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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 高主教, 英華, 陳守仁, 聖若瑟 (彩石里), 九龍塘宣小 ...
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高主教, 英華, 陳守仁, 聖若瑟 (彩石里), 九龍塘宣小 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-7 14:02 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印


高主教:私立英文小學、有直屬英文中學 (津貼中學: 政策受教統局控制) ,校舍一般大小

英華: 第一屆直資中文小學(2008-2009)、有直屬英文中學 (2008/2009第一屆直資中學: 政策不受教統局控制),中學會考及高考成績大不如前校舍頗大。

聖若瑟(彩石里): 私立英文小學、有直屬中學 (津貼中學,初中母語教學: 政策受教統局控制), 中學會考及高考成績大不如前校舍很細小

請指教小妹, 若排除了學費、地點及聯系(或直屬)中學等因素, 作為準小一母親,你會如何從校風(同學品德)、學生英文水平、升中派位成績去排列以下學校:

高主教, 英華, 陳守仁, 聖若瑟 (彩石里), 九龍塘宣小

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-7 14:10 |只看該作者
hi timtim852,
原帖由 timtim852 於 08-11-7 14:02 發表


英華: 第一屆直資中文小學(2008-2009)、有直屬英文中學 (2008/2009第一屆直資中學: 政策不受教統局控制),中學會考及高考成績大不如前校舍頗大。


Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-7 16:54 |只看該作者

原帖由 timtim852 於 08-11-7 14:02 發表


高主教:私立英文小學、有直屬英文中學 (津貼中學: 政策受教統局控制) ,校舍一般大小。

英華: 第一屆直資中文小學(2008-2009)、有直屬英文中學 (2008/200 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-7 17:36 |只看該作者
Smalljokerbb, 我的大學同窗是英華預科仔(82年畢業)。他說師弟成績較當年退步,校址從牛津道轉至深水埗後,表現更大走下坡。刋登在最近英華annual report 的本地大學入‥學率及會考也不太好,有列出每科取A/B/C的數目或優異生的成績(多少個多少分等。

vivian3328, 這不是講嬴與否!我希望在這些小學就讀過的小朋友家長給點意見,我沒有這此資料,我估計也有家長考慮這此學校。大家只是自願分享資料,相信這亦是此平台的意義,請不要太緊張,不會妨礙你朋友入好學校的機會, 你選學校,學校選你學校收生是主要視乎考生的表現和其校內成績,不太在乎家長對學校的認識別人問我,若知道的話,我會樂意告訴他們。若此問題令你不悅,請多多見諒。
  ... [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 timtim852 於 08-11-7 17:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-7 18:01 |只看該作者
為何不也考慮 sfa 呢 ?

原帖由 timtim852 於 08-11-7 17:36 發表
Smalljokerbb, 我的大學同窗是英華預科仔(82年畢業)。他說師弟成績較當年退步,校址從牛津道轉至深水埗後,表現更大走下坡。刋登在最近英華annual report 的本地大學入‥學率及會考也不太好,沒有列出每科取A/B/C的數目或 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-7 18:48 |只看該作者
多謝你的回應。請問sfa 的全名?相信我沒有為小兒報考呢。

原帖由 wendyyy 於 08-11-7 18:01 發表
為何不也考慮 sfa 呢 ?

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-7 19:44 |只看該作者
SFA - 聖方濟各英文小學. 有何 comments ?

英華我囡的同學讀緊, 好似幾好, 校舍也好. TSL 我囡去年有考, 也取綠了, 不過最後無讀呢間. 但如果男仔, 多數人會選英華, 因一龍 ma. 其它的3 間不太清楚.

原帖由 timtim852 於 08-11-7 18:48 發表
多謝你的回應。請問sfa 的全名?相信我沒有為小兒報考呢。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-7 23:59 |只看該作者

坦白說,要找一所適合孩子的小學甚在不易,旣要在校同輩品德不差、成績中上、英文好、又要使他愉快地學習,我必須準確地衡量他的能力和性格是否合適心儀的學校。所以我要搜集那5 間小學有關資料,向在那些學校就讀的小朋友之家長求教呢!多謝幫忙...

原帖由 wendyyy 於 08-11-7 19:44 發表
SFA - 聖方濟各英文小學. 有何 comments ?

英華我囡的同學讀緊, 好似幾好, 校舍也好. TSL 我囡去年有考, 也取綠了, 不過最後無讀呢間. 但如果男仔, 多數人會選英華, 因一龍 ma. 其它的3 間不太清楚.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-8 10:12 |只看該作者
dear timtim,
i'm father of 2 boys, and the elder one is in k2 this year, and will apply for primary school in the coming septembre. so i understand a bit how worry you are.
we have a bit uncommon family background, so our choice is somehow limited and maybe easier.
as my wife doesn't read chinese at all, so english primary school is our direction.
long story short talk, it come up i have a lot of suggest of Camoes TSL school, and st margart school.

we have visited Camoes on 1st May this year (school open day every year around that time).
then we were able to talk and meet pupils and teachers in the school.
we were impressed and very happy for we have seen that day.
and our son also feel comfortable with the environment. my wife and i also agree with the learning and teaching strategies of school.
i think the open day of school really give a good idea about the school!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-8 10:12 |只看該作者
hope it help!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-8 10:26 |只看該作者
Among the three schools, I believe that many people will select Ying Wah. But if you have no confidence in the school and its philosophy, you may need to re-consider it. Have you attended the second interview of Ying Wah already? In my case, I found that Ying Wah is good after we have finished the final round interview. I study and gather information for each school I applied for. In fact, each school has its pros and cons. It also depends on your preferences (boys college or coedu/pushy or happy one/location,etc) and most importantly, the personality of your son. Hope you can find one suitable for your son.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-8 20:30 |只看該作者
Dear "flostangraphy" & "2046"

Thanks a lot for all your replies to my wife’s messages and the information for helping us. She is now “pushing“our son to finish his dinner.. I may take a chance to make a response for her.

Luckily, my son finished the 2nd round of interview offered by TSL and YW. He answered all questions well at YW (in presence of parents last week) and TSL (as what he told me after the interview today). We hope to have a chance to make a decision among YW and TSL. We 'll try 九龍塘宣小 next month. Though we may have nothing at all in the last minute,  we are still silly to think which school should be most appropriate for our son even at this stage. Silly enough ?

After the 2nd round of interview in YW, our son asked "which school will offer him a place".  We tried to explain to him that we were already proud of his performance in the interviews regardless of the ultimate outcome because he already tried his best in these interview "processes"
(we emphasized on the importance of the process in front of him) though the ultimate outcomes are really our concerns - Sorry, we are a liar,  technically.). I believe that he may not understand my tactics using "postive encouragement" at his age of  59 months because he further asked us where he should go in the next round in case he couldn't get any offer. We started to feel that he put pressure on his own shoulders. Perhaps, we shouldn’t have let him try such a lot of schools ( 5 schools). However, being the parents like others, we got no choice even it was definitely a dilemma of applying for more schools or leaving him happily under a normal childhood.
I guess many parents will face the same dilemma though they are not willing to do that. Believe or not, we didn’t face so much problems about "schools" in our old days.  If the education system ran well in Hong Kong, all parents would not spend so much effort on seeking DSS or private schools for their kids. When Donald Tsang’s successor comes, it is possible that he may change the education policy again to please someone, taking our kids’ fate for his favor but at our own risk. Honestly, I and my wife don’t trust the ‘Government or Aided’ schools as learnt from the past 11 years. Sorry, please ignore the above if you consider my view silly.  Being a parent is not an easy job, especially for mummy !

原帖由 2046 於 08-11-8 10:26 發表
Among the three schools, I believe that many people will select Ying Wah. But if you have no confidence in the school and its philosophy, you may need to re-consider it. Have you attended the second i ...

[ 本帖最後由 timtim852 於 08-11-8 20:37 編輯 ]
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