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教育王國 討論區 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 優才 is better than 英華小學
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優才 is better than 英華小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-8-22 14:59 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear parents,

Please share your views whether GT is beter than Ying Wah if

1. Parents have little time to spend on kids' all rounded development
2. Parents don't want to put too much pressure on kids chasing against "Marks"
3. Parents prefer more Teacher's caring of your kids
4. Parents want to discovering kids' talent without spending extra money (psychologists, iQ test,...,etc)
5. Parents want their kids to be more creative and active in learning (pulling but not pushing)
6. Parents want their kids to attend IB as well as HK public Exams
7. Parents don't want to spend money on extra tuitions
8. Parents want their kids have a global aspects on how things work

Vote if you agree on points above.
Thks in advance for your opinions and pracipations.

[ 本帖最後由 smartkids2008 於 08-8-22 15:24 編輯 ]
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-23 01:17 |只看該作者
我覺得你所問既, 大部分優才都做倒, 或者講, 都係優才既強項咁話。

但係呢度都係優才家長, 應該唔太清楚英華小學既情況喎。

其他學校好唔好, 你最好去問吓佢地既家長好 D。

原帖由 smartkids2008 於 08-8-22 14:59 發表
Dear parents,

Please share your views whether GT is beter than Ying Wah if

1. Parents have little time to spend on kids' all rounded development
2. Parents don't want to put too much pressure on kid ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-24 00:01 |只看該作者
以下係小弟既愚見, 僅供參考, 如有錯漏, 、實屬不幸 :)
1. Parents have little time to spend on kids' all rounded development
優才有才華班、增益班, 都係校內活動, 家長冇須費神; 高小有課後資優班及IEP, 同樣係學校主導既, 家長又唔洗到處張羅; 優才仲要考校外試, 好似 Cambridges Flyers, KET, PET, GAPSK, IGCSE 等等, 都係學校安排好晒, 家長簽個名就攪掂。
2. Parents don't want to put too much pressure on kids chasing against "Marks"
優才考試唔排名次, 老師好少會話學生分數低, 連學期尾發獎狀比優異生都好低調, 家長唔在場, 亦從不公佈邊個係優異生, 只有得獎既學生家長, 見倒阿仔阿女, 囉住張獎狀同獎學金回家, 先至知道。
3. Parents prefer more Teacher's caring of your kids
優才老師點好, 眞係要入讀之後先感受倒; 不過我聽過有家長, 公開响BK呢度講, 優才老師對學生既關環, 以經超出左做老師既本份咁話。
4. Parents want to discovering kids' talent without spending extra money (psychologists, iQ test,...,etc)
優小會免費同所有G1新生做 MI Test, 評估每個學生响七個多元智能項目既潛能; 學校有 Clinical psychologist 註校, 為有需要既學生服务; G6學生响升中前, 亦可參加 升中 MI Test ( 伯樂計劃 ), 再深入評估小學六年里面, 七項多元智能既進展, 都係唔洗比錢既。
( 好可借, 如果學生要做韋氏 IQ Test, 係要比錢既; 不過就比响坊間自已搵人做, 就平好多 )
5. Parents want their kids to be more creative and active in learning (pulling but not pushing)
創意係優才三大目標之一, 學校會減少功課量, 避免標準答案, 還學生自由意考既空間及時間; 增益班會有創意思考課程, 積極培育學生去創作。
6. Parents want their kids to attend IB as well as HK public Exams
優才正積極籌備開辩 IB Diploma 課程, 目標响 2010年獲正式批准開辨, 為希望往海外升讀名牌大學鋪路, 亦為香港新高中課程以外, 提供多一個選擇。
7. Parents don't want to spend money on extra tuitions
在我認識既優才學生/家長中, 大部份都冇响外面搵補習喎。
8. Parents want their kids have a global aspects on how things work
優中已經同不少海外學校, 建立互訪关系, 定期派學生同老師, 出訪友校; 而海外學生/老師, 亦會來臨香港, 响優才上堂, 住响優才學生屋企。

例如 Australian Science & Mathematics School, 星加坡华僑中學, Korean Scince Academy, 北京八中..等等。

原帖由 smartkids2008 於 08-8-22 14:59 發表
Dear parents,

Please share your views whether GT is beter than Ying Wah if

1. Parents have little time to spend on kids' all rounded development
2. Parents don't want to put too much pressure on kid ...

[ 本帖最後由 中天英 於 08-8-25 00:31 編輯 ]
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