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教育王國 討論區 聖若瑟小學 這是為什麼?沒有更好的方法嗎?這算不算體罰? ...
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這是為什麼?沒有更好的方法嗎?這算不算體罰? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-12-7 15:07 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jjasmine 於 10-12-4 15:33 發表
今日同班主任傾完,終於知道發生咩事。我個仔固然之有問題,就系太慢同埋成日發夢。老師叫佢“mao”系度寫,就系唔想佢比其他事情影響,否則佢又抄唔晒手冊。原因系老師已經試過好多方法去對付佢希望佢專心寫手冊但系又不得 ...

Dear JJasmine
For that school, the requirement on the kids are relatively high.  Please try not to put the teachers' negative comment in your heart, otherwise you will be upset and put much pressure on the kid.  It will give the negative effect on your kid.  Your kid is very cute as I saw his photo.  Pls try to give him some time to make improvement.  The importance is he can enjoy the school life and gains the confidence in the school.  Let him feel  hi mother and father are loving him.  
In that school, e.g., your kid is 6 years old in P.1, other kids are already 7 years.  Of course, their ability is higher than the smaller one.  The teachers like to ask you to have evaluation whenever they find any wrong on the kid.  Pls try not to put so much pressure on yourself.  If really the kid and you find the school is not suitable, many other schools are  waiting for the kids.  P.1 is just a starting, nobody can promise the best one in P.1 can be the No. 1 in the university or career life.
The key factor is the kids are initiative to learn (i.e. he is happy in the learning process.),  and the moral education is also essential for them, too
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