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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 要上班的爸爸媽媽.....
樓主: hkparents

要上班的爸爸媽媽..... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-17 17:17 |只看該作者



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發表於 08-3-20 23:23 |只看該作者
~~~My dogs Phoebe,Minnie,Ah Bert and Rico~~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-21 01:11 |只看該作者
I normally go back home at about 8pm. Then have dinner (kids' dinner time is earlier) and check their homework. My son is K2, so I only need to spend a few mins on his homework. My daughter is at P1 but she finishes most of her homework in school (there is a homework session in school in the afternoon). I usually spend about 15-30min on her homework. Not much difference even when there is dictation. The dictations are frequent but usually a few words or sentences for Eng. The longer Chi dictations are always held on Mon so that u can do revision in weekend. So I can play for about 1 hr with her and her brother (play, read books, eat ice cream/snacks, to to playground....) before she goes to sleep at 9:30-10. My husband comes back around the same time and has trips from time to time. He also focuses on playing with them. In addition, my daugher can play for at least 1-2 hrs with her brother before I/my husband come home.

I ask her to do revision by herself when there is assessment or examinations. When I go home, I will ask her if she wants me to go through the materials with her. If she wants, I will go through those main points with her. If she does not want, I will leave it. Afterall she is only P1 and I can afford any low scores she may have. She should learn to be independent and be responsible for her own study. So far it works. She is a bit lazy in the first exam though her marks are above average. In the second exam, she works a bit harder as she knows this is the only way she can get higher marks. And she really did and she feels very proud of herself. I did not take any annual leave to do revision with her.

Both my kids had 1 piano class and 1 Eng class on weekdays. On Sat, they have arts and crafts and drama activities which they enjoy most. Sunday - we go to church only.

I want to enjoy the time with my kids and do not want to scold at them because of homework. Afterall, we only got a very little time with them everyday and very soon they will grow up and have their own social circle. To me, it is more important to build up a good relationship than to chase for academic results. I guess only in this way they will enjoy learning and have time to explore the world in their own way. Don't forget: kids can learn through playing an d 'playing' is every child's human right.

[ 本文章最後由 readers 於 08-3-21 01:15 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-25 22:20 |只看該作者
爸爸媽媽要上班, 孩子要上學, 各有各的職責, 我們無需因為要上班而不能替孩子温習而難過啊!

我很早已預計到沒有太多的時間陪太子讀書, 而且覺得學習是人生長跑, 不爭朝夕, 只爭長遠, 所以我選擇了一條龍的學校, 不用為升中而過早催谷, 而且學校功課不多, 因為多不等於好.

校長和老師都是太忙人, 校長傳授他的教子之道是讓孩子在小學開始時已自己靠自己, 弄得一塌糊塗就讓老師來教訓他, 今天校長的一雙子女都入讀英國的頂級大學了.

成長過程是很漫長的, 培養自學能力也如是. 大家放開懷抱, 讓生活過得簡單些, (包括孩子的學習生活也要簡單), 多休息, 保持腦活神通, 只在必要時才施予援手, 將來入大學也不難, 因為大學學額正在增加.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-26 10:20 |只看該作者
有了BB後, 我和丈夫先計劃搬近婆婆爺爺到, 因為有照應, 將來由菲傭主力照顧, 婆婆爺爺定時"巡查", 以確保仔仔能夠得到妥善照顧, 但當小朋友一歲時, 慢慢每天放工返到家中, 見到他一味只懂親親菲傭, 對父母較"生保", 心裡真是滿不是味兒。

我想這就是雙職父母要付出的代價吧? 朋友說, 等孩子長大"懂性"後, 這種情況便會改善, 希望吧! 現在除了假日一定湊仔仔行假外, 每日我和丈夫都會致電家中, 和小朋友問候幾句, 希望他能感受我們父母對他的關懷。未能在兒子成長時時刻陪伴在側, 將會是我終身遺憾, 要上班的爸爸媽媽, 萬般無奈呀!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-29 14:11 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-30 00:19 |只看該作者
pattymon, don't be upset. I had the same experience before. When kids grow up a little bit more, they will 'stick' to their moms (and dads) again. Of course, you need to spend time to play and talk with them everyday even they did not prefer u much now. I always comfort my friends who complained about kids sticking to maids in this way: Your kids like the maid, that means your maid treats your kids well. At least you do not need to worry about your maid hitting or starving your kids. Thinking in this way will make you feel more peaceful.
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