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教育王國 討論區 拔萃女小學 del del del
樓主: lawsonmoon

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Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-23 06:48 |只看該作者
How do you know that Lawsonmoon's girl successful in the 1 st must be due to address vetting?

How do you know that Lawsonmoon is rich?

Lawsonmoon, why escape? If you don't answer the question, the discussion is meanlingless.

原帖由 4eyesDad 於 11-3-22 23:04 發表
To CC5: You suggest Lawsonmoon's daughter's application was successful at the first interview (due to his nice address) but failed at the second interview due to her performance.
If this were the cas ...

[ 本帖最後由 hitbadguy 於 11-3-23 10:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-23 06:59 |只看該作者
What a logic? It does not seems from an "old boy of DB".

Your asnwer simply leads us to go to a loop. You just go back to post #135.

On one hand you insist that acceptance is only due to address vetting.
Then once involved to your personal situation, you say that "We will not know their selection criteria"

If you do not understand my previous question, I will use a more simply statement below.

Is your girl be accepted in the 1st interview due to address vetting?

Don't escape! Only YOU know your situation.

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-22 20:06 發表
"Magic" has no special meaning, it just means some mechanism you and I will not know. The only fact is that the principal is not longer interviewing every applicant, she can only interview the shortli ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-23 07:23 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 MyFriends 於 11-3-24 14:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-23 07:24 |只看該作者

依個話題應該很早便完。問極都係轉來轉去。我都覺得冇其他人 visit 依個 post。但如果說冇其他人覆我,咁又係你只喜歡看到你喜歡D嘢姐。

Who am I?
我曾經係街上遇到有人向個阿婆打劫。附近又無人, 當時我想也不想便幫手追賊。無錯,可能我就係個D見到不公義就要出聲的人。

我和 DG 無關係。就算我有女兒比 DG failed, 我都會冷靜面對。其實大部分BK家長都很有修養。不是只有DG才適合自己個女!

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-22 20:21 發表
Hi "MyFriends" and "hitbadguys",
不如你地自己開過thread自己討論吧。你地係唔係DGJS家長或old girls?

正如 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-23 09:36 |只看該作者
This topic should have come to an end by LesMis99's final words which I enclosed below. A good summary which I think can really encourage people to try to apply to DGJS. DG is no doubt one of the best schools in HK despite her controversial selection process. Let's face the reality that the world is full of unfairness, even in the western culture but good opportunities exist everywhere and available to everyone. The most important thing is "Let it be and be happy" !!!


LesMis99 Wrote:
Wingsma's early comment has probably pointed out one key and critical point that everyone might have just slipped their eyes. The applicants themselves are the key to the whole admission process (99% weighting). As some other parents have already stressed that no schools will refuse a smart and bright student. Wingsma also claimed by saying that a smart girl from Tin Shui Wai could be offered a place while another from luxurious area might fail due to their ability.

Potential applicants should focus more and more on how to help train kids for a better performance at the interview and don't spend too much time on worrying about one's wealth or address vetting for example. More encouragement and less comparison will definitely help boost kid's and parents' confidence. Also, given the size of the applicants, it is nothing wrong for not being selected.

It is hard to change people's mindset, let alone an organization or even the government. For example, why do we need to carry ID card in HK? Think about it! People from Mainland China is now the pillow of HK's economy. What is the point of still keeping this policy? Never heard of such thing in other countries indeed. Who really care about it?

發表於 11-3-23 09:37 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-23 09:39 |只看該作者
How do you know? Please read PM.

原帖由 MyFriends 於 11-3-23 07:23 發表
The magic shows that some BK accounts (lawxxxx, Go-to-xxxx, 4Eyexxx, MyDearxxx) all come from the same IP address. What a coincidence! There are a couple of possibilities. One obvious deduction is tha ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-23 17:35 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 12-3-12 15:12 編輯

del del del
原帖由 MyFriends 於 11-3-23 07:23 AM 發表
The magic shows that some BK accounts (lawxxxx, Go-to-xxxx, 4Eyexxx, MyDearxxx) all come from the same IP address. What a coincidence! There are a couple of possibilities. One obvious deduction is tha ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-23 17:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 12-3-12 15:11 編輯

del del del del
原帖由 DGJS 於 11-3-23 09:39 AM 發表
How do you know? Please read PM.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-3-23 18:12 |只看該作者
你咁問! 是否如果吾同bandwidth就不可以講?

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-23 17:36 發表
Are you the kind of person with same bandwidth?

陶傑成日話: “ A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ”
唔懂就虛心D請教人、不要wild guess。知唔知咩叫dynamic IP and static IP? 如果你真係咁得閒可ch ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-23 18:22 |只看該作者
Before I evacuate this thread, I would like to take this golden opportunity to thank you for your generousity and share with us your thoughts on the macro trend of P1 related matter. The radiation level of this thread seems high and has exceeded normal level A LOT! I advise you to leave ASAP before an explosion! Take care my friend!

FYI: ISP providers only change Dynamic IP once a few weeks. In HK, Hutch Telecom seems to be the only one doing the dynamic IP. I-Cable and HK Broadband provide  you with a fix IP address. You can access your router or connect to the ISP point with your computer via an ethernet cable and then type ipconfig /all to see the ip address. If you use router, you can get the same information from the router. Basically, you just assume all IP as static as they won't be changed every day. Please PM me for any questions.....

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-23 17:36 發表
Are you the kind of person with same bandwidth?

陶傑成日話: “ A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ”
唔懂就虛心D請教人、不要wild guess。知唔知咩叫dynamic IP and static IP? 如果你真係咁得閒可ch ...

[ 本帖最後由 MyFriends 於 11-3-23 23:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-24 07:25 |只看該作者

女拔萃DGJS之INTERVIEW (II) - edea (小墨魚媽媽)


In the past, the principal has sole discretion on admission. However, the interview was conducted in Cantonese and so many girls have already built up a mechansim of how to please the principal.

Therefore, this year interview format changed to interview panel to respect the fairness and follow the practice of other famous schools, e.g. SPCCPS and DBS. The changes were also due to the redevelopment project and educational demand shift. All in all, there is only one single criteria: SMART! Your girl need to be classified as genius-type smart. Here is some of the forecast of interview:

1) There is 2nd interview (the procedure is decided after receiving all the application forms as the school asked you to bring an extra envelope during 1st round interview)

2) Interview may be in English / Putonghua to follow the educational trend and to test whether the girl is fitted in English/Mandarin teaching environment

3) Organsational/Presentation/Cooperation/Leadership skills are tested. Basic element of the gifted child. Home-made developed IQ test.

We also figure out some of the must-have techniques during the coming interview. We are still working out and may post here once we refined the points. Please make your own judgement towards the points of the above passages. We can only guarantee all of you one of the truth:

Your child is not necessary to enter a famous school, but he/she does need your love and care.

Keep checked. Cheers.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-24 10:19 |只看該作者
If being "smart" is the only criterion, don't you think "address checking" at interviews is redundant and a complete waste of time for all concerned?

原帖由 CC5 於 11-3-24 07:25 發表

In the past, the principal has sole discretion on admission. However, the interview was conducted in Cantonese and so many girls ...

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-24 10:32 |只看該作者
Hi 4eyesDad,

Your points have been noted. I think the most effective way is for you to bring up the issues and discuss with Mrs Dai directly. The followings are the contact information:

Temporary Address during School Redevelopment Period from April 2009 to August 2011: Estate Primary School No. 2, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Tel:(852) 2388 1781
Fax:(852) 2385 8121
Email:[email protected]
Mailing Address: Estate Primary School No. 2, Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Good luck! Hope that you will be successful and benefit more people at the grassroot level as DGJS is in the process of changing their selection protocol.

原帖由 4eyesDad 於 11-3-24 10:19 發表
If being "smart" is the only criterion, don't you think "address checking" at interviews is redundant and a complete waste of time for all concerned?

Rank: 2

發表於 11-3-24 11:11 |只看該作者
你又知 4eyedad 住係深水?


其實 1st interview 就比人reject 都不是什麼大事。吾好講到好像世界大災難咁。條路重有排行呀!

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-23 17:35 發表
陶傑成日話: “ A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ”

唔懂就虛心D請教人、不要wild guess。知唔知咩叫dynamic IP and static IP? 如果你真係咁得閒可check哂所有國民IP address, 可能發現1/3既國民IP add ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 11-3-24 14:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 MyDearFriend 於 11-3-23 00:16 發表
Forget about Go-to-school - he/she was removed by BK due to his strong position taken in another thread under HOT TALK - "Educational Policies".  Yes you are right that Go-to-school has his points here, he also has his points in other threads.  Too bad, he is not here......

呵呵, 你再開account返黎啦?

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


發表於 11-3-24 14:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 MyFriends 於 11-3-23 07:23 發表
The magic shows that some BK accounts (lawxxxx, Go-to-xxxx, 4Eyexxx, MyDearxxx) all come from the same IP address. What a coincidence! There are a couple of possibilities. One obvious deduction is that they come from the same person, or all the four share the same ISP provider, living in a share apartment like those in Sham Shui Po. The final judgement is yours!

我想問你點睇到佢地同一ip? 我睇晒成個topic都睇唔到佢地係同一ip. 反而我睇到你有好幾個分身. 如果你再唔停止用幾個分身黎攻擊樓主, 我會全部戶口封戶.

樓主的確有佢既point. 不過後來我亦留意到有會員唔agree with佢意見時,樓主開始有脾氣. 但我覺得冇証冇據唔應該假設樓主同佢小朋友interview時發生過一d事令佢地唔開心, 呢個係only presumption.

樓主既然係係professor, 希望你會自重身份, 唔好同一d挑起事端既人爭罵. 我都見到有網友係support你既觀點.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-24 16:21 |只看該作者
Thanks 超級版主代為持平,

我唔係professor, 我只係一個普通的父親,在HK接受過名校教育、亦在西方國家上過大學。見到一些不正常既舉動 ,想在這裏自己開過Thread發吓聲,自知EQ相對低,之後會收儉一下。
原帖由 edea 於 11-3-24 02:37 PM 發表

我想問你點睇到佢地同一ip? 我睇晒成個topic都睇唔到佢地係同一ip. 反而我睇到你有好幾個分身. 如果你再唔停止用幾個分身黎攻擊樓主, 我會全部戶口封戶.

樓主的確有佢既point. 不過後來我亦留意到有會員唔agree w ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-24 16:25 |只看該作者
To CC5: I live on Hong Kong side and have no interest in sending my young kids to a school on the other side of the harbour.
I am sure there are numerous parents and friends of DGJS who would inform the Headmistress that address checking at interviews are redundant (and offensive).
Since DGJS is reviewing its interview procedure, I feel sure that, in the next academic year, no address checking will be required at interviews.   

原帖由 CC5 於 11-3-24 10:32 發表
Hi 4eyesDad,

Your points have been noted. I think the most effective way is for you to bring up the issues and discuss with Mrs Dai directly. The followings are the contact information:

Temporary Ad ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-24 16:38 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 12-3-12 15:09 編輯

d del del del
原帖由 CC5 於 11-3-24 07:25 AM 發表

In the past, the principal has sole discretion on admission. However, the interview was conducted in Cantonese and so many girls ...

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