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Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 01:51 |只看該作者

Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之園 (海

My daughter is admitted to SC (AM class) for 2007 K1. She is now just 2yr, and is going to join pre-nusery in Jan 07. Pls can all mammy give some advice which pre-nursery I should take?

1. Cannan Kowloon Tong (AM class)
    Class in Cantonese, only 20min English a day.

2. YMCA TST (PM class)
    Class in English only.

3. 學之園 (海帆薈) (PM class)
    Cantonese and English more balanced, and near  home.

Should I go for AM class in Cannan, or go for YMCA to train my daughter a better foundation of English? Pls help!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 08:19 |只看該作者

Re: Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之

你問得去 Cannan (am) or YMCA (pm), 即係你唔介意小朋友返 AM or PM class.

個人認為, 小朋友只得2歲, 最好揀間近屋企的學校, 由自己或屋企人或工人湊返學放學, 那就可以知道小朋友上學的情形. 如果小朋友獨自坐校車返學, 就成日要估估下小朋友返學的情況.

學之園近你家, 那就在學之園讀 pre-nursery. 佢地有一中一英文老師做班主任, 跟 SC K1 的安排差唔多. 而老師跟小朋友都跟得好足, 時不時打電話跟家長傾下小朋友的情況, 令我好放心. 我仔之前都係在學之園PN. 讀落o左之後, 你&小朋友會唔捨得間學校.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之


Thank you for your sharing. Actually, my husband and I prefer AM class. Heard from my friends that their children attended PM class and all their daily rountines got mess up. Moreover, SC takes her for AM class next year. so I wonder if I should go for Cannan and my child does not have to switch from PM to AM, though many mammy said Cannan is not that good.

For PM class, I've got two choices. YMCA is definite English (my child got too much Chinese at home with grandma already). 學之園 is near home, and maybe the standard is quite good. However, the schoolmaster give me black-face when I refused to consider PM class, which makes me feel not comfortable with this school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 10:48 |只看該作者

Re: Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之

如果pn班返學之園(LH)都唔錯, 因為學校新又大又乾淨, 對一個2歲小朋友黎講係幾重要的
同埋又近你家, 睇下有冇得轉上午班, 如果有呢間真係一個好既選擇
btw, 我個仔都係呢間讀緊pn班, toilet乾淨到不得了

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 22:45 |只看該作者

Re: Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之

cherryyim 寫道:

Thank you for your sharing. Actually, my husband and I prefer AM class. Heard from my friends that their children attended PM class and all their daily rountines got mess up. Moreover, SC takes her for AM class next year. so I wonder if I should go for Cannan and my child does not have to switch from PM to AM, though many mammy said Cannan is not that good.

For PM class, I've got two choices. YMCA is definite English (my child got too much Chinese at home with grandma already). 學之園 is near home, and maybe the standard is quite good. However, the schoolmaster give me black-face when I refused to consider PM class, which makes me feel not comfortable with this school.

雖則話返下午班小朋友的 schedule會亂o左, 但係學之園下午班的學生唔多, 師生比例相對就高好多, 小朋友得到的照顧會好好多.

還有, 校長比我的感覺幾好, 佢放好多心機落學校度, 攪好多 talk 比家長, 仲好有心機同家長傾小朋友的問題. 老師亦如是.

小朋友到k1返上午班, 你仲有一個暑期幫小朋友 tune 番正個生理時鐘, 所以我覺得影響不大.

至於ymca & 學之園 2揀一, 我就會揀間近屋企的. 我始終覺間學校係近屋企的, & 屋企人湊小朋友返pn 班好緊要. 我個仔之前係由工人湊返學, 到k1轉校, 就坐校車, 我真係覺得個分別好大. 由工人湊返學, 工人講得番比我知阿仔在學校的表現, 班房有咩decorations, 阿仔跟邊個同學仔至 friend, etc. 阿仔坐校車, 就好靠佢講唔講到學校d o野比我知 & 老師的電話.

還有, SC k1的英文, 唔係特別深. 老師都遇o左有好多小朋友屋企係全廣東話溝通. SC自有一套訓練小朋友英文的方法, 唔洗咁擔心.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 22:48 |只看該作者

Re: Which pre-nursery should I join in Jan 2007? Cannan Kln Tong / YMCA TST / 學之

我都係好鐘意學之園個 toilet, 好乾淨, d設施 o岩晒小朋友用.     唔係間間幼稚園在呢方面做得咁好.
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