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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 高主教 vs St. Clares
樓主: AugSun

高主教 vs St. Clares [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-11-30 22:27 |只看該作者
The discussion here is really helpful to us as more information can be shared.  Being a mother is not easy this day!  Every school has pros and cons and to me ..... more comparison will enhance me getting a right decision.  Thanks a lot for all your inputs!

Anyway, I'm still waiting for June (although not joining lucky draw because of RC and st. clares), the chance of getting 12-year-free education.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-1 11:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 YauYingMummy 於 09-11-30 22:27 發表
The discussion here is really helpful to us as more information can be shared.  Being a mother is not easy this day!  Every school has pros and cons and to me ..... more comparison will enhance me get ...

May I know how to enjoy free education if U don't join the lucky draw? U mean U got a place in the first round? So U are now holding 3 places and defer final decision to June?

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-2 22:34 |只看該作者
I've got few private school offers on hand but none from the lucky draw.  I cannot join the lucky draw because of the current private shool offers.  

I'll wait until June 2010 to see if there is any spare capacity.... I don't trust lucky draw because I'm not living in a
"good school net work" and the chance to win is rare.  If my girl is bright enough and there is vacancy, I can still find a primary school which is free.....

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 09-12-7 23:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 AugSun 於 09-11-30 22:19 發表
I don't know why you come here any bull shit here?

請閣下注意用詞, 作為成年人, 我們都應該尊重不同的意見.


Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-16 23:45 |只看該作者
Hi AugSun, after the school picnic, I've decided to let my girl staying at st. clares..... really difficult to make a decision at the very beginning when there is so many information/advice.

As yauyingmummy, I should find something that suit my child.  I think my girl staying at st. clares will feel happy and comfortable... to me as well.  Little brother is a concert but not now.  Everything is over!  

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-23 10:09 |只看該作者
Same suituation as you.  Let's see what other magic will be happened!!

原帖由 YauYingMummy 於 09-12-16 23:45 發表
Hi AugSun, after the school picnic, I've decided to let my girl staying at st. clares..... really difficult to make a decision at the very beginning when there is so many information/advice.

As yauyi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 11:01 |只看該作者
雖然我都想大女幫弟弟開路, 但我同老公都覺得放個女去 rc, 有少少放羊入虎口的感覺

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-23 15:21 |只看該作者
As I said before that I didn't register at RC and remain my daughter in SC.  For my younger son, I will try another battle again.

Good luck for all.

原帖由 w_y 於 09-12-23 11:01 發表
雖然我都想大女幫弟弟開路, 但我同老公都覺得放個女去 rc, 有少少放羊入虎口的感覺

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 15:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 w_y 於 09-12-23 11:01 發表
雖然我都想大女幫弟弟開路, 但我同老公都覺得放個女去 rc, 有少少放羊入虎口的感覺


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-23 16:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 w_y 於 09-12-23 11:01 發表
雖然我都想大女幫弟弟開路, 但我同老公都覺得放個女去 rc, 有少少放羊入虎口的感覺

Hmm I respect yr view though the metaphor "放羊入虎口" is perhaps exaggerated unless U have concrete evidence / experience to share. Heard that dBS is also considering the acceptance of girls in future. Just wonder if U will risk yr lovely lady "sheep" be bitten by dBS "tigers" if U were given the chance?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 16:16 |只看該作者
首先我好尊重亦好喜歡 rc 呢間學校. 即使 dbs 收女生, 我睇法都係一樣. 而且, 唔係人人一定想要入 dbs, 呢間我眼中絕對係極好的學校, 唔係酸葡萄, 而係我地本身有宗教信仰的考慮而已, 如果唔係, 一早都唔使諗要唔要大女幫弟弟開路入 rc 呢個講法, 唔需要太敏感. rc 果 d 就係男仔, 唔通人地 dbs 果 d 係太監咩.

原帖由 waiwaibaba 於 09-12-23 16:04 發表

Hmm I respect yr view though the metaphor "放羊入虎口" is perhaps exaggerated unless U have concrete evidence / experience to share. Heard that dBS is also considering the acceptance of girls in fut ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 16:18 |只看該作者
不過咁喎, 如果 st clare's 肯收男仔, 我反而會考慮俾個仔入架喎.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-23 20:24 |只看該作者
如果大抽獎唔得, 我都唸住俾個女讀sc, 但我有個仔係九龍讀緊中學, 所以頭痛緊要搬去邊度, 可以就個仔又可以就個囡 , 請問有冇人係住九龍, 但就返sc, 我想問下上車時間。

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-24 11:56 |只看該作者
Hi, All

I totally agree that RC is absolutely good for boys and St. Clare's is excellent for girls and their English are strong and good manners.

I have a younger son too.  In future, if RC accepts my son in compare to St. Paul boys, I will also have a deep thinking and consideration which one is good for my son.  

So don't be too sensitive for people not choosing RC and choosing St. Clare's.  I do think St. Clare's is an excellent school.  I feel confident of the new principal that she will use her heart to bring St. Clare's into another higher level.  Just give your support to the school you choose and be confident and focus to train your child for their best.

原帖由 cottontail 於 09-12-23 20:24 發表
如果大抽獎唔得, 我都唸住俾個女讀sc, 但我有個仔係九龍讀緊中學, 所以頭痛緊要搬去邊度, 可以就個仔又可以就個囡 , 請問有冇人係住九龍, 但就返sc, 我想問下上車時間。 ...
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