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教育王國 討論區 聖若望英文書院 聖若望英文書院... HOW SAD!!!!
樓主: ScarlettChan

聖若望英文書院... HOW SAD!!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-1 12:08 |只看該作者
Current parents,
I was planning to let my girl study in SJC in Sept, but I change my mind after reading the news that you put up.
Please let the school knows, if they cannot clarify what's happening, they will lose a lot of K1 students next year.  
Thank you for posting up news .  Please keep us up date, because I don't think they will let us know anything.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-3 14:09 |只看該作者
I would like to share w/you about my thoughts after meeting. What the principal told us:
- the mission would not be changed (strength on English and Maths)
- Full days of K2 and K3 would be kept

After meeting and shared with other parents, understand more what the class happened in last 3 weeks - a terrible mess in my kid's class.  After the teachers left, they have 2 new teachers - one is okay, one has no any teaching experience.  She doesn't know how to handle, take care of kids, so kids don't listen to them and the class became messing...  Now's better than beginning. At least, my kid said he likes the new teachers (In the past weeks, he doesn't like them).

I am still hesitating about the teachers ability and principal's promise.  But, I also consider that (1) no K1 vacancy in other kindergartens now, (at least for better kindergarten) (2) if change to other schools now for K1 which may not be my preferred school. I may consider to change again in K2 if vacancy available in better school later. (3) Now, Kid is adapting the new teachers.  If change now, they need to adapt the new school/teacher/classmates.  And they may adapt again if change in K2.  Too many changes for K1 kids.  I don't want to change for sake of change. Unless I can find the good school now.

So, I would stay for a while and I would closely monitor my kids' feelings and teachers' performance, push school to hire experienced teachers.  

Seems school is open to listen our comments. As a parents and customers, we have right to give comment to school and I will keep communication with them in the coming months.  Let's see if they are on good track.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-3 14:27 |只看該作者
May I join your meeting, my son also in K1 now, he's unhappy in school life, I'm so worry about the change in this school, what wrong with Ms Chung? She's so good, my son love her so much!!

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-4 12:48 |只看該作者
I sent personal message to you.  Please read.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-12 15:17 |只看該作者
Could you aslo PM to me ?  I'm worry about this event!! Because my son will study K1 in Sept !
Thanks a lot!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-12 17:49 |只看該作者
i want to know to!!!
原帖由 peaceful88 於 10-2-12 15:17 發表
Could you aslo PM to me ?  I'm worry about this event!! Because my son will study K1 in Sept !
Thanks a lot!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-23 13:16 |只看該作者
Hi, can I get a Personal Message too??  Are you guys getting together for a meeting??   My son in K1 and both his teachers were replaced.  Ever since then, he seems not as happy before, and he does not want to talk about school at home.   Before the change, after he came home, he would talk to me about the school.  Still very painfully struggling whether to change school for him.   Would appreciate if anyone can share more of your thoughts with me.  Thank you.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-2-24 13:56 |只看該作者
Hi, 2 teachers were replaced in my kid's class after Miss Chung left.  This week, one of new teachers resigned and have another new one.  School hasn't informed us.  Just my kid told me a little bit and then I called school to clarify.  My kid is not happy again because she built trust with this teacher in the past month.  

Honestly, I don't think school can hire the teacher with good quailty and experience in the middle of year term.  The part of new teachers also treat it as a interim job, has no commitment, no passion, no experience.  

As parents, we always need to check school's situation via other parents information, kids limited feedback and babykom.  School don't have enough communication to parents.  I have been very tired about it.
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