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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Victoria interview
樓主: Edsie

Victoria interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-7 14:44 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

On the first hand we received a rejected letter from North Pt Vic. We were very disappointed as well since my boy performed very well on that day.  We lived in Kornhill, though not a rich family.  My husband is a post-grad, me is u grad, I studied in DGS in secondary school as well.  But eventually my boy was rejected by their Mandarin + Eng session.

I called them that we  chose Kornhill instead of North pt, howcome my boy is being placed on North pt waiting list.  2 days later, I got a call from Kornhill and said my boy is accepted in 2 days afternoon class.  We haven't received the letter yet.  

As you know, the selection is bloody subjective.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-8 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Did everybody already pay the reserved money ($660) even 2 days or 3 days offer?

If you accept these offer, what is your planning for the remaining 2 days or 3 days? Join the other playgroup or join the other pre-nursery or stay at home.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-9 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

i called vic HMT few days ago and found out that there were 438 applicants for PN class and around 85 of them were accepted.  the others are on waiting list i.e. no rejected application.  for those waitlisted applicants, vic will contact them  should they finally get accepted not later than 30 June.   

it is hard to tell the chance of each waitlisted applicants now as the headmastress will shortlist the applicants once again after certain places has been released from the accepted application.

My daugther is on waitling list.  she got accepted in HKPS Kln tong. if there is no better choice, i will let her stay in HKPS.     

summerbb :-P :-P

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-12 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


I have paid the deposit last Sat for the 2 days / week class.  I like sending my kid to 2 or 3 days a week so he can do the other things / join other out door activities on rest days.  

We have programme for the maid to teach my boy every day.  So for the rest of the days, the maid will teach him in the morning then in the afternoon, my mom will bring them out to playground, to supermarket, to acqurium, library, museum .... so the boy can have more explosure to the public.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-11 17:40 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

請問有無waiting list 既學生再收到取錄信?昨天收到通知7月才知有無位.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-11 22:33 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

broadband 寫道:
請問有無waiting list 既學生再收到取錄信?昨天收到通知7月才知有無位.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-4-12 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

我前日都收到信話冇位了, 要再等 ....   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-12 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

May be the reply will be after May 5, 2007.
My email have problem, please pm me instead of email.  Many thanks.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-12 16:52 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

好晒呀, 帶番幅超先

你係professional, 又有米, 自己think think啦   

siumanmama 寫道:
Like many other parents, my little girl performed well during interview too!  My husband is also one of the  professionals (that other people may think that we have better chance to be considered) and both of us are well educated and have other post-grad. professional qualifications too.  But my little girl was also put in the waiting list of HMT Victoria.  Fortunately, Victoria is not my first choice so that I am not disappointed at all.   

Currently, I am choosing between Kingston's pm class or Tutor Time's am class for my daughter.  These 2 schools both offer English & Mandarin curriculum, low student-to-teacher ratio. Furthermore, the tuition fee is about the same($6,500/month).
Any comments as to how to choose between these two schools for my daughter?  

Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-12 19:24 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


Sorry! You must have misinterpreted my message and meaning.  But I had "opened" another thread to discuss the education dilemma with other parents and I did receive some useful sharing.  It's definately NOT an issue concerning wealth.
What's more, if you have read my message carefully you will know/may deduce that I am not a professional but a lazy full time mom.


I got Victoria's letter regarding the receipt of our acceptance of waiting list as well.  But I think the chance is really really slim.   

Rank: 1

發表於 07-4-15 03:50 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

When did you receive the letter and what's in it (apart from the fact that they have received your waiting list application) ???  Please advise !  Many thanks !

siumanmama 寫道:

Sorry! You must have misinterpreted my message and meaning.  But I had "opened" another thread to discuss the education dilemma with other parents and I did receive some useful sharing.  It's definately NOT an issue concerning wealth.
What's more, if you have read my message carefully you will know/may deduce that I am not a professional but a lazy full time mom.


I got Victoria's letter regarding the receipt of our acceptance of waiting list as well.  But I think the chance is really really slim.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-21 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

請問 寳翠VICTORIA K1 收幾多個?
而 PN又收幾多個?
有什麼好的呢? 是課程? 是老師? 是同學??或是其他? 很想知道!!

Rank: 1

發表於 07-5-10 01:02 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Any kids on the waiting list finally got accepted by Victoria?  If yes, can you pls share which campus you were applying?

The school have put ALL unsuccessful applicants on the waiting list and yet they're unwilling to disclose a 'reasonable' timeframe on the final result. Does that mean they do not have any vacancies after the registration date last Saturday?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

I think they'll have space left (at least two) since my friend and I didn't go for registration on last Sat.  Our application campus is on Kornhill.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-10 17:16 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Can I ask which nursery are you planning to go then?  And why.  Thx.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-11 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

我計劃K1才轉校,因現在他在家附近返緊二歲幼兒班,雖然返了二個多月但他很開心及進步很快.可能是屬於小班教學(約10個學生)有1個老師及1個助教, 在照顧方面較為全面及細心, 故不想在9月份轉校. 其實, Victoria 都很好,祇不過沒有學券, 拓講學費頗昂貴且沒有英普班(Kornhill Campus).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-11 17:16 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

I also gave up the seat at Kornill.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-5-20 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


Rank: 2

發表於 07-7-11 15:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 Okinawa_in 於 07-5-10 01:02 發表
Any kids on the waiting list finally got accepted by Victoria?  If yes, can you pls share which campus you were applying?

The school have put ALL unsuccessful applicants on the waiting list an ...

My friend told me she turned down the offer extended to her son just now.  Her son enrolled in the Harbour Height campus and was put on the waiting list.
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