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樓主: bonnylee71

校車服務 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-1 17:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 principal 於 10-9-1 17:08 發表

How can you identify the cockroach's nationality??

looks less scary
not like the giant black local ones !!  <==

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 10-9-1 17:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-1 17:21 |只看該作者
Dear e-doctor,
e-doctor is e-doctor!!  

I almost forgot your profession!! 
You can identify the exact species of cockroach by just a quick glimpse at the insect.
I’m pretty sure that you got A grade in either Entomology or Biology when you were a pupil.    

原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-9-1 17:10 發表

looks less scary
not like the giant black local ones !!   

Rank: 4

發表於 10-9-1 17:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-1 19:08 |只看該作者
Biology, but without the practical. :tongue:

And I'm vvvvv scared of cockroaches !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-1 19:55 |只看該作者
Biology, but without the practical.
- So only “紙上談兵”!! 

That’s why I dare not to visit your clinic yet, though I do know the exact address!!  

BTW, how did you get your official certificate of a medical doctor??  
And I'm vvvvv scared of cockroaches !
- That’s why you know every species of cockroaches on Earth and can identify their respective origins in just 2-3 seconds.  

原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-9-1 19:08 發表

Biology, but without the practical. :tongue:

And I'm vvvvv scared of cockroaches !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-1 22:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-9-1 19:08 發表
Biology, but without the practical. :tongue:

And I'm vvvvv scared of cockroaches !

雖則我係一個猛男, 但都好怕小強, 記得有一次兩公婆同朋友 晚上去完飲野 (呀女仲未出生), 返到屋企見到呀小強正正係個廳度, 嚇到我地死死吓, 咁話哂都係男人, 胆粗粗搵隻拖鞋壓住佢, 又唔敢整死佢喎, 於是乎打電話俾個仍在酒吧飲緊野嘅朋友飛的o黎我處幫我了結咗佢..........真羞家.....

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-2 00:53 |只看該作者
各位提及很多問題 - 包括在聯絡上, 禮貌上, 路線準備上, 實際行走路線上, 準時程度上,.......o 本人全在這天在那新校巴公司上遇到o


我家住東九龍大屋村, 也遇到如此問題, 真是不能接受!!


Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-2 01:07 |只看該作者

回覆 22# carollamyy 的文章


In your case, your kid needs to go to the pick-up location on foot for 5-10 minutes. In my case, the drop-off point from my required location takes a not-less-than-20-minutes walk. I'm NOT exaggerating!! It is true! We have to deliver our complaints to TSL, because the school bus company is chosen by the school. We are forced to suffer, aren't we?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-2 13:11 |只看該作者
昨日比小朋友試坐校車, 回程個半鐘準時.  聽小朋友話司機同EE nice. 個心都鬆了不少.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-2 13:16 |只看該作者
I did raise the complaint to school and being reminded that the school bus is not only tailor-make for your kid.  In fact I agree it is absolutely true but being told by the school of course not feeling good.   I went to school and meet the school bus company staff yesterday in the morning as I believed they will be there.  I met one Miss Chan, believe this car compnay is family business as all staffs are Miss Chan, she said she will look into the case and after the school bus runs smooth, they may see if there is another pick up point which is more closer to my place. She also admit is a bit messy for these few days as they are new.  I accept her suggestions and her attitude.  Later the school bus nanny called me and promised will check if there are any other pick up points which more convenience for my kid.  So you may try to talk to the school bus company but not the school in my opinion.  

Besides, did any one ever send the email to PTA as I send one last week but no reply.

原帖由 jcheng0224 於 10-9-2 01:07 發表

In your case, your kid needs to go to the pick-up location on foot for 5-10 minutes. In my case, the drop-off point from my required location takes a not-less-than-20-minutes walk. I'm NOT ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-2 13:28 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 10-9-2 14:40 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 10-9-4 12:31 |只看該作者

It is intolerable if the school bus is not trustworthy

I was and is still extremely angry and worried on the trsutworthiness of this school bus company and I am very serious on how the school administration or PTA will handle this issue.

The school bus changed few times on the picking up location and time for getting on the bus and getting off the bus, yet not with the notice to the parent, but only leave message to the voice mail. It's ridiculus that I need to worry the kid's safety once I have entrusted the child to your bus, which is school approved.

I have made few complaints to the school and the bus company where their response were rude and very unprofessional.

This is the responsiblity of the school and they cannot avoid the responsiblity to make sure the services are ensuring our kids' safety.

My son still told me today that no body in the school bus ensure that every student in the bus need to take the seat belt. It's very unprofessional, especially a school bus serving primary school students aged between 6 , 7 8, year old kids.

Unbelievable!! School need to take some action!!
Otherwise I will make complaints to EMB as this is servious and affecting the lives and safety of our kids!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-9-4 12:40 |只看該作者

Why chnage the school bus company???

I am really angry on why the school have to change the school bus every year while the children are such a young age. Are the school administrators with good professional knowledge understanding that young children need structured, safety and less ready for change??

From the pervious school bus, I feel they are more professional than this one, at least they cared about child's safety and put the child's welfare at the priority, not only considering their own profit or own business issues.

E.g. In the pervious years, the aunties in the school bus will call me whenever they have any chnages and make sure every child in the bus got the seat belt on, even though some of the kids did not like it. Now, this school bus staff have no such awareness. It is very risky and dangerous!!

This new school bus company only consider their own business. I live in Kowloon, they first requested my child to get in the bus at 6:45! Previous bus we get on at 7:15. Can you believe that?? It is because they need to go around the city for getting on more kids, to earn more money!!  It is also 30 m late than pervious time schedule when he got home!!

If you put the kids' welfare at top priority, they will not do this and they are running a business targeting on young children. They need to consider the needs of these children!!

The school have to take some action, please!! Any why PTA not respond???

Why the bus compnay changed??? need to be accountable to the parents!!

An extremely angry mum!!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-9-4 18:28 |只看該作者

1) 目前法例 - 並沒有硬性規定校巴要安裝安全帶。如萬一發生意外時, 如小朋友被安全帶弄傷, 有可能不能CLAIM保險。另太小的小朋友未必會於意外發生時自行解除安全帶逃生, 亦帶來一定危險。
但安全帶不是為了保障乘客安全嗎? 所以這個絕對是非常矛盾的一件事。如要投訴, 便應該向立法會議員求助, 因為一日不立法, 那些校車公司都是得過且過的。再者, 有一些新車是椅背加高, 以防太細的小朋友於意外時從椅背飛出, 但這是參考哪國的法例我已經忘記了。

2) 目前法例 - 1.3米高以下的小童, 算3人兩座位。因此一輪校巴最高乘客計算方法便有所差異。有差低年級學生較多, 便會多停幾個站, 哪行車時間便會加長, 以及就算有安全帶, 坐中間的小朋友便不會有安全帶保護了。但這些人數點算, 則要靠尾站家長去睇了。

3) 改校車公司 - 我估是學期尾時的家長問卷吧...不過而家換了之後, 發覺一蟹不如一蟹...

4) 公開投標 - 唔知是否PLK有很多校車公司以供選擇,所以投標也不用安排, 話換就換。所以通知時間太短, 校車公司也不能即時配合。我覺得應該以公開投標方式, 跟校車公司簽定3年合約(兩年死約, 一年生約), 以免經常更換。而選擇校車公司時, 亦應由家長及校方抽票決定。

5) 公開行車路線及到站時間 - 9月頭讓家長可於網上瀏覽不同路線, 增加透明度, 以減去家長之疑慮。

6) 家長義工跟車 - 可看車身清潔, 急救設備, 到站時間, 司機駕駛態度, 路線安排等等是否有改善空間。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-5 11:27 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 TINGMUM 於 11-8-11 11:26 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-6 10:11 |只看該作者
I can feel your grievances as I'm experiencing the same. I've lodged my complaint in written form and have already suspended school bus service subscription.

School should really do something for us. Our kids are suffering.

原帖由 ssdiana 於 10-9-4 12:40 發表
I am really angry on why the school have to change the school bus every year while the children are such a young age. Are the school administrators with good professional knowledge understanding that  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-6 21:56 |只看該作者

九龍東 - 無服務 - 你信不?

我的孩子要在牛頭角落車(放學)o 校車公司話"幫唔到你.......d司機話去唔到牛頭角"o (絕無誇張!! 校車公司千真萬確話"去唔到牛頭角"!!) 而且, 還有"這一年都不會去得到牛頭角........下學年私我公司會盡量按排"o

各位家長, 誰想在轉校車公司? 請盡快集結力量, 可以PM 在下o

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-6 22:05 |只看該作者

九龍東家長 (鑽石山 至 藍田)

各位住在九龍東(鑽石山, 彩虹, 陶大, 牛頭角, 九龍灣, 觀塘或藍田)的家長:

誰想在轉換校車公司? 請盡快集結力量, 可以PM 在下o

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-6 22:26 |只看該作者


原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-9-5 11:27 發表
同意silvia,換校車公司的選擇方面, 應比多d透明度家長,由家長及校方抽票決定. 新校車公司在做路線大改之前, 應比家長一個問卷, 看看家長對舊有的路線是否接受, 有什麼意見, 而不是用獨裁方式閉門造車.

有不少學校 ...

校車路線為何不能公開?? 天主教伍華小學的便公開了
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