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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙. ...
樓主: Karajan2

由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙. [複製鏈接]

發表於 06-11-23 17:40 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-23 17:45 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

leehoma001 寫道:
Yes of course but I will see the average, the top, the lowest as well as the deviation of the outcomes.

Ms.ChanChan 寫道:
leehoma001 寫道:
I have already said that LLC have good students too because of the kids themselves or the parents' effort but not by LLC.

我不是教徒, 但我女兒卻會在別人稱讚她後, 把榮耀歸於天父, 見到悲慘的事也會替他人默禱, 孩子有謙虛和善良的心, LLC 絕對教導有功.
沒錯, 我自己也是喜愛閱讀、注重閱讀的家長, 但靈糧鼓勵孩子多閱讀的作法, 對培養孩子的閱讀習慣也有幫助. 學習, 從來不只是家庭或學校單方面的事.
說到差異大, 不知那間幼稚園的出品, 您認為差異不大呢?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-23 17:50 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙.

leehoma001 :


I also have said that some teachers would focus on a few kids only and may be yours is within those few ones.  

老師並沒有focus on小兒, 彼此熟悉全靠我經常回校主動了解而得.

發表於 06-11-23 17:54 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

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發表於 06-11-23 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙.

Tolai 寫道:
leehoma001 :


I also have said that some teachers would focus on a few kids only and may be yours is within those few ones.  

老師並沒有focus on小兒, 彼此熟悉全靠我經常回校主動了解而得.

據校園相簿中觀察所得, 我女兒應該也不屬被老師 focus 的學生, 但她倒是挺自得其樂, 專心一致.

發表於 06-11-23 17:57 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-11-23 18:03 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙。



其實只要個細路讀得開心,學到嘢,冇被忽略 (呢樣至重要),求知慾愈來愈旺盛,又識得做個有德行嘅人,我已經覺得好足夠。

我同事、朋友講得啱,靈糧堂三年只係過渡期,與其一早打沉個小朋友,倒不如俾一間讀得開心嘅學校佢,而靈糧堂 (如果同事、朋友冇老點) 算OK,或者有好多不是,但始終針冇兩頭利,任何幼稚園都冇話一定完美,不過收多啲有關人哋讀靈糧堂嘅經歷,等自己可以有心理準備,同埋作為家長都要主動一啲,倍加關注仔女响學校嘅嘢同配合,我諗靈糧堂唔會亂嚟嘅。點都有個譜啩。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-24 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙。

我來是基於 leehoma001 對靈糧堂說出這校辦得什麼都不是, 只得表面, 的論點不太認同, 每間學交都有優點及缺點, 並非他說得這樣差, 但他又給靈糧 6/10 分 (我不明白), 以他的評論我認為只有 2/10 分 才對.  因為他認為 :

1. 老師對學生的照顧差, 偏心,
2. 學校只得表面, 與實際情況差異大,
3. 老師的水平低, 沒有技巧,
4. 學校所給學生的讀本劣評如潮, 等.  

以上我並不同意, 所以來反映一下, 希望對學校公平一點.

在網上回響已很多, 應該資料也很足夠, 但回應的人是接納及欣賞的較多, 且有實質的見解, 有這麼多的回響, 相信需要做選校決擇的人已有足夠的材料去分析.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-24 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙。


Check the primary one allocation of Victoria by yourself. You may check the year 2003-4 & 2004-5 result through the net too.

發表於 06-11-24 17:05 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)升小學嘅家長,請幫忙。

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 22:50 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

女兒畢業(CAUSEWAY BAY)2006年剛升小一,LLC比我的感覺老師校長都好,能夠訓練到我女兒獨立和對學校有歸屬感.其突LLC令学生去思考和研究及活動教學,初時都怕由LLC上 ST.FRANCIS怕追不上因為LLC玏課不多,因已過了2個月多反而女兒1個月已適應到測驗及默書.成績默書每次都有100分而測驗每科都有90分多及老師都獎勵了勤学咭給我女兒.我女兒依然很掛念老師,我覺得LLC老師教導我女兒三年才有這麼好成績表現及回報.我覺得不是這麼差的学校,如果学校不好就比人殺了校啦每年LLC都好多人考的一定有口碑才會有人讀,如果再比我選擇我都會擇LLC.


發表於 06-11-25 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-26 07:40 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

leehoma001 寫道:

Tell us how much effort you have paid on your daughter and don't tell us your daughter's achievement was due to the effort from LLC.

**difficult to understand this statement. How can you conclude that LLC has no "contribution"on her achievement. Of course her mother and herself should have paid effort on that.

I do think so as I have said before that LLC's teachers like to focus on a few students they liked either they were smart and excellent or with some other reasons that can please the teachers.

**agreed that there may be some teachers like to focus on few students. But this may happen in every school and I don't think all the teachers perform the same. How can you know all the 4 LLC teachers are the same. Do you have 4 sons/daughters studied in Causeway Bay, Diamond Hill, Lam Tin and Ha On Shan separately?

However, I think if your daughter could receive better education than that offered by LLC, I think your daughter's achievement will be much better.

**may not be 100% true. A 10A HKCEE student in a non famous school in Tsuen Wan (actual case) may not receive better education than some traditional famous school but his/her achievement (you so call, although I don't agreed the HKCEE result is the only measure of achievement) is better than those got 2A or even 6A from these famous schools. I graduated from a traditional famous school long time ago and I've met my classmates recently. I can tell you is even the school can provide "better education", the achievement (not HKCEE results) from some of my 5A or 6A classmates are not as good as other who got no A. What I am going to say is, of course education from a school is important, but this is not the only elements of success.

By the way, those current LLC parents, you may do others a favour. Please download from LLC's web to let other parents know the recent years P1 results of LLC's graduates for others' reference.
**you have chosen the school that more suit you kids, you can still give comment on LLC but should be in another tone and more objective and reasonable way.

Hilouey 寫道:
女兒畢業(CAUSEWAY BAY)2006年剛升小一,LLC比我的感覺老師校長都好,能夠訓練到我女兒獨立和對學校有歸屬感.其突LLC令学生去思考和研究及活動教學,初時都怕由LLC上 ST.FRANCIS怕追不上因為LLC玏課不多,因已過了2個月多反而女兒1個月已適應到測驗及默書.成績默書每次都有100分而測驗每科都有90分多及老師都獎勵了勤学咭給我女兒.我女兒依然很掛念老師,我覺得LLC老師教導我女兒三年才有這麼好成績表現及回報.我覺得不是這麼差的学校,如果学校不好就比人殺了校啦每年LLC都好多人考的一定有口碑才會有人讀,如果再比我選擇我都會擇LLC.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-27 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

Tell us how much effort you have paid on your daughter and don't tell us your daughter's achievement was due to the effort from LLC.

我只知道有 "good achievement" 的孩子, 家長必有盡一份心力, 不管這孩子讀那間幼稚園, 而孩子讀靈糧的家長, 也不必得有什麼特別的付出, 孩子才會有 "good achievement".
相反的, 套句閣下的常用句, "以我的觀察", 孩子要得到一樣的 achievement, 靈糧家長所需付出的, 遠少過讀其他幼稚園家長所需付出的. 請記住, 為了將來入讀名校此一目的而選擇靈糧的家長, 如果不適合用 "絕無僅有", 我想少之又少, 應該算恰當.
不知用您的邏輯, 到底要怎麼樣的情況, 學校才有資格接受家長的一聲 "謝謝" 呢?

Are your daughter among the cream of LLC?

I do think so as I have said before that LLC's teachers like to focus on a few students they liked either they were smart and excellent or with some other reasons that can please the teachers.

However, I think if your daughter could receive better education than that offered by LLC, I think your daughter's achievement will be much better.

只能說, 很可笑及主觀的評論.

發表於 06-11-28 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

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發表於 06-11-28 14:33 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-4 17:33 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

Dear all parents,

Thanks for all your comments for the past few weeks.  

My girl was also received acceptance letter by Victoria for pm class but I decided not to take it cos I really don’t like my girl to take pm class due to she wakes up early every morning.  

I finally paid for the registration fee to HKLLC (am class) last Saturday and I sure my girl will love this school. My girl will have last interview at SPK on Jan 27 but I know the chance is really low.   Just go take a look and have fun on that day.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-15 15:15 |只看該作者

Re: 由靈量堂(Causeway Bay)升小學

無意中走入看看, 見大家各持己見, 最後大家都是知道沒有一間100%符合不同人士要求的"好幼稚園", 人人(包括小學)要求的比重也不一, 所以你的rating不同我的或他的.
各位llc 的同學家長也不須要因leehoma001 對llc 感受跟你們不同去爭論.
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