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我開始冇心機教女, 點算? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-26 02:47 |只看該作者

我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

我是在職媽媽, 放工已很攰, 有時回家還要工作. 囡囡現在2歲4個月, 在她1-2歲時我都仲好有心機教佢中英文, 陪佢玩. 之後自己就愈來愈懶, 冇跟已計劃好的進度教, 有時更唔教. 其實懶只是藉口, 主要是有些厭倦, 和冇信心教得佢好. 點算?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-26 08:05 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

Me 2...  I totally understand your feeling...

For me, I feel guilty, but still feel very tired and unwilling to play with my baby at night...  I have revised my baby's study schedule for many many times as I need to move the schedule dates since i was unable to follow them.  I have already behind the original schedule for 1/2 year...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-26 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

pangpuiyee and nn,

am interested to know what schedule have you planned for your babies.  seems that you have set a very precise schedule.  i wanna learn from you and get prepared.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 02:22 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

我囡囡其實都好乖, 肯耐心聽我教佢讀書睇書, 我原本打算每天教她認一個中文字, 串一個英文字,數數量等等, 佢都學識了好多字... 但有時佢學唔識, 我就好快想放棄, 等佢順其自然就算. 但過了約一星期, 佢自己認晒d字, 我覺得好內疚. 佢看見我放工回家就話mummy好攰, mummy sad. 佢好似好慘.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-28 09:01 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

JonasMaMa and nn

一直都有留意你兩位教囝囡學習心得, 亦知道你地付出咗好多心機同努力, 我好想向你地學習. 因為我比較懶

你地開始冇心機, 是否係迫得自己太緊呢, 放鬆 d 啦, 其實你地兩位個個 bb 真係好叻, 你地所付出係有成果

你已經 pm 咗你 tel 比我, 我有時間會打比你向你請教心得, 先多謝你
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 09:27 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


雖然我無特別set schedule去教亞仔,但進度真係比以前慢左好多好多....例如flash card,而家幾日甚至一、兩星期至玩一次....有時佢狀態唔ok,跟住又輪到自己....

尋日o係BK見到其他媽咪d message,鼓勵到我要繼續努力,唔可以放棄,於是就即刻去同亞仔玩cards、睇書....


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-28 09:42 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

呢個情況我都經歷過無數次, 每星期都有呀    有時成日對住囝囝都好辛苦, 對於早期教育, 我好放鬆架, 就算一個字都0吾記得都可以刺激下腦部發展啦, 但係總是不知為何, 間中會心情勁差, 勁疲倦, 什麼都不想做.
教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。 (箴言22:6

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 11:45 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

Recently, I am struggling how to teach AliBB Cantonese, as I use to talk to her in English and she only speaks English now.  I don't want to mix English and Cantonese in my sayings, but then, no one can teach AliBB Cantonese (my maid does not speak Cantonese well, my husband is always out of town, her grandpa speaks Mandarin+some other special dialets...)   This is one of the reasons why I 開始冇心機        huh...

You're welcome to call me anytime, but I'm afraid mine is not a successful case to share...    

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 11:51 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

Do you have other people at home who could help to play with her and teach her?

For me, I usually take the work back home at night such that I could leave office on time.  In this way, I could have 2-3 hours to teach/play with my baby before she goes to sleep (she sleeps at 9:30pm).  After she falls asleep, I will then resume my work, sometimes work till 4am...  In the morning, I really wanna to go to work earlier such that I could leave office on time again...  so... very tired... both mentally and physically...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-28 14:22 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


On the contrary, I wanner how can I help to improve my daughter's English. She does not know English. My English standard is not high and cannot speak fluently, all members in family are speaking in Cantonese. Though she still does not speak, she understands what we says in Cantonese. However, she shows query if we talk to her in English.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 19:10 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

yuengooluk 寫道:
pangpuiyee and nn,

am interested to know what schedule have you planned for your babies.  seems that you have set a very precise schedule.  i wanna learn from you and get prepared.

Pls check pm  

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-28 21:58 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

pangpuiyee and nn and JonasMaMa,
我都好想學下你地既教學心得, 我宜家都同女女玩flash card, reading books....不過都唔知佢識唔識既, 又唔知佢係咪留心.....可唔可以教下我呀, thanks

sorry ar, 我係你地唔開心既情況都問你地野, 請見諒,
不過你地要支持呀, 宜家既付出, 將來既成果....就會有番動力啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 00:30 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


         I think you are a wonderful mother. You've tried very hard to teach your daughter. I am also a working mother and my daughter is only about 6 months' old. Very often, when I come back from work, my baby has already slept. I found that I didn't have much time to teach and play with her. I am feeling very frustrated. Actually, I am trying to prepare the flash cards for her but day after day, I still haven't finished the file for printing. I don't know when I could finish and start to teach her. But last Saturday when I read some books (thick cardboard books just bought recently)with her, she laughed so loudly and also tried to turn the pages herself. I felt very encouraging.

         BTW, I know that you have buy both the DWE and Pop-up machine for your baby. Are they really useful? I'll see the demo for the Pop-up machine on Thursday. The sales told me that now the machine would be sold at $26XX for BK mother group purchase. I noted that you bought it at $23XX. How did you bargain with them? For DWE, it seems to be very expensive. My ex-boss would give me his set (very old version with video tapes and didn't know if the playmate still could work). I hope you can share your experience with me.

nn 寫道:
Do you have other people at home who could help to play with her and teach her?

For me, I usually take the work back home at night such that I could leave office on time.  In this way, I could have 2-3 hours to teach/play with my baby before she goes to sleep (she sleeps at 9:30pm).  After she falls asleep, I will then resume my work, sometimes work till 4am...  In the morning, I really wanna to go to work earlier such that I could leave office on time again...  so... very tired... both mentally and physically...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 08:32 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

Dear nn,
dont be discouraged! You have been a great mum and Alibb does enjoy her life a lot. Dont worry about learning Cantonese. As she is living in HK, she will pick up Cantonese in no time.
Be relaxed and enjoy yourself as well!
I dont teach Hoyin English at all and he can understand and speak a few English words already (by listening to other people or DVDs).
I dont worry too much about what Hoyin is learning as long as he is happy and healthy!  
My learning schedule has been totally forgotten.
I enjoy the relaxed environment that we have now and I still can see that he is learning a lot everyday (by playing & seeing new things).
I do choose what he can play & watch carefully and take him to activities that are good for him.
Add oil!!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


totally agree with you that the most important thing is "he is happy and healthy".

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 10:12 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


Thanks.  Let's add oil together and share expr here!!

1. Flashcard
My 2 cents are: (i) don't try to prepare the complete list at the very beginning, you can order $100-200 first with about 100 cards, try this set out first, as this allows you to try the quality of the printing house, the quality of the paper, whether your baby loves it or not, whether the baby loves the topics or not, (ii) then, you can think what should be included in the second order, (iii) try to prepare some personalized cards, as these are the cards that you could NOT buy from the stores,the personalized cards I ordered include my baby's name, my name, my home address, the names of my relatives, I took photos of all my baby's toys and have each printed on 1 card, so, when I flashed those cards, I put the toys side by side near us as well, she always found it very funny and laugh... this allows her to know those pictures on the cards are real things and can be touched, (iv) If you order from Ansonbaby, try to ask Jimmy to print in a smaller size, as baby grows fast, they do not really need that big size any more but you could still get similar result and easier to store them for future use, (v) FYI, I just found some cards at the bookstores, about $8 for 1 pack, good paper/printing/picture quality, about 20-30 cards, printed on both sides, but the size is 1/4 of a A4 page, I found it VERY good for my baby at her age now

2. Sleeping time
My baby used to sleep at 8:30pm sharp when she was less than 1 yr old.  So, in order to see her, I needed to run back home after work and skipped dinner such that I could play with her.  Now, she sleeps at 9:30pm, this gives me more time and I don't need to run in the MTR and KCR any more      Maybe I am a working mum, I believe in the "quality time" saying, don't measure the length of the time you spend with the baby, measure the quality and "happiness"   

3. Board Books
I think board books could also serve similar purpose as the flashcards (although, this may not allow you to follow the Glenn Doman's thoery strictly), as long as you choose those big pictures, 1 picture/page.  I bought 1 set of board books from King Horn 1.5 yr ago at its sales, that is the first set of books I read with my baby, she still loves them very much.  For me, I never believe in the sales' saying or brandname, it is always the "mother's effort" who makes the materials good materials.  I bought lots of $10 toys and $10 books, my baby learns from them as well.  I have built a farm, a jungle, and a "fish box" at home with all those $10/10pc toys.

4. Card Machine
I like pop-up a little more, maybe because my DWE machine is old and it is still the tape version not the bar-code version.  If my playmate is bar-coded, I think I will love it as much as I love pop-up.  My baby loves both (to be exact, she loves whatsever I use to play with her    ).  For the price, as I bought it long time ago, I think they have adjusted the price recently.  You can ask Wendy how many more discount you could get if you could find more in the group.  Last time, we have about 3x-4x people in our group.

5. DWE
Mine is also an old version with video tapes, if playmate does not work, you can ask your ex-boss to take it back to DWE for free-of-charge repair, as long as he is still a valid member, i.e. pay the annual membership fee on time.  The tape is only for "lay Along", you should still have all the Sing Along and Main Program in VCD.  pm me if you wanna know how to use it and the timetable.

- nn

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-3-1 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

No doubt!!  nn is really a super super super mama.  I wanna to be her daughter      Alibb will be proud of you, and you will be proud of her as well.   nn, you are my idol.

To all moms,
Let's try our best to educate and love our babies.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

由 JonasMaMa 於 2006-03-01 11:49:33


elysemama 寫道:
To all moms,
Let's try our best to educate and love our babies.

Yes, I'll do my very best   


Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-1 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?

Hi all,


"4. Card Machine
I like pop-up a little more, maybe because my DWE machine is old and it is still the tape version not the bar-code version. If my playmate is bar-coded, I think I will love it as much as I love pop-up. My baby loves both (to be exact, she loves whatsever I use to play with her   ). For the price, as I bought it long time ago, I think they have adjusted the price recently. You can ask Wendy how many more discount you could get if you could find more in the group. Last time, we have about 3x-4x people in our group. "


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-3-1 15:03 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始冇心機教女, 點算?


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