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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Receive Boxhill offer -- any comment ?
樓主: jjoyma

Receive Boxhill offer -- any comment ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 09-12-22 10:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 luiflora 於 09-12-16 10:46 發表
如果大家不像我甘心急以語言為第一考慮,我會要1.劍嗚(名氣及老師愛心好及課程都好深,不用擔心升小學辛苦,所以如果小朋友都可以升上k,唔使考sc or kv,都足夠對付小學了) 2.樂基(課程都不深不淺) 3.think(課程淺,不過有好多家長極like it , 因為不想小朋友太辛苦,想佢開開心心過童年) 4.boxhill

ascot課程 (中英, 認知)可能深過KM, 不過佢地教得深, 考得淺, 如果小朋友叻嘅, 會學到多d嘢, N班有phonics教 (KM K1先有, 但可考慮上Sat 嘅phonics / pth班)
講溝通, hkps一定較強,  ascot係我所知最早要小朋友寫字嘅學校!

如果你諗住讀4年, 想小朋友讀傳統小學嘅, 可能KM會比hkps理想, KM嘅中英數都好平均地深, 唔會話有邊方面較弱, 不過聽聞寫作會比hkps弱, 因為hkps要寫週記~

我自己就.. 鍾意ascot hkps多d, 因為課程教得深, 又活d, 但係始終要阿仔讀傳統小學, 所以揀咗KM~

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 09-12-22 10:23 |只看該作者
想share少少嘢俾apply boxhill嘅媽媽
以我所知.. 鄰居個小朋友 (12/2006讀K1)嗰班有2-3個11-12月嘅小朋友
我相信boxhill都收細b, 不過唔多囉! 呢個妹妹係mix嚟架!
另外.. 媽媽話佢地唔教廣東話架, 只有pth同eng.. 妹妹返咗幾個星期學就已經識唱pth歌仔!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-24 13:25 |只看該作者
My twins daughters are studying N1 there.  At the very beginning, I just want to let them develop social skills, but suprisingly, I find that they learn a lot of things in Boxhill.  Every weekend, all the study books will send back to let us know what they have done and what they were taught in the week.  These include, chinese and english rhyme books, phonics book, number book, alphebat book.  Also, every week we have to submit a reading record (though it should be lastly done by parents).  I think they learn not only En and PTH, but also Cantonese as they will sing PTH and Cantonese songs as well as En songs at home.  A five weeks toilet training since start of the school.  For the first few weeks, teacher will send the daily development checklist to you to let you know how the babies are developing, e.g. are they confident to go to class by themselved, did they play with other kids, did they enjoy the circle time etc....  

I love the school teachers and my daughters also.  They are very nice and caring.  I know this school is international stream, but it seems they are puting more resources on chinese, as the competition in international school is keen, it will prepare its K3 students to go to local stream also.  

It is no doubt that their En envirnoment is perfect, to improve their chinese, should have to outsource to other private tutor class.  But as I think, if I let them study in other K, I may have to put resources to let them improve their Eng also.  So, less Chinese is not my concern. (just as you will concern less Eng in other K).

Hope these can help you all understand more on their N class.

Merry Chirstmas!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-25 16:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 luiflora 於 09-12-16 10:46 發表
其實這幾間學校都各有各好,如果不是我不會報!!不如甘講啦,我個人比較重視語言(英普),及將來我一定會比仔仔找直資學校而不是國際學校,最好男拔!所以我會先考慮語言(我深信愈早比小朋友接觸多國語言是好的,起碼英普不 ...

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