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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 From traditional school to international school?
樓主: miss_watson13

From traditional school to international school? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-11 16:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 Jackeylwfd 於 11-5-11 16:21 發表
What is your point in such discussion whether the offical name should be called National Curriculum or British Curriculum?

In the Internet world, British Curriculum is already well used and understoo ...

Sorry, isn't it you who insisted on this discussion?  I just pointed out, correctly, that there's no such thing as a British curriculum, which is a very offending term to me.  (I am not interested in the distinction among all curricula you mentioned.)  I'm definitely more than happy if you stop.

發表於 11-5-11 16:41 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-5-11 16:45 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 11-5-11 17:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 Jackeylwfd 於 11-5-11 16:41 發表
Because of its high fee, its location as well as its new school status, Harrow School can hardly attract the existing top international students in HK. On the other hand, apart from students from the Mainland and the nearly South Asia, it can attract those HK students who fail to be admitted by top HK international schools. They may not be classified as not good students but just less good students.

If you think that good students from the Mainland are "just less good", you must be living in a well.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-11 18:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 Jackeylwfd 於 11-5-11 16:41 發表
It is so obvious that Harrow Hong Kong has reduced its requirement in admission in order to fill up its places asap otherwise it cannot actualise its development plan, not to say earn $$.

Harrowian i ...

Would students in overseas Harrow not be allowed to call themselves Harrowians?  I do not see why a student from an overseas Harrow, when going (back) to the UK, could not consider himself a Harrowian.   Don't confuse it with blue blood.  If one is not blue blood by birth, he will never be blue blood, no matter he studies in Eton or Harrow, but he is still an Old Etonian or Harrowian.  That is the meaning of an identity.

I followed your order and took a quick glance at the results of Beijing and Bangkok Harrow.  You did not, however, tell me what you wanted me to see.  Bangkok: 50% of A*/A and 73% A+B in A-level?  Beijing: admitted to Oxford, UCL, Imperial, Warwick?  

More importantly, I would not judge the success of a school solely by her rank in the league table.  School is not only a place for the preparation of public examination but also a place for children to see the world, to expose to heritage and culture, to develop personality and leadership, and to grow up healthly and happily.

Sorry, I'm off the track.  Anyway,  I do not see why, at least for Britons, Harrow, from home, should be less attractive than any other schools that we had never heard before coming to HK.  Fullstop.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-11 18:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 kaplanmeier 於 11-5-11 16:32 發表

And are you telling me that there are only a handful of good children in Hong Kong so that even Harrow could not get any?  

I am sorry.  I am not well informed.  At each age group, how many children are there in Hong Kong and how many international school places are available for local children?  I know the birth rate in HK is one of the lowest in the world, but is it really so low that the number of good students is not enough to fill up good schools?

Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-11 20:49 |只看該作者
clap clap!
原帖由 delusionist 於 11-5-11 17:29 發表

If you think that good students from the Mainland are "just less good", you must be living in a well.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-11 21:26 |只看該作者
kaplanmeier, thank you for your well explanation, much appreciated. you have answered the question that i have been thinking of and have said something i wanna say. Thanks.

Jackeylwfd, you have your point but i dont have great belief in elite school whatsoever. Yes, it is true that the "TOP" schools can furnish children better teaching quality and better recognition maybe. But except these, I cant think of any merits of choosing "Top" school. I study in LSE London UK now. I have met many students from DGS, La Salle..people who consider as "top school" in HK. Undoubtedly, their A-level results are excellent, but when comes to UNI, they dont surprise me. I did group works with them. Honestly, their arrogance scared me and my English fellows. Not just one of them, I am saying the majority of them. And they cant get along with the locals due to some reasons. I studied in local HK school, the very ordinary one. I used to believe that DGS, St. Paul those "ELITE" schools are different from the "LOCAL" schools, but now I changed my mind after meeting/talking/working the students from those schools. Frankly, my sister studies in Maryknoll. She has no problem towards English Language at school, but when comparing to the native speaker, she doesn’t have the advantage (which I believe it is common in traditional school, not just her). The reason why my parents and I would think Harrow is the best choice instead of the traditional top secondary school is because of the location, the environment of the campus and the chance of getting into good university in UK comparing with the traditional school (as harrow applies UK ALEVEL).

You have assumed that the students who are interested in Harrow are "less good" students (I, somehow, feel pathetic after seeing you use the words "Less good" to describe children solely base on the academic result) I would like to make a clarification here. My parents have talked to the parents who are interested in Harrow HK, most of their children currently studying in the TOP international school (which you have classified) and the TOP traditional school in HK. The reason they choose Harrow is because of the reputation that Harrow Beijing and Harrow Bangkok have produced and the similar reasons that I have mentioned in the post. Moreover, there are some HK students from Harrow Beijing and Harrow Bangkok in my uni. I do not dare to classify them as ‘less good’ students, from my observation, no matter their school performance or integration with the local students, are far better than those from HK traditional school. In the light of the comments that you have dropped, you have emphasized the terms “good student” and “top school”. I want to make a statement here. A good student does not necessarily come from the Top school. A top student in top school doesnt guarantee s/he must have bright future. Personality is the determining factor. Thats what I have seen in my uni. I utterly agree what kaplanmeier has mentioned at last “More importantly, I would not judge the success of a school solely by her rank in the league table.  School is not only a place for the preparation of public examination but also a place for children to see the world, to expose to heritage and culture, to develop personality and leadership, and to grow up healthily and happily”.

P.S. This is just my opinion and sharing from what i have seen in my uni. So please dont make any comments like "no. you are wrong" or "dont pretend to be an expert in front of me". honestly, these words are quite offensive and rude. Do respect people! If you don't agree, state your argument politely or just simply close the window, rather than pissing people off here. everyone here is just to state their opinions. this is not an assessment or competition whatsoever.

[ 本帖最後由 miss_watson13 於 11-5-12 07:19 編輯 ]

發表於 11-5-14 10:48 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-5-14 11:04 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-5-14 11:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-14 15:00 |只看該作者
kaplanmeier, i suggest you not to reply this post and argue with him/her. such a waste of time.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-5-14 22:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 miss_watson13 於 11-5-14 15:00 發表
kaplanmeier, i suggest you not to reply this post and argue with him/her. such a waste of time.

In fact it's rather eye-opening to read his/her reply.  I am not aware that there is such a prejudice or fantasy in Hong Kong that Harrow's fame is diminishing (because of whatever reasons).  Is it some sort of post-colonial mindset?   No problem.  Such a statement is not falsifiable and hence is meaningless to argue  (my crystal ball shows that s/he will give me a few links on the Internet and say that only a stubborn pig-headed person like me would deny).  Fine, please continue to believe what you believe.

I know nothing about Beijing and Bangkok's international schools.  S/he (definitely after doing extensive research, on the Internet, of course, or even some field studies, and so having my highest respect and faith) just told me that Harrow got, gets and will get the best international school students there.  Fine, but wait... didn't s/he try desparately to convince herself that Harrow HK could not get the best students?  I know, I know, s/he will then say that it is simply because in HK there are better schools that cannot be found in Beijing and Bangkok.  Perhaps (just perhaps, and I didn't claim you had said it), the best school in the world is exactly the one her child is attending here in HK.  Congratulations.  (Yes, sincerely, my wholehearted congratulations, but if you would like to deny, no problem I would take my words back.)  Well, but isn't it weird that Harrow's management is stupid enough to choose HK, rather that other cities, to have their third overseas branch.  Any metropolis in mainland China would welcome Harrow.

As I said, an exam prep school is not my cup of tea.  The number one in the league table is not necessarily the one that I would like to send my child to.  I'm not a Tiger mother.  My child is good, and I actively and seriously consider sending him to Harrow.  Though it's a counter-example of what you said, why does it bother you in the end?

[ 本帖最後由 kaplanmeier 於 11-5-15 00:19 編輯 ]

發表於 11-5-15 09:28 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-5-15 09:41 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-5-15 10:26 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-15 11:13 |只看該作者
Hi, miss_watson13,

I am a Maryknoller too.  From my own experience, I had no problem studying in high school and university in Canada.  

Don't worry, your sister will be fine.

原帖由 miss_watson13 於 11-5-9 04:48 發表

My sister studys in a traditional school now. She has applied Harrow Int'l school and she got the offer. However, english is her second language and she speaks cantonese for most of the time. i a ...

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 11-5-15 16:18 |只看該作者
你話邊間學校唔好係 ok

ps。突然諗起一個 bk 的舊朋友

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 11-5-15 16:42 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-15 18:00 |只看該作者
You go back and check the first post you have posted, and the post after peter_pan. I was asking ppl nicely about the qns i concerned. you popped up and told me i m wrong in so many things. and see what ve you replied peter_pan-"You are so wrong and don't pretend be an expert in front of me. You yourself are so confused by the curriculum in various places. Study more indepth and understand the differences first before making your pre-mature points". you consider this as a nice reply? lol S/he was just trying to share things she knows and s/he thinks is benefitcial to the people here. if s/he is wrong, correct him/her in a friendly way!  

People reply and speak up in this post because they are pissed off by the way you replied and the attitude. As i ve mentioned, people up here is to share opinions not compete with each others.

原帖由 Jackeylwfd 於 11-5-15 09:28 發表
Both of you are so ignorant and without logical sense. However, it is absolutely not waste of time for both of your to argue with such a knowledgeable person like me as you can learn a lot from me.  

[ 本帖最後由 miss_watson13 於 11-5-15 20:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-5-15 18:02 |只看該作者
Thank you HappyBeach! :)

原帖由 HappyBeach 於 11-5-15 11:13 發表
Hi, miss_watson13,

I am a Maryknoller too.  From my own experience, I had no problem studying in high school and university in Canada.  

Don't worry, your sister will be fine.
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