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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 收到學之園PN result未?
樓主: granddelsol

收到學之園PN result未? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-4-10 23:42 |只看該作者
Very true as elmolly said: the game just start!
I was upset for a day then immediately start to think about which other kinder should i choose
between Creative and Good Health (Tivoli not accept my son and I also think it is my problem as I don't see they interview my son at all but me). I even think instead i need to plan for K1 now.
By the way, how do u think Creative tsing yi? Do u apply Good Health tsing yi?

原帖由 Rayli 於 09-4-10 09:12 發表
i hope that we dont have to wait until june too.  

i was very upset for 2 days ... wondering what's wrong because i thought that my girl's performance during the interview was good.  then i think if  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-10 23:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 lawflorence 於 09-4-10 23:42 發表
Very true as elmolly said: the game just start!
I was upset for a day then immediately start to think about which other kinder should i choose
between Creative and Good Health (Tivoli not accept my s ...

as for Good Health and Creative, a friend told me Good Health really "has heart", but I didn't choose it as the campus is too small so didn't apply finally. Creative is ok for PN, the environment is not bad and they have outdoor playground, I feel ok for teachers there from the open house. I've heard that TY and Kowloon Tong Creative are the best ones, not sure if it's true though.
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