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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 YORK 讀唔讀得過?
樓主: ssannie9182

YORK 讀唔讀得過? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-24 10:47 |只看該作者
我自己個小朋友都係讀緊york K1, 上左半年, 亦經歷左呢單速成慕道班事件, 我只可以講, 校長太過想搵錢, 將一D唔應該當係生意IDEA既野用黎做生意, 但原意都係好似搞個興趣班咁, 願者上釣, 個人就好唔BUY呢種做法, 亦對校長好失望。不過, 一個人唔代表成間幼稚園, 其實YORK都唔錯, 唔係外界講到咁差, 始終幾十年歷史, 我自己都係呢度畢業生, YORK既強項英文係不變。小兒班主任欠缺關懷細心, 比較COOL又好忙, 冇主動聯絡家長, 但可能係個人唔好彩問題, 因我見其他老師都係十分NICE, 小朋友返學都好開心。總之學校既硬件好好, 校園好靚, 程度我認為都幾深, 睇小兒帶返黎既功課, 都意外竟然中文,英文同數學都教咁多野, 最開心同SURPRISE既係, 小兒除左英文之外, 仲好鍾意中文, 成日主動認字, 學校已經教左幾十個中文字都認得, (例如:人大天雨山水海羊馬花草樹木信石門眼耳口鼻,ETC) 我覺得對K1第一學期黎講都幾深下架, 我見親友既同齡小朋友連英文都未識認, 唔好講中文, 所以我都認同YORK都有佢一套去教小朋友學習。
節日活動都多, 都見到學校好花心機去佈置學校, 課外活動就各自選擇, 其實所有活動甚至雜費茶點費都註明係OPTIONAL, 家長可視乎需要同能力去參加, 不過當然預左咩都要錢啦, 但學校冇壓力俾過家長。
總之, YORK既硬件好好, 老師就睇你好唔好彩, 學術方面亦幾有保証, 校長一個人既問題, 明眼人都知亦明白唔關YORK既師生事啦!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-28 23:23 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-29 10:08 |只看該作者
Giraffe 1215, 請問老師自制既CD同圖書需唔需要錢買?定學校免費派架?我小朋友依家讀緊間PN,學校免費送左隻英文歌CD俾學生,全部由校內既外藉老師唱,我個仔聽番都會跟住唱。我覺得學校好有誠意,攪到我都唔知轉唔轉校去York好。

Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-20 05:58 |只看該作者
有關節日既光碟唔使錢, 每個節日都有, 係學校自制, 幾好, 我個仔讀緊K1, 我覺得間學校好好, 老師雖然young, 但好明白佢既進度同行為表現, 又會同佢傾計,教佢點同人分享, 有禮貌等, 佢好鍾意返學, 成日唱學校D歌, 英文就真係教得好好, 我個仔3歲, 前排新年同佢去英國旅行, 佢同D英國人好好傾, 真係溝通倒, 雖然有時grammar 錯左, 但完全唔怕羞, 好主動同D外國人講野, 又聽得明人地講乜, 幾好呀, 完全讀得過, 我又唔覺雜費好多, 但普通話就少D, 出年如果有位, 可能會轉國際班.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-20 14:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 fujitasze 於 10-12-24 01:34 發表
Absolutely NOT select York, I really don't know why parents still select York??? Some parents said York's English standard is good, but I really do not think so as I have talked to several York's stud ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-30 11:12 |只看該作者
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[ 本帖最後由 wishwong 於 11-3-30 16:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-30 14:31 |只看該作者


究竟這些人中有幾多是真正了解這學校呢?那些輕波作浪的人,難道他們想壓低人而抬高自己? 要知道考小學最重要是小朋友本身的能力,小學老師主要是選出學術及德育出眾的學生,同係邊間學校畢業無關。

這些人舊事重提,沒有想過這些不實的言論對此校的學生及教職員的傷害嗎? 呢度D媽媽都比較低調,大家都把注意力投放在孩子身上,希望小朋友在這校渡過開心又能好好學習的3年,通常都不理會這些損人而不利己的言論。


原帖由 wishwong 於 11-3-30 11:12 發表
Totally agree & support

發表於 11-3-31 21:53 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-3-31 21:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 11-4-12 14:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 minejoujou 於 11-1-4 02:17 發表
我女現讀york K3,講真話,york真是一所好學校,女女除了每天開心上學外,老師又有愛心,學術方面更不用擔心,尤其英文,不用出外上甚麼...英語班,拼音班,K1已學晒A-Z的拼音,K2cambridge english,現在k3已教a/an,s/es,i ...

I agree .York is a good school.起初我仲擔心會太難,個仔會學唔好,但經老師們細心教導和有效的方法。阿仔曾的學得幾好。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-15 11:56 |只看該作者
完全同意,而家兒子在開心的環境下學得幾好,又不用作學科補習, 還很喜歡YORK呢!



校長呢2年前我都好唔鐘意佢,但見多幾次(家長會,觀課等)原來佢會識唱d歌, 還會跟小朋友一起做動作,親力親為。試想要管理YORK及姊妹校有成4至6個校舍咁多班,她的投入其實唔簡單。以前覺得佢做作,但接觸多了之後,令我改觀了不少。

講咁多咩公開試課程都都想提升小朋友能力,而且考試課程是融入課程內. 您可以選讀或不讀,參加考試與否都不會影響老師對學生的期望.



原帖由 miuc888 於 11-4-12 14:28 發表

I agree .York is a good school.起初我仲擔心會太難,個仔會學唔好,但經老師們細心教導和有效的方法。阿仔曾的學得幾好。
其實我覺得校長都好積極,只是一時行錯了。因我都好欣賞她我見她做的事全部都是為小朋友選校着 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-15 15:54 |只看該作者

原帖由 cowboy2007 於 11-4-15 11:56 發表
完全同意,而家兒子在開心的環境下學得幾好,又不用作學科補習, 還很喜歡YORK呢!

起初我都好擔心架,驚個仔跟唔上,而家看到果仔進步咗好多,連本來不是很同意轉校的99都話呢間學校好好(因她帶番學及放學)見到老師點教,話老師很 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-4-15 17:05 |只看該作者

原帖由 cowboy2007 於 11-4-15 11:56 發表
完全同意,而家兒子在開心的環境下學得幾好,又不用作學科補習, 還很喜歡YORK呢!

起初我都好擔心架,驚個仔跟唔上,而家看到果仔進步咗好多,連本來不是很同意轉校的99都話呢間學校好好(因她帶番學及放學)見到老師點教,話老師很 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-20 04:38 |只看該作者
Hi, I have been asking for mammys' comments in other threads about York but not much response received...until I find this thread today.

I am struggling between York PN and Think (both Kln Tong and pm class). I personally like York as I do like their emphasis on acedemic achievement, good English, but worry if it is too pushy and will have a lot of homework to do. As my baby boy is not smart (he can only speak very few words even he is 22mths now), I am worry if he can catch up with other kids, if the circulium is hard, and he may feel less happy if he needs to do a lot of work....as he is an active boy. My hb is worry if the School is too pushy, as the Principal mentioned in the seminar they will go for Cambridge Starters when they are in K2 or K3.

And we are worry about the overall expenses for a year, as it is heard that there are lots of extra fee for activities; and today I just see a mammy saying there is extra cost for having Cambridge English course, this is the first time I learn of, so is it expensive as I need to talk with my hb and prepare ourself in mind for the expenses from PN to K3.

Instead my hb prefers Think, though its curriculum may not be as good as York, they emphasis on innovative, creative and independent thinking....as those other schools like Learning Habitat, Victoria, etc. He is worry if it is too "spoon-feeding" in York, we don't want our baby who is so small, to start his "harsh" school life since he is 2 yr old.

Would any mammys give me some information about how you feel on their curriculum, will it be to hard, many homework, and do your kids enjoy the classes? And give me some information about the expenses (yearly) and any extra fee for activites for something like Cambridge course.

Thank you so much for your help.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-4-26 14:25 |只看該作者

我只當YORK是一間普通既Kinder 來讀,(老牌及英文好)功課是有一, 兩樣(K1),他也寫字寫不太好,我只是覺得讓他知道老師交給功課便要做,做功課從小便養成,寫得好不好都唔緊要

起初我擔心會太難,個仔會跟唔上,但經老師們細心教導和有效的方法。阿仔的進步很明顯。以前小組活動是不主動表示要玩什麼什麼, 而家就變得很主動了

您同老公商量下先啦,YORK應該貴外面D,比我舊個間總數貴500元到 但校舍,配套,茶點都是很優越的(我個人覺得合理,羊毛出自羊身上亦用於羊身上)


原帖由 momo627 於 11-4-20 04:38 發表
Hi, I have been asking for mammys' comments in other threads about York but not much response received...until I find this thread today.

I am struggling between York PN and Think (both Kln Tong and p ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-4-26 22:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 cowboy2007 於 11-4-26 14:25 發表

我只當YORK是一間普通既Kind ...

Cowboy2007, thank you so much, I have been looking for reply since I post last time and finally get response from you, thanks a lot.

And totally agree with you, haha, yes, if the Principal can improve her skills in seminar, it will be more impressive.....esp. many parents wonder why she says "I haven't decided how to accept offer for PN (when it is March this yr, but many got offers last Oct!), so what do you think if we can't offer u PN but K1 next yr?" Haha, after hearing this, really feel surprised and confusing, wondering how come a Principal tells parent so open that she doesn't know how to make offer to PN, and secondly, worry if there are many PN students left York and go to other schools, and that's why she is so nervous to give offer for K1 next yr.

About my concern, yes, after reading many posts from mammys with their kids studying in York sharing their good comments and their kids are happy with their school life, good curriculum, esp. I like their strength in English; and your saying that homework is not too much or too pushy or harsh to my kids, I feel more relieve, no need to worry if my baby can catch up with others.

Actually, based on the fees including the snacks, uniform, etc. in their registration form, it doesn't cost much, and I see mammys saying those "self-made" (by School) tools for teaching Eng & Maths (also free of charges for computer software?), and those activites for festivals (no problem even a bit extra pay as kids having fun and learn from the activies), I do think, it is not expensive, well, maybe a bit higher cost than other schools.

Totally agree that, it worths as it really helps the kids for overall development, and no need to spend extra to learn Eng and Mandarin (am I right they are ok for Mandarin, many only talk about English), that save me many (I am now spending $3000 for 3 lessons a week for Spanish, Eng & Mandarin, but will continue his Spanish class after PN on weekends).

And you have mentioned there are some optional extra curriculiar studies or playgroups after school (am I right? or misunderstand), would you mind tell me more? What kind of playgroups (language, dancing, singing, etc.?) and are they for after school (but my baby got p.m. offer only), on weekends....can't see any information from their website.

Just one more point I really concern (also my hb), asked in other thread but no response. A mammy mentioned there will be extra charges for joining Cambridge starter course, I know it is optional, but I join York as I like this. Any idea of
(a) when he will start the course, K2?
(b) how much it cost for this course;
(c) will there be big difference in study if he doesn't take this course?
(d) any other course fee extra to pay similar to this?

I am so happy many mammys share their experience here, so that we, who are new but have no idea on which school we should pick, can know more about the School, and finds the one fits our babies.

So, really can't understand why some mammys leave a post here and say something bad or without any "meaning", just saying "not good". If they really think York is not good, could they quote some details and real examples form themselves or their friends, so that we know why and what happened.

Thank you so much for your help, cowboy 2007, and really looking forward for your reply.

Thanks again.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 11-4-26 22:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-7 22:23 |只看該作者
我同意. 我仔仔上年畢業而家小一。佢英文完全冇問題。其實最重要係家長占扶助小明友.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-8 10:19 |只看該作者
係啦, 唔知momo627最後有無選YORK,



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-9 23:56 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 11-9-26 12:00 |只看該作者
我支持YORK, 2個囝返得又開心, 英文程度唔差= 小學小一英文, 我大囝今年小一, 應付英文科目冇問題。
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