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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Good Hope kindergarten 有offer的家長有邊位係公務員的 ...
樓主: 凍O茶多甜

Good Hope kindergarten 有offer的家長有邊位係公務員的統計 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-6 21:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 easybring 於 11-1-5 14:11 發表
可能來面試的家長緊張, 唔識笑. 現讀的家長感覺良好.

攪下笑先, 你講緊我?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-6 21:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 bb0322 於 11-1-5 13:21 發表

放鬆d, 我考咁多間都無呢個感覺. 入唔到又唔等於小朋友唔叻, 只係每個小朋友條路唔同姐.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-6 22:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 michelle_0623 於 11-1-6 17:06 發表
我同囡囡報了近十間KG,又本區、名校、也有必入的KG。最終IN了六間,有倆間WAITING,其中係我最愛的SC 。

見到你的理性回應, 知道你是明白事理的家長.
當人人訴說自己女兒英文好好, 自己教育背景點好, 職業點好, 但點解都唔收我個女, 我覺得你的回應可以使我們反省!
可以檢討一下是否自己做得不好, 不是第一時間責怪幼稚園不公平:loveliness:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-6 23:03 |只看該作者

回復 63# luilui007 的帖子


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-1-6 23:49 |只看該作者
cannot keep my mouth shut tim!  Since I am the moderator so I have some responsibilites to help each others here!

Actually, what I notice nowadays are parents tend to look for objective measures which contribute to offers being given by kindergartens.  I can assure you that this really doesn't happen as simple as that.

What lacking here is, parents nowadays have to carry such difficult financial burden to make a living and cannot offer more time and patience during the children's childhood.  I am not blaming the parents here since obviously it is in a sense something exist in our society nowadays, where there are just more and more pressures from works and competitions around.

For each kindergarten, they must have a certain teaching philosophy or belief, which are being implement within the kindergarten environment.  So, their criteria to select students would need to be consistent to it.  It would probably be a mistake if we try to generalize it so much to simply making the decisions on the job nature of the parents or financial status of them.

So, what about performance of the applicants?  What I really find where many parents misunderstand is, why their children can answer all questions, but still cannot be offered?  The key here is just like what I mention earlier, it is not whether they are being answered all correctly, but how they react during the process and the manner of them during the interview.  It is actually much easier to train a kid to answer a question, but good manner need time to develop, and also is an indicator of what kind of family values this child has been brought up.

Hope this help the many parents who are still looking for answers.

Good luck to all and I wish all children can find the right kindergartens which fit them well!


原帖由 Cutemom0808 於 11-1-6 14:53 發表


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-1-6 23:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-1-7 00:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 11-1-6 23:49 發表
For each kindergarten, they must have a certain teaching philosophy or belief, which are being implement within the kindergarten environment.  So, their criteria to select students would need to be consistent to it.  It would probably be a mistake if we try to generalize it so much to simply making the decisions on the job nature of the parents or financial status of them

Well said, Ian

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-9 14:45 |只看該作者
其實大家都係想入到心儀學校, 努力呀.

我個女係超細B, 咩都唔識, 個老師眼尾都無望下我個女, 隔離一齊玩有個大女大足一年, 不斷搶我個女嘅玩具, 我個女無喊已經好叻, 俾人搶完玩具, 老師只係為息事寧人問搶玩具個小孩係唔係想玩其他玩具, 我個女無晒心機, 見人地有玩具玩, 自己無得玩, 想走. 老師忽然攞件玩具問我個女, 我個女就粒聲都唔想出. 老師都無咩耐性再問. 之後問我個女平時係咪唔講野, 講真, 我個女唔發癲都好好啦.

我都唔知佢想問咩同想我答咩, 無得預就搏下啦. 阿女讀唔讀到都係睇緣份. 同咩人做同學亦係一種緣份. 下年再努力囉.
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