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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 Dear Ming2,Yanni,Pianokc and parents, May I seek you ...
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Dear Ming2,Yanni,Pianokc and parents, May I seek your advice on piano learning [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-8 17:37 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear teachers and parents,

1. Which one is better? Continue the 1:1 piano lesson in TL after the JMC or find a prviate teacher of my own?

2. Have the 1:1 lesson and JMC at the same time?

3. Quite the JMC and start the private lesson directly?

My son is studying JMC book2, please advice, many thanks.
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-8 21:12 |只看該作者
My personal opinion and experience:

1) JMC is good IF you as a parent has time each week to go with your child.  And, if you have time to practice with your child what you learned.

2) JMC and private lesson is GOOD IF, you have time to spend with your child to sit in both lessons, ensure your child goes through the transition period of understanding the two systems of Doh, and C are the same thing.

I would choose JMC ONLY if your child likes interaction with other children as a group, and if he or she has not developed very strong fine motor skills. Electone piano is easier to play than on an acoustic piano (physically) at age 4... some children are not ready for it. Electone is ok for this age in majority.

BEST combination is JMC and private piano lesson at age 5. (This is usually, not applicable to EVERY child). I would also choose JMC ONLY for age 4... and then I would add private lesson if you can afford the time, and money when child gets to 5 years old.

The benefits of JMC is unfortunately highly influenced by whether you have a good teacher or not, and whether the kids in your class are along the same pace and level.

Personally speaking JMC has been very good foundation for my daughter's aural and singing skills, which now enables her to practice piano for private lessons, and learn pieces at a better pace, and more musical awareness is demonstrated than if she DIDN'T take such a course as I can compare it to the students who has never had JMC. You can see the difference.

Which CHOICE or combination is best, depends on how much time, and patience and dedication you have for your child, and how much time your child has to practice, and whether your child can combine BOTH approaches in a positive and constructive way.

My daughter at age 5, had to practice both Yamaha and her Grade 1 ABRSM and competition things.... which took a lot of time in a day at the piano. Not every child can do that, and not every parent has that kind of time.

In summary, JMC is great, but you need to spend time to make sure it is put into use during, and afterwards. JMC is also great with private lesson, again if you spend time training the transition.

Hope this helps.

發表於 10-1-9 09:50 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-11 17:50 |只看該作者
Dear Teachers Pianokc and Ming2,

Many thanks for your valuable advice.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

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發表於 10-1-11 18:47 |只看該作者
如個別查詢鋼琴事宜, 請直接pm有關人士, thanks!!
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