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教育王國 討論區 朗思國際幼稚園(九龍塘) 朗思家長們, 可否分享一下?
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朗思家長們, 可否分享一下? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-2-22 14:28 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
聽別人說朗思對小朋友的紀律較寬鬆, 係咪真的? 另外九龍塘與藍田在課程上有分別嗎?
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發表於 10-2-22 21:34 |只看該作者

發表於 10-2-22 23:51 |只看該作者
are u asking about K1?

To my experience, disipline is reasonable. Not too lose, not too strict. Students also have rules to follow and they do train students' manner too e.g. politeness etc.

I think they have the same teaching style. Content should be the same too cos they;re using the same sets of books and homework book. However, the "activities" / outings might be slightly different. Like the destination of visits might be different (but of the same themes). You can check with their websites. Go to "school notice" of different branches and then you can see the outings / activities that students have in different branches.

I'm not sure if the allocation of lesson time is the same in different branches.

My son is studying in K1 ENG/CAN class in LC. He has 2 class teachers, 1 native and a local Chi teacher. Time allocated between the 2 lang should be equal. The 2 class teachers also share the normal class duties e.g. snack time , out door play time etc. together. I bet the arrangement would be the same in ENG + PTH class. The only difference is that he would have a native PTH + a native Eng class teacher. Correct me if I'm wron g ThX :)

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-2-23 12:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-23 10:02 |只看該作者
都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?

原帖由 pollybell 於 10-2-22 21:34 發表
其實話就話係國際學校,但其實紀律同主流幼稚園無咩分別,絕對唔係一般國際學校咁活動式,都係以廣東話為主,班主任都係香港人,除非你讀國際班,麗港城英文堂都係半個鐘,九龍塘比較多些英文堂. ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-23 10:03 |只看該作者
your info. is very useful, thanks!
原帖由 twinsstar 於 10-2-22 23:51 發表
are u asking about K1?

To my experience, disipline is reasonable. Not too lose, not too strict. Students also have rules to follow and they do train students' manner too e.g. politeness etc.

I thin ...

發表於 10-2-23 10:26 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-23 10:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 ikyau 於 10-2-23 10:02 發表
都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?

但有學卷個D, 因成本所限, 英文native teachers一定無咁多, 可能只係中國人教英文, 而且不一定日日有普通話 (朗思粵英班日日有普通話, 雖然時間唔長只有20分鐘左右).  

我覺得朗思雖然名義上係國際學校, 但紀律上同傳統的學校無分別, 會要求上堂坐定定唔俾周圍走, 亦著重禮貌和規矩.  我阿仔在家食小食, 我放好食物, 他居然自己會唸: 唔該嬸嬸, 1, 2, 3, 可以開始食.  

相比其他分校, 藍田分校係最多人派去津校 (當然考到好的直資亦唔少), 如果學校如你所講紀律寬鬆, 一定適應唔到傳統的津校.  但我在這裡睇左咁耐, 真係唔多覺有升小學的家長話規律上和課程上適應唔到, 所以, 你唔駛太擔心.

發表於 10-2-23 11:55 |只看該作者
I guess she;s talking about N1. It's true that the class teacher in N1 is local (unless you're opting for international stream) but then from K1 onwards, there should be 1 native and 1 local class teacher. However, they have Eng and PTH every day (taught by native teachers). Guess those "govt-voucher" school won't have that arrangement everyday.

But then there's no govt voucher for N1 no matter which schools  ..

原帖由 ikyau 於 10-2-23 10:02 發表
都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?


[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-2-23 12:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-23 14:10 |只看該作者
My son is studing N1 at Mei Foo Branch. I think the discipline training is very good e.g. little kids need to quenue up for using washing room and playing toys.

my son has a great improvement on both languages (PTH and Eng), he sings songs everyday after school, wash hands by himself before meals without my help........ .

So I think this is a very good school!!

發表於 10-2-23 14:29 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-2-23 18:07 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-23 22:56 |只看該作者
We switched from Cannan to Think in K2, the main difference is Think is very strong in developing language skill through their experienced native teacher. Small class size (12 ppl in K2), caring teacher, clearly structured and interesting teaching materials let my boy having great fun in learning without any pressure.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-25 13:35 |只看該作者
My daughter is currently studying at Think K2 whole day class which I highly recommend.  

She have bilingual class (Eng/ Cantonese) for the morning session and international class (all Eng) in the afternoon.  She can now speak English quite fluently even we don't speak English at home!

Although she's not in PTH class. Everyday she has 20 min PTH class in the morning (teach pinyin ) and 20 min PTH in the afternoon (story , conversation) which I think it's very sufficient.

You can have different combination of classes depends on your needs.

e.g.  a.m.(Eng+PTH)    p.m.(Eng + Cantonese)

or    a.m (Eng + PTH) p.m (Eng only)

發表於 10-2-25 17:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-26 11:30 |只看該作者
my son is studying at Kln Tong Think N1 currently, like every school, there are some good and bad things about the school:

- good native English teacher: my boy enjoys her class a lot as he always mentions her name and sings English songs
- good PTH teacher: again, he always mention her name and can count 1-10 in quite fluent PTH, that's to my surprise!

- his local class teacher is just so so, just formal, you don't feel that she is very caring, i suspect that's why my son doesn't really want to go to school..
- the supervisor teacher's attitude is not good (bad actually), even to parents, so i could imagine how she would be to children.  and her cantonese is the thing which worries me most (good that she is not my son's class teacher), she has gotten lots and lots of 懶音.. all the 懶音 that you could think of..as she took the lead to brief parents in the school opening day.

in general, i think THINK is good for English & PTH, but the cirriculum and some of the local teachers are just so so

發表於 10-2-26 23:26 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-2-27 02:32 |只看該作者
we are gonna switch to KV.  yes, 1hr English, re the English book.. actually all the books that my son took back are in Chinese, only those borrowed from the library are English.  i would double check..

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-2-26 23:26 發表
Thanks , Zima mami,

I heard that they only have 1 local teacher for N1. However, kid will communciate with the local teacher most of the time. Will your son stay at Think or switch to other kindergar ...

發表於 10-2-27 10:35 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-27 18:36 |只看該作者
ours is pm class.  i did struggled.  i do treasure that THINK provides good English & PTH environment.  but i also like the way KV trains students to become independent and good in Chinese & Maths.  from all that i have heard so far, seems like KV gives a better foundation for P1.  unlike your daughter, he does not like going to school.  this is another reason why i want him to change.  having made up our mind, our focus now is to find some good English class for him to join.

發表於 10-2-27 22:59 |只看該作者
Similar here n same as your son, he enjoys his schooling in THINK a lot (always talks abt his teacher and school life) and he also says he wants to stay in THINK and doesn't want to change school. (SC)

I don't know why I'm not afraid of THINK's level of Chinese and Maths, cos I do think the level is very ok (To my standard). I'm just afraid that THINK is not famous enough, i.e. the school name will affect his chance of going to those so-called elite pri school (private / DSS).

Always struggling ... aiii .. v diff to choose

原帖由 happystar 於 10-2-27 10:35 發表

Hi zima,

我正是煩惱 THINK & KV 當中
我跟妳有一些不同是我小朋友的班主任十分好, 所以我個小朋友十分鍾意返學, 妳問佢去新學校返學好唔好, 佢會話唔好。

我只是擔心THINK 中文同數學是否會太淺。
妳KV 係 AM O ...
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