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Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-12 12:31 |只看該作者

Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班......for 4-5歲, 話要上兩年, 又要有家長陪住一齊, 甘咪好花時間....有無bk媽咪上過, 唔該俾d意見, 4/5歲點解仲要家長陪住上堂呢 ?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-5-12 12:57 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??


The course itself is good. It can arouse the kid's musical sense and hearing. However, it depends very much on the teacher and if possible, the kid should be accompanied by the parents instead of the maid.

We have been attending since January 2005 and will finish the whole course by the end of this year.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-12 13:37 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

I think 4-5 years old still very young, only 1 teacher can't take care 12 kids in the class, they need one of their parents to assist and "control" them, but that just my own opinion; one good point is the parents know what they are learning in the class so they can practice with them at home.

For my kid, she withdrew after Book 2 (1 year) and took private lesson; the piano teacher said my kid is a fast learner and musical sense is good;may be the JMC can really help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-12 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??


Thank you so much for your comment....

Ramomo 寫道:
However, it depends very much on the teacher

Would you mind to elaborate further on this point ?

May I know which TOM LEE does your son attending the class ? ....TST Tom Lee is now offering me a seat on Tuesday evening.....My concern is traffic time and time to rush after work in order to join the class with my daughter, if she is allow to attend the class alone, I do not have to rush every week for 2-years-time.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-12 14:14 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??


Thank you for your comment

I'm glad to know that your daughter has good musical sense and has very good progress when learning piano.   May I know how old is your dauther when she withdrew the JMC ?  Does you daugther receive any certificate/progress report, etc, when she withdrew the class ?

Yes, I have no knowledge on musical instrument so I buy the point of "knowing what they are learning in the class so they can practice with them at home"......but my concern is travelling time and time to rush after work in order to join the class with my daughter.....once per week for 2-years-time, it will be quite exhausted.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-12 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??


My daughter was almost 5 when she withdrew the course. For JMC, when you have finished one book, you can bring the book to the counter, the staff will chop a stamp on the last page to certify that you finished that book; so these are all my daughter got - 2 stamps, no formal certificate/progress report.

How old is your daughter? maybe you can wait until they can offer you a seat on weekend.

I also suggest you to accompany your daughter to the course if possible. For my experience, usually I also tried to play the song at home after the class, when my daughter heard I played it wrong, she would come over and told me " not like this, let me demonstrate to you" or I said " I don't know how to play this part, it's so difficult, could you please teach me " then she would teach me like a little teacher, and I could see her face with a smile of contentment. (frankly, she really play better than me). I think it might be a way to encourage our kids.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-5-12 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??


This just my own experience. So many of my friends have kids attending the JMC course, some have them have good teacher to arouse the kid's interest and create the atmosphere, but some are quite boring.

For me, we have the luck to have this teacher.  I remember I apply in September 2004 and keep on calling them to ask if there'll be any new class. In January, the Taikooshing branch called me and we kicked off the class.  Some of the kids did quit after finishing Book1 (most of them are boy) and again a few quite in the course of Book 2. We have combined class once after the Book 2. Just right, my girl class has 3 girls and 3 boys.

Worth to have a try !


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-13 02:41 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

My daugther also attended book 1 in Jan 2005
when she was 4 yrs.  frankly, you better choose weekend course though a bit expensive, but
you need not rush after work and can
attend the course in full heart.  

As you need to play (practice) with your child
at home everyday in Book 3 stage, otherwise,
your kid will be frustrated if they can't catch
the status.  Our teacher in JMC is so so,
sometimes she is teaching fast and disregard the
kid / parent can follow the pace.

Finally, if you expect the kid to play piano very well,
this is not the choice.  As the JMC course emphasis
the music (piano, singing, enjoy) as a whole.   Otherwise, you better hire a private teacher at home.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-5-13 14:33 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

which centre is yr child attending?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-14 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

Shatin KCR Station Building,
12:00 pm every Sunday.
10 kids after merging 2 classes together

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-15 09:49 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

我大仔是完成成個jmc course先出去學琴,
jmc的好處是可以訓練到小朋友的耳仔(8歲前要train,過左8歲就好難train返,又或無咁"零吻"),對日後學琴或其他樂器幫助好大,這是齊學琴未必train 到的;另家長陪同,家長都可學my一份,對於唔識音樂的家長來說幾好,又可幫到小朋友。

你試吓轉到星期六下午miss chan果班得唔得,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-15 23:44 |只看該作者

Re: Tom Lee - 兒童音樂班 ??

多謝晒各位既意見.....我囡囡八月尾先足四歲, 性格好動, 1:1去學怕且要佢大d先合適....六月尾會同佢一起開學(tom lee)....自己都想學下d"豆士"......果一袋野係咪一定要買 ?

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