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教育王國 討論區 播道書院 2010 - 2011 P.1B BK 家長會
樓主: chingching709

2010 - 2011 P.1B BK 家長會 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-12 22:13 |只看該作者
多謝關心啊!! Nice to meet you too!! Thx

原帖由 2so 於 10-9-11 23:46 發表
oh...poor Bobo.  Hope she will recover soon!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-13 09:52 |只看該作者
我個囡返黎都有講呀, 佢仲話BOBO好堅強添呀 ....

原帖由 bobo0529 於 10-9-10 18:48 發表
今日囡囡係學校放第二個小息時, 比兩個係到跑緊嘅男同學撞到飛起, 左面,左手臂同左腳都損晒, 最傷仲要係塊面到, 仲連副眼鏡都花到無得救. 睇見佢傷成咁, 個心就赤赤痛.....>. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-13 09:58 |只看該作者
HI Zoe0321, 我個囡叫Megan, 佢係第3組, 佢係比較shy同baby個類型, 佢都有話同Zoe, bobo玩, 希望佢可以响度同佢哋建立關係啦...

原帖由 Zoe0321 於 10-9-11 09:10 發表
What is your daughter's name? My daughter names Zoe (Class no .8). You can ask your daughter to find my daughter and play together during recess. Hope they can be friends together.

[ ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-14 17:13 |只看該作者

回覆 17# bobo0529 的文章

Hi all,

-I'm so sorry to hear the accident on BoBo, hope she will get well very soon with a pretty face.  
-My girl told me before that another classmate fell down and hurt her knees last week.  In fact I am so worry about the safety of the small kids, especially in raining days when the floor is slippery, and when they run in playground or walk in stairs.  So we must always remind them not to run and walk slowly.
-My daughter Jolie is an active girl and she already told me some of the names of her classmates. She is in group 3. Violin, 你叫Megan 同佢玩la.  She also told me that the girl stop crying now.
-How’s your kid’s about the vaccine injection? Jolie mentioned that only a few classmates cried yesterday and she named some to me.
-BTW, she also requested us to give her $ to buy ice-stick and said almost all her classmates buy it during recess except Hannah & her… Will you give $ for yr kids to buy snack now?

[ 本帖最後由 augustgirl 於 10-9-14 20:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-14 20:03 |只看該作者

回覆 8# bobo0529 的文章

Hi bobo dad,

Can you tell me how the school react in this matter ? Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-14 22:09 |只看該作者
Hi Augustgirl,

Nice to meet you!! 多謝關心啊!! Bobo手同腳傷口開始好番d, 不過面面就無咁快可以好番晒, 醫生都話要等2-3星期, 要再耐心一d等. 另外學校處理方面, 盧校長在昨天早會時, 安排了Bobo上台, 向各班級同學告誡, 千萬別在學校亂跑, 會對同學做成危險, 就如Bobo受傷的例子. 另外在小息時, 安排了撞到我囡囡嘅同學(小四男學生)當面要他向Bobo道歉, 再告誡他, 千萬別在學校亂跑了. 還有, 盧校長今天告訴我, 已通知這位犯錯的小四男學生家長. 不過未知會有什麼懲罰(相信都不會有任何懲罰)?? 另一方面, 校長亦會再加多些人手, 在小息和午飯時對小一, 二學生的照顧. 最後, 我希望這類意外(不幸事), 不要再發生任何一個學生之上!!!
還有, 我們是沒有給Bobo零用錢在學校買小食的, 每天都會為她安排好snacks & 水果帶回學校和朋友仔分享一齊食.

原帖由 augustgirl 於 10-9-14 20:03 發表
Hi bobo dad,

Can you tell me how the school react in this matter ? Thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 11:21 |只看該作者
Hi Augustgir,

原來JOLIE同MEGAN係同一組架, 希望佢哋可以一齊玩啦, MEGAN比較慢熱

我都冇比零用錢佢架, 太細喇, 我覺得唔適合住, 都係預備咗SNACK比佢返學食

琴日佢去完廁所都跌親, 當然係佢自己跑整親, 都叫佢哋唔好响RECESS時跑黎跑去, 佢哋又細粒, 好易整親....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 11:48 |只看該作者
Hello Megan mami, 個個小朋友都會係咁, 唯有每日都提住佢地啦!! 另外, 我想問你地小朋友有無參加朗誦比賽呀?? 以家Bobo報咗名, 我都要開始諗吓點同佢練習. 還有就是你地小朋友會唔會參加學校音樂節呀?? Thanks

原帖由 violin 於 10-9-15 11:21 發表
Hi Augustgir,

原來JOLIE同MEGAN係同一組架, 希望佢哋可以一齊玩啦, MEGAN比較慢熱

我都冇比零用錢佢架, 太細喇, 我覺得唔適合住, 都係預備咗SNACK比佢返學食

琴日佢去完廁所都跌親, 當然係佢自己跑整親, 都叫佢 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 13:33 |只看該作者
Hi Bobo Dad, 我本想同Megan參加朗誦架, 不過, 跟住佢又話驚, 加上佢到今朝上校車仲喊緊, 每日都喊幾堂, 而家只係recess同食飯好dd, 所以都唔搞佢住, 搞掂佢返學先喇....

我都想問吓學校音樂節係咪經學校參架.... bobo學緊鋼琴定其他樂器呀? Megan而家先學一級琴, 日日都好似唔夠時間要練咁....

原帖由 bobo0529 於 10-9-15 11:48 發表
Hello Megan mami, 個個小朋友都會係咁, 唯有每日都提住佢地啦!! 另外, 我想問你地小朋友有無參加朗誦比賽呀?? 以家Bobo報咗名, 我都要開始諗吓點同佢練習. 還有就是你地小朋友會唔會參加學校音樂節呀?? Thanks


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:00 |只看該作者
Hi bobo0529,
- Thanks for your sharing. I think that Mr Lo handled this matter quite well.  I want to know also did the teacher called you immediately after bobo got hurt?  Anyway, get well soon bobo and forget the unhappiness.

- Jolie did not join as she doesn't like 朗誦, although I want her to try but she cries when we said to enroll for her, very insist not to join, maybe she has not enough confidence.  Not for music festival too as she stop learning Piano now.

- We will join this Fri's PTA AGM, hope to see you all.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:02 |只看該作者
Hi Megan mami, 睇嚟Megan佢仲需要多d時間去適應小學生活, 搭校車喊可能佢覺得無安全感, 要留意啊. 上堂喊, 會唔會係有同學仔蝦佢呀?? 定係會有咩不安因數所以先會喊, 你試吓同佢傾多d, 不過最好慢慢問, 唔好心急, 一急佢地小朋友就唔講傢啦.
我地報名參加朗誦都係想Bobo可以練習膽量, 增強佢自信心. 其實Bobo好細膽傢咋. 當係同佢去玩吓咋. 不過仲未諗到點同佢練習.....哈哈
學校音樂節 - 應該學校唔會幫學生報名, 只會幫學生蓋印表格, 自行參加的. 教開Bobo的鋼琴老師就話年尾幫佢報考二級. 我都覺日日唔夠時間用, Bobo一星期都係練兩三晚, 每次大概練到一個鐘. Thanks

原帖由 violin 於 10-9-15 13:33 發表
Hi Bobo Dad, 我本想同Megan參加朗誦架, 不過, 跟住佢又話驚, 加上佢到今朝上校車仲喊緊, 每日都喊幾堂, 而家只係recess同食飯好dd, 所以都唔搞佢住, 搞掂佢返學先喇....

我都想問吓學校音樂節係咪經學校參架.... b ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:11 |只看該作者
Hi Augustgirl mami, 意外發生後, 學校即時幫Bobo處理傷勢, 另一方面, 立刻致電我太太, 我趕到學校接Bobo時, 剛剛放學. See you all at this Friday night!!! Thx

原帖由 augustgirl 於 10-9-15 15:00 發表
Hi bobo0529,
- Thanks for your sharing. I think that Mr Lo handled this matter quite well.  I want to know also did the teacher called you immediately after bobo got hurt?  Anyway, get well soon bobo  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:12 |只看該作者
想問吓VA咪要帶兩個ZIP FOLDER既, 一個裝文具, 另一個係裝RECYCLE PAPER, 你哋帶咩SIZE架呢....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:17 |只看該作者

回覆 1# violin 的文章


I just brought during lunch. One is A5 for stationery (i think it's ok if it fits to hold yr 24-color pencils).  The other is A4 as I don't know what size are the recycled materials.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 15:19 |只看該作者
太太買咗A4size, 有厚邊的. Thx

原帖由 violin 於 10-9-15 15:12 發表
想問吓VA咪要帶兩個ZIP FOLDER既, 一個裝文具, 另一個係裝RECYCLE PAPER, 你哋帶咩SIZE架呢....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 16:10 |只看該作者
Thanks, I bought two small size tim, will buy A4 tonight, it will be more secure....

See you all on Fri night.

原帖由 bobo0529 於 10-9-15 15:19 發表
太太買咗A4size, 有厚邊的. Thx

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 16:14 |只看該作者
我哋日日都同佢傾架, 佢話都有同小朋友玩, 上課就好掛住我喎, 可能上校車時隔離班有個小朋友都喊, 佢就喊埋啦, 叫佢唔好喊, 免得聽唔到老師講咩, 佢話我一路喊一路聽架, 比佢激死.....

原帖由 bobo0529 於 10-9-15 15:02 發表
Hi Megan mami, 睇嚟Megan佢仲需要多d時間去適應小學生活, 搭校車喊可能佢覺得無安全感, 要留意啊. 上堂喊, 會唔會係有同學仔蝦佢呀?? 定係會有咩不安因數所以先會喊, 你試吓同佢傾多d, 不過最好慢慢問, 唔好心急,  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 16:43 |只看該作者
你囡囡好cute呀!! Megan一定會適應到, 比多少少時間一定得, don't worry!!!

原帖由 violin 於 10-9-15 16:14 發表
我哋日日都同佢傾架, 佢話都有同小朋友玩, 上課就好掛住我喎, 可能上校車時隔離班有個小朋友都喊, 佢就喊埋啦, 叫佢唔好喊, 免得聽唔到老師講咩, 佢話我一路喊一路聽架, 比佢激死.....


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 18:03 |只看該作者
Start up to english spelling, hope Bobo can easy to handle......

Rank: 1

發表於 10-9-15 18:28 |只看該作者
Hi Bobo Dad,
So sad to hear about the accident about Bobo, hope she will get well soon. My girl, Meme has also told me about this right after school. It raises me the attention about the safety control in the school. Hope it'll be fine in the coming days.

Meme also mentions me that she plays with Bobo, Zoe , Megan, Charlene, Ranee, Jody, Issac and Ryan during the recess. They've become the good friends already.

The mosquito problem is also very serious in the school. Does Bobo also suffer from this? Everyday Meme gets so many mosquito bites when she come home. So poor!

原帖由 bobo0529 於 10-9-15 15:11 發表
Hi Augustgirl mami, 意外發生後, 學校即時幫Bobo處理傷勢, 另一方面, 立刻致電我太太, 我趕到學校接Bobo時, 剛剛放學. See you all at this Friday night!!! Thx
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