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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班
樓主: Golf

請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 01:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

My daughter also joined the interview class in MK. She is accepted by Good Hope. I can't said she accepted by GH is because to join the interview class. But, the true is my daughter is very shy and not willing to talk to stranger bf attend the class. She changed a lot after attend the class. And, the teacher there can help me solve many problems in applying primary school. It really save my time to search the information. One of the teacher there is very helpful and patience to answer the parents questions. The class fee is arround $2xx per lesson. Is it reasonable? I think the answers will not the same from different family. But, to be fair, it is a business, they must earn money. Otherwise, they can't survive. I don't have any relationship with that school. But, it really help me a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-26 01:48 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Truely agree with M&MMOM, those classes help  kids become less shy and acquire the interview skills, of which I found is not very helpful.

My elder son attended the one in MK. He is a very outgoing person, and not shy to any question. So those class make him a bit tooooo welllll prepared for interview, ie like an answering machine.

I think the best is: you have to spend more time with the kids, teaching them the proper manner, read books, play games, puzzle with them, buy some creative games, such as story tellling, etc.  This class can help, but definitely the more rely on the parent.

Finally for those top schools, mostly kids admitted by relationship,  by talent (on which these classes can't do too much abt it), and by luck. I have seems some kids admitted by SPCC, DBS at same time, they are really smart!

For my son, he (I) fails these top schools' interviews, (I applied only a few, but the top), even though we spend >$10000. But he got admitted by luck to La Salle thru the lucky draw with 20 points.


M&MMOM 寫道:

I have two kids, one in P3 and one in K3 now.  I had sent both of them to two different interview classes.  

1.From my experience, if you are working mom and have no time to train up your kids by yourself, you can send them to interview class.

2. the peer group influence will also help them to behave properly, better than you just tell them to do and not to do.

3. Interview class will be more helpful if your children is shy.

4. none of the questions taught in the interview class will be asked in any school interview.

5. the oral expression of your children in cantonese will be improved greatly, but you can only be aware of these after all school interviews are over or even when they go to P1 (both my daughter and son are looked after by filipino helpers that their cantonese is poor and expression is very clumsy.  But I found the oral expression of my daughter when she was in P1 was far better than her other active classmates who did not attend any interview class.)

6.  My daughter took the one near "Golden Dragon Boat ? Chinese Restaurant" at Mongkok KCR.  
They have different " 專班" for St Francis, St Paul Co-ed, DGS, GH,...etc and my daughter joined all (and from April to Nov the following year, I spent HK$20,000+ including one to one for DGS專班).   
They lock the door, only children can enter the centre and in different time (e.g. every 15 or 30 min) so you will not know how many children are taught at the same time.  They have two teachers plus some temporary staff during peak seasons.  
They put children in different rooms and the teachers go to the rooms in turn.
The two teachers are very experienced and do try their best to teach the children
One of the teachers is very strict, comment / criticize rather than praise / encourage the children.  
The children will still enjoy the class as they can go the stickers, little gifts and play with the other kids
As I was not allowed to stay in the centre, I went for shopping in New Century Plaza or even Fa Yuen Street, that I felt exhausted whenever I broughter my daughter there (my own problem, not because of the interview class !)

7. My son took the one at Nice Studio.  They don't have so many" 專班", just DGS and DBS  for a few lessons only.  But they have several talk and more than one model interviews which are NOT free of charge.  From end Feb to Oct the following year, I spent HKD10,000, include one to two專班 for DBS.  
There are 6 children max in each class, plus 1-2 for make class and less 1-2 absent.  
The same one teacher and same group of children throughout the course, fixed room throughout the lesson.
The teachers are also very experienced and do try their best to teach the children
They teach the children with fun and leisure and the children enjoy the class as well as playing with the other kids very much.
I found my son though much LESS clever than my daughter, did learn faster and perform better.  
The centre is very quite far away from any shopping centre, and there is not even a 7-11.  I can go nowhere but sit outside the studio, chat with the other moms and take a rest.

8. My daughter and my son were accepted by most of the famous (above average) schools (St Francis, Kowloon, Alliance, GH, Tan Siu Lin, ..etc) but EXCEPT the very top one (DGS, DBSPD, St Paul Coed).  Reasons can be :
-  they are younger as born in Oct / Nov
- but they have good academic results, extra curricular activities, school recommendation letter
- I am a working mom.  Although I also started training them by myself, but  only from around Christmas when they were in K2 and it was too late.
-  interview class can help to raise their standard to above average but not to the very top.
- academic results / extra curricular activities / school recommendation letter are considered by the above average school but not so much the very top one which stress more on performance during interview while academic results / extra curricular activities / school recommendation letter are the basic requirement.

Finally, just want to state that I have no connection with any one of the above interview class, just want to share what I had experienced after completing the two important assignments - getting my beloved kids to P1.

Good luck to all of you.


Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-26 08:34 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班


Personally I think P.1 interview class is not worth it is. You may imagine if your kid faces the same face (teacher) for every lesson, is he/she afraid of the real situation interviewer?

For top schools such as DBS & DGJS (except for SPCC Primary- a private party game), I know many many successful cases to get admitted due to the kid's talent in music. I think the ECAs are basic requirements but the open competition result such as the Champion in Hong Kong School Music Festival Champion in violin, piano etc are very important.

Though my son hasn't got any prize in music fest, I know a K.2 girl with Champion in Grade 2 violin in school fest was admitted to DGJS several years ago. Her parents are not rich whose occupation are clerks in private firms.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-26 10:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Thank you so much for your comment, I know I may be still have chance until Sept., but if I have a school is already accept my son that will be much better.
We live HK island, and we also work in HK island, I let my son to (in) DBSPD since we like thier school
environment and the location not too far away. And DBSPD just my only choice in KL side.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-26 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

That's mean two of SPCC and two of SKH, And do u know howmany classmate's parents, sister is SPCC's teacher. student. school governer.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-1 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

It seems that many parents think these classes are useful. I've got another view. I still think that you should train your kid yourself and start it early. Talking about my experience, firstly at lease one parent need to stay at home. This involved lowering the standard of living of the family. But that worth doing, you can't delegate the work to anybody. Not the domestic helper and not the grandparents. Also you need to switch off the television yourself. The television is only for the CD that we bought for my kids. Also you really need to spend the time with your kids no matter how busy you are. This actually may affect your career a little bit. This is best started by reading stories to them very early. i.e. starting at age 0. Also the language development is very important. Some parents reading stories to their kids with 'Hong Kong intonation'. If you are a normal people like me who never have a chance to study aboard, you should really need to spend time to brush up your English before teaching your kids.

Train our kids with our effort, not our money.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-1 10:35 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班


要父母其中一個留係屋企專心教導小朋友當然係好理想, 但係我諗香港宜家大部份家庭都好難做到呢個目標.  想培養好一個小朋友點會唔係用錢呀, 就算我自己要先學好英文再教佢都要用錢學.  彈琴, 跳舞, 畫畫無可能樣樣自己教.  做父母嘅只可以將所有嘅私人時間留番比小朋友, 但如果真係唔夠用,唯有用錢解決囉, 所以咪要參加小一面試培訓班.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-1 11:10 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

同意Steven819, 父母若要工作也分配好時間給小朋友, 但也須要小朋友聼, 當然双方都要有耐性.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-1 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班


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