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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 3月25日親子旅行....
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3月25日親子旅行.... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-2-8 14:27 |顯示全部帖子
It worths to go.  My boy is in York K2 international class now.  I had the same hesitation last year on his K1 picnic.  We had missed the submission then when I had confirmed day off with my company, there was no more room for late submission.  Then I took my son to the picnic on our own transportation but we missed a lot of fun on the school bus and it was not nice to join the on site activities, that prepared by the school, without formal participation.  
Thereafter for this K2 picnic last November, we found the picnic was a real enjoyable one for my son.  You would see how well your son get along with the others and they love the companion of  their classmates and teachers.  Also it is a good chance for you to have some exchanges with the teachers and the parents so you learn more about the classmates' names and how they are doing at school.
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