 09-11-29 22:45 發表

甘搗笑???其實有留意我寫野的人都知道我本來是想報英普班,只擔心來了國語人in,個仔仔不懂得反應,為了佢in得會好d,故報中英文班!點知明明選擇in英文,最後卻來了個廣東話老師in,一樣in得差......呵呵~ ...
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