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TSL [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-22 13:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
想請教下大家, 因為 TSL 沒有中學, 如小朋友在 TSL 讀小學, 通常會考 d 咩中學?  因為好多 DSS 或者 private primary school 多數都係一條龍有中學, 中學部當然收回自己小學的學生, 相對 TSL 出來的小朋友考這些學校會很難!

如果考回傳統教學既中學 (政府), 又怕小朋友涵接不上, 因為 TSL 始終係鼓勵在愉快環境下學習.

大家可否幫忙解答, 謝謝!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-22 19:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-2-23 10:14 |只看該作者
回復 wyjanet 的帖子

首先其實唔係好多私小直上中學, 以民生為例: 小學私校, 中學轉回津貼, 即係要派位, 可能只叩門有優待. 聖類斯都一樣.

第二, 全港"一條龍"升中的學校, 我想不多, 因一條龍規定全數收回小學生, 校長会覺得收到成績末如理想的學生, 影響日后派band 1位. 再者以天x為例, 是一條龙上 st mary, 但其中一些成績未如理想的學生, 会跟家長商議安排轉讀同系的另外2間小學. 所以就算"一條龙"都要成績.

最后, TSL 派位好廣泛, 包括LS, DGS, DBS.....你可以上TSL 查 http://www.plkctslps.edu.hk/students-student_sspa-2009-2011.php, 至於顏寶玲係直資, 是學生自己考, 不是派位. 為何有很多去顏寶玲, 因為學生相處6年有感情, 希望一起升中.

以上純個人意見, 不喜匆插

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-23 12:18 |只看該作者
顏寶玲/李國寶等直資, 可以讀法文去代替中文,好多TSL法文組學生選讀, TSL有幾十學生讀法文,中文便變了閒科似的,所以可選的中學較少.


silvia_ng  agree! ncs既選擇本身唔多, npl同埋lkp好似佢地唯一選擇。  發表於 12-2-24 14:40

Rank: 4

發表於 12-2-28 13:59 |只看該作者
多謝各位回覆!  如係 TSL 請小學, 升中派位去津貼學校, 小朋友會否讀得很辛苦?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-2-29 18:42 |只看該作者
You ask: "如果考回傳統教學既中學 (政府), 又怕小朋友涵接不上, 因為 TSL 始終係鼓勵在愉快環境下學習"

My experience: TSL is between traditional and enquiry based learning, incline mor to traditional mode of learning.

You have to consider the following issues before you made the decisions:

1) TSL top layer students can get to really "dream" schools of most parents.

2) However, if students are under the "average" group, will facing same difficulties as students from other schools.

3) Example: one child really great at Sports, but academic performance is below average, mum worry and regret about her decision of giving up a "primary DSS with secondary school" in the past as TSL seems to be more famous that that one.

4) My example, I give up "lucky draw" of good school district for TSL because I like my kid to be studied under a more "layback" environment. I do not regret on my decision as he is doing really good under this kind of learning environment...

I do not worry about his secondary school, I trust that he can benefit from both traditional and non-traditional types of education as the foundation of knowledge is pretty good and his curiosity on exploring knowledge is good.

I will target some traditional types of school and also some non-traditional types of school for interviews, and see how he feels about these experiences.


Christi  great !  發表於 12-2-29 23:06

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-1 07:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-1 08:05 編輯


For some kids yes' for some other kids, no. I knew some kids changed to International schools at P2 and P3 due to the difficulties to catch up with the dictations. some kids feel extremely difficult to catch up P5 english..

Don't give a one side story or to look at the school from a single perspective, there are multiple issues involved..

升中派位去津貼學校, 小朋友會否讀得很辛苦?

I will not worry on this, as most of the parents from TSL I knew, they don't worry about that. Kids need adjustment facing change, from primary to secondary is a change..

Why have to worry about "change", part of life, and let the kids face those adjustment changes and challenges.why have to protect them too much. Kids have resilience, they will bounce back after adjustments. .

How can you protect them from 辛苦, exploring knowledge and getting to know new things are 辛苦, but they can handle this if their attitudes are right, their ways to explore knowledge are right, and they know the tools to explore knowledge. TSL is pretty good in training kids to have this kind of knowledge, at least my son benefit from that.

No worry!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-3-2 14:04 |只看該作者
Dear motherotk, thank you very much for your reply.
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