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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Eason's daughter 幼兒園
樓主: romatse

Eason's daughter 幼兒園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-9-23 14:53 |只看該作者
有同感, 身邊同學仔的教養也重要的, 小朋友有樣學樣.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-9 14:10 |只看該作者

沒夠2歲小朋友一張白紙,"名校"想IN齣點咩先?? IN果陣唔講野,唔等於佢STUPID.可能佢SLEEPY,可能佢HUNGRY,可能佢覺得老師無夠NICE....... 唔怕生既小朋友可能大果做公關,市場,八面玲瓏.... 怕生既小朋友長大可能做科學家,低頭專心研究.. 你話呢???

原帖由 sheffield 於 08-9-22 16:36 發表
乜大家咁灰嘅?我身邊都唔係d咩有錢人(唔知大家有錢人嘅定義),但幾個都入左小女拔。有錢唔係大晒,但一定比普通唔有錢嘅人有多d資源投資落小朋友度。如是名人的小朋友,佢地會多d機會expose係parties到同見慣多d人,咁對佢地i ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-9 17:13 |只看該作者
其實大家都講得有道理,不過有時我會覺得的名校要求高, 高到令人覺得有的平民勿近既地步, 某程度上大家做家長既都有好大責任....試想下, 當你係一間校既校長, 你毎年有100個N1/K1既學位, 而毎年有過千人走黎敲門表示想送個小朋友入黎讀書,個個趨之若慕...比著你係個校長你估你會點捒? 梗係捒"最好"o個 100個啦, 但係個個below兩歲既小朋友其實都差唔多, 咁唯一唔係咁同既, 當然係佢地既所謂背景啦...

唔係話環境無咁好/非專業人士既小朋友唔叻或者佢地既父母唔會花時間同心血去栽培個小朋友, 但係令人氣餒既係我地唔能夠否認係呢方面普通人的確係會輸蝕的, 因為資源上確實係無咁充裕, 係配合學校栽培個小朋友既要求方面可能未必配合到...大家都知道, 依家的學校成日講學校教育只係佔培育小朋好細既部份,反而家長個方面先係最重要...佢地覺得有錢, 有學識既家長達到呢方面要求既機會高的亦無可口非, 正好似同樣都係一個手袋, 大家總係覺得名牌子係好的一樣, 學校取易不取難, 我地真係無話可說...至於有教無類...唉, 有得捒, 你估你仲會唔會搏呢?

我好同意peer group對小朋友既影响好重要, 但係小朋友如果置身係一個同佢生活環境有距離既世界,你估佢會好受嗎? 唔係話咁細個小朋友或者老師會白鴿眼, 但係小朋友咁細, 佢地可能未必理解到咩係能力有限, 佢地只會覺得點解成日有的野人地有但佢地冇, 其實真係會幾難受....既然係咁, 點解我地一定要高攀o個的學校呢? 其實只要間學校校風好, 老師有愛心, 有教學理想, 收學生又唔會咁浮誇, 咁其實係咪仲好的呢?同意其他媽媽話齋, 如果個小朋友係叻, 唔使讀名校都可以脫穎而出, 香港咁多大學, 唔見得淨係收o個幾間名校既學生, 攞奬學金既, 更加唔見得一定係名校生, 所以大家真係唔好咁灰,只要我地有付出, 小朋友一定有得益.....

Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-10 15:21 |只看該作者
After reading, I feel very interesting. I am now search the PN for my baby. Sorry that I don't know how to type Chinese.

Indeed, I am struggling to decide whether to choose a school near home or to send my baby to a good school which my baby needs to take school bus in next year when he was just 2 years old.  After careful consideration, I think I will choose one which should near my home as long as it's a good school which teachers loves child and will teach children with their full heart. I am ok with that school. As I love my baby, I don't want him to travel every week day which will make him tired. (大人也不喜欢坐车啦,何妨小朋友!)

Have we ever think that when we send the baby to school, what's our expectation from the school and from the baby? Will it be too harsh for us to impose so much pressure to our previous but little baby? (我地都希望小D压力,点解又加比小朋友呢?)

I guess every parent will love their child. I would like my child to be grow up in a happy environment. And I don't know what he would like to be when he grow up. But I definitely know that I want him to be a responsible, independent and accountable person. So as parent, I need to be responsible to him and to cooperate with the school to teach him. So that to let him know what's right and what's wrong.  

His future should be decided by himself when he has the ability to do so. In the current moment, I will try my best to make his childhood life happy with right value system.

Why we need to compare. We as adult don't want to compare.. I don't want my boss compare everything with anyone.. but we will compare our child with another child.. Every child is unique, they are all different ma..

They are all little angel going into our life to make us happy ma. We should treaure every little thing they learn so both of us will be very happy.
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