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教育王國 討論區 聖士提反書院附屬小學 四大天王: 東男拔, 西女拔, 南聖小, 北保羅 ...
樓主: PhdJessiema

四大天王: 東男拔, 西女拔, 南聖小, 北保羅 [複製鏈接]

發表於 10-11-5 16:58 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 17:01 |只看該作者
If you are so confident about the academic standard of SSCPS, and are so proud that their English level is higher than other schools, why could their headmistress write such a letter of acceptance last year:
Source: http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=2165989&extra=&page=2

Dear Parents,

Your application for Grade One admission for XXX has been successful. We could, therefore, like to request you to register and confirm your acceptance of the offer and pay the fees on the designated date. Delay in doing so would be considered your willful forteiture of the offer which will be given to someone else in the waiting list.

Yours sincerely,

Agnes Wai (Ms.)

Please note the following:
1. Date of payment: 23rd November (Monday), 2009

2. Office hours: 9:00am - 12:00am

This letter had very poor use of English, with many awkward expressions:

"Delay in doing so would be considered your willful forfeiture of the offer which will be given to someone else in the waiting list"

"Willful" is a very negative word, not appropriate in such an official letter.

"Which" should not be used in the context of the sentence.

I think schools like SPCC, DGS or DBS will be more professional in handling this type of official communications.

Many parents who received the offer letter from SSCPS last year thought it was forged, not being a real one.

You can argue that this letter was not written by the headmistress herself. But as the head of the school, shouldn't she be responsible for controlling the process and final output?

原帖由 PhdJessiema 於 10-11-5 16:29 發表
Apple success can not rely on just one person. Jobs is spiritual leader only. When we look at SSCPS, all staff bear a very good quality and ability, e.g. well-trained, U-graduated, mostly natural dial ...

發表於 10-11-5 17:03 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-11-5 17:10 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 17:10 |只看該作者
SSCPS可能係你心目中係Hermes, 但好多人心目中既Hermes就係女拔.

原帖由 PhdJessiema 於 10-11-5 17:03 發表
I am fed up with the people saying that I'm hard-selling the schools. It's not the truth.

Nowadays SSCPS is very , very hard to get acceptance.

SSCPS = Hermes


DB/DG = Gucci/Dior only

發表於 10-11-5 17:12 |只看該作者
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發表於 10-11-5 17:16 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-5 17:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 overview 於 10-11-5 17:10 發表
SSCPS可能係你心目中係Hermes, 但好多人心目中既Hermes就係女拔.

死囉…我用G2000 & Giodanro ... is it very cheap ?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-5 17:18 |只看該作者
I have an idea.  PhdJessiema may want to send her numerous posts on BK to SSCPS.  I'm sure the school will find them beneficial to be included in their brochure or web site.  However, I hope she will not charge a high copyright fee to the school on the information adopted by them even though she has done a lot of research and used her wide network to obtain the information and arrive at her opinions.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the forthcoming 2nd interview, even though its date will coincide with a previously planned competition.  I hope parents interviewed early will share the content of their interview process soon so that we can prepare ourselves better in this brand new arrangement.

發表於 10-11-5 17:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 18:05 |只看該作者

回覆 11# PhdJessiema 的文章

Let's not use so many analogies to confuse the picture. You have already thrown out a bunch of words such as Apple, IBM, Microsoft, LV, Hermes and etc, and will probably keep bringing BMW, Benz, Audi, Rose-Royce....These types of superficial wordings do not mean too much to the discussions, and are inconclusive at all.

SPCC's headmistress may not very proficient in English, but what parents care is their output: as much as 80% of their students get 5* or 5 in English in HKCEE. About 50%+ of SPCC graduates got 4A+ or above in recent three years. Only DGS have comparable results. If you talk to their kids and parents, you will find that SPCC is no longer a traditional school. Most kids there enjoy learning, like challenges and competitions. They have managed to maintain a balanced school life, along with outstanding academic results.

Can you have a more fact-based discussion?

1. How many SSCP graduates got into local Us through "early admission program"?

2. Percentage of students with 14 points or above in HKCEE?

3. No of distinction attained and average distinction per student, with English subject in particular?

4. Number of students admitted/matriculated with top US/UK universities: Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Stanford/MIT/Berkeley/Columbia/Chicago/Oxford/Cambridge, if any??

You always say that SCCPS is the training ground for future leaders, but this cannot be substantiated unless you provide more quantifiable and measurable information. How can you be so sure that this will be materialized in the future? How long is the future from now? In the long run we are all dead!

發表於 10-11-5 18:17 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 20:32 |只看該作者
Well, you have shared many interesting insights about SCPCS, and made comparisons with other top schools in many dimension. Then you jumped to the conclusion that SCPCS is the best school. Your reasons behind can be boiled down to the following points:

Use of English/PTH in primary section

Happy learning and quality of life

Nice campus

Head of schools and teachers are very caring with students at heart

Improving academic results

Activities focused on teamwork and creativity

Nowadays many band 3 or bottom schools have similar types of approach.

From my point of view, none of these advantages, nor all things above combined, are sufficient for you to make the claim that “SCPCS is the best”. Rather, this is simply your wishful thinking, or even your imagination. To really stand out from the crowd, parents need to see some tangible measures, and SCPCS excel itself in public exams, university placements, contests, among others.

The biggest problem our kids face nowadays is the lack of motivation, determination and persistence. Primary and secondary school education is supposed to cultivate good habits. Students in SPCC/DGS/DGS no doubt face more pressure and competition when they advance to the senior grades. But a reasonable amount of pressure will make the kids work harder. Only with certain types of failures and setbacks can our kids become mature, and learn something useful to their life. Smart kids know how to adapt and adjust to a competitive environment. All kids I learned of at the above three schools enjoy their school life.

You are also flawed in some basic probability calculations: 99 successful applicants out of near 2000. 5% only. If taking out half boys/girls, percentage dropped to 2.5%. Assuming 50:50 boys and girls mix, do you think the denominator shouldn’t be cut half when you take out either girls or boys from the numerator? You should go to a Form 4 Mathematics class to learn something about Probability.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 21:20 |只看該作者



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-5 21:44 |只看該作者
posted deleted...

[ 本帖最後由 qqzzma 於 10-11-5 22:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-6 00:16 |只看該作者
Though I also think that PhdJessmiea is too hard sell SSCPS, I thank you her effort to provide the information.

Actually, no need to argue which school is the best because different parents/students have different values.  Some like more hard traning while others like less pressure.  

Perhaps, we should talk more the FACTUAL matter and less personal feeling and no personal attack.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-6 02:40 |只看該作者
或者我都講下, 先申報, 我地算低下層, 我大仔今年係ssc升F6, 今年會考應該唔夠50%高過14分, 第一階段收返83個本校生. 當然同其他幾間相比, 如果淨睇成績, 一定唔夠其他幾間好, 呢個係事實. 但我同我仔都好鍾意學校環境, 絕大部份老師都好好, 學生都OK乖. 至少佢d同學都好有禮貌.
而我細仔係另外三間其中一間讀緊, 如果講比較兩個仔既同學, 我會比較鍾意ssc, 打親電話都好有禮貌, 而細仔既同學就比我感覺冇禮貌同有講粗口習慣, 我都向學校反映過, 同埋佢好多同學玩電腦玩到好夜, 最後因為呢樣野同我地噪過, 最後家長日我又同老師反映, 老師有同學生講過, 不過最後佢地都係咁夜訓(2~3點).....
而且細仔間學校競爭都幾大, 每年都有10個8個走(唔好諗住係名校就係完美, 聽細仔講有d跟本係band3生行為).
其實有好多人都唔鍾意或者唔認識ssc, 當年d同學家長/我d同事個個聽到第一個反應係咁遠咁偏僻.........
總之, 自己小朋友鍾意間學校咪得囉.....

[ 本帖最後由 LittleKidult 於 10-11-6 02:41 編輯 ]

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