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Pls help!! 中文/英文/百科/maths flash card [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-5-18 02:06 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
想請教用flash card 的媽咪.你地會唔會四套card 一齊閃,如果係一日咪閃好多?點分配好?


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-19 12:23 |只看該作者
我以前都POST教材討論都無人覆, 我發覺呢度如果唔係POST D 大品牌的教材問題, 真係無人覆...

ANYWAY, 我想知你係自製教材定買現成的, 按哪一個APPROACH去教?

我本身係自製PPS及HANDWRITTEN FLASHCARD都有用, 閃英&百科&MATHS. 不過BB對數點無咩興趣, 所以放下先教英&百科.

我本來用SHICHIDA方法閃, 後來改用DOMAN方法, 一日閃3次, 按DOMAN方法, 1ST STEP
WORD卡 1次25個----->25秒
百科圖卡1次10個----->20秒 * 3個CATEGORY ----->60秒
======>每次都只係 分半鐘多D, 3次加埋TOTAL都唔使5分鐘

我會閃完WORD大力拍手掌讚佢, 一邊好快手咁拿出第二類卡, 或指指點點同佢用D誇張D語氣講下野, 根住攞出第二類卡, 等佢唔會悶或走左去, 不過如果佢真係唔想繼續咪停囉, 一定要O係佢仲想繼續時停, 或唔想就即刻結束

BB進入讀句子階段, (SORRY, 我唔知我地係咪講緊同一種方法), 由SINGLE WORD到PHASE只用了一個月,  
過渡期間每日的WORD數會降至20或15, (PPS)
過渡期WORD數為10 PHASES數為10(PPS),

因為我要返工, 一起身閃1次, 放工閃1次, 臨訓閃1次, 每次唔超過 1分鐘的話(故百科圖CUT到2個CATEGORY), BB都肯專心的, DOMAN APPROACH係有彈性的, 最主要係BB學到, 唔好貪多, 太多太耐盞佢唔想學

百科卡要1000張圖才進入POI階段, 以每日2個CATEGORIES各10張圖*10日計, 再加上心情不好暫停的時間, 約年多才進入POI階段

BB SKIP了0-100的數點階段(因為已過了1歲), 學完1-20就對照數點及數字, 根住會直接進入運算階段

唔知咁答唔答到你, 如你知何處有更多FLASH CARD的交流分享, 唔該都話我知, 我都好想知

另, 如你是自製PPS的話, 有沒有可供交換的呢??

原文章由 cherrychris 於 08-5-18 02:06 發表
想請教用flash card 的媽咪.你地會唔會四套card 一齊閃,如果係一日咪閃好多?點分配好?


唔該分享下! ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-19 16:00 |只看該作者
thanks for your sharing!

I bought the card from Smart Kids which right now only have English and Maths. I'm going to use Glen Domin method as well. I'm thinking where to buy 百科 as well since more company can provide only 100-120 cards.

I hv also visited the website from 開心家庭. I see they have many PPS. I've considering to show 百科 via PPS but wondering how to do it. My BB is still small. I can't make him concentrate on the monitor. Also, the PPS I have is one slide with pictures and then one slide with word.  It is not a correct approach right?

I'm really happy to receive reply from you since it is really a very difficult task to understand.

Also, you have mentioned that 百科卡要1000張圖才進入POI階段, what's POI stage?

If you don't mind, can you PM me your phone no. and we can talk verbally?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-19 22:52 |只看該作者
i will recommend you to DIY encyclopedia, would be a rip-off everywhere. u are going to have 6 divisions of knowledge, and have several categories in each division. i dun think you can buy them all.

as i said, i used shichida approach before using doman methods (changed 2 months ago), i am not using 開心家庭 or pps at the begining.  
and i took baby to see real things when i was teaching encyclopedia knowledge. e.g. take him to the green farm to see horse/goat/cow and even fed them, to the wetland park to see 貝貝, and other plants/insects.
that's why i can only teach limited things to him, u know, u probably cannot take him to desert/waterfall/glacier... etc.
later when i started using doman, i showed pictures for him, but used mainly the animal books, not pps.
then now he shows interest in animal's pic in his books.

answering your questions:
neither do i want to introduce the use of computer to him so early, but he can't concentrate well if i use handwritten cards. (i never print coz i wrote for him since he's 3 months, he is used to my handwritting) however he concentrates on the monitor, it's only 5 minutes in total per day. u can change the background colour from white (which is too sharp for a baby) to a soft one.

and yes, your pps one pic + one word is okay in teaching encyc knowledge, but not in teaching language.
teaching encyc knowledge & language is two different but parallel things in doman.

POI stands for program of intelligence. which means the content of encyc knowledge. like you are introducing the word + pic of glacier at first, the 2nd step (after 1000 pics) is to tell 10 facts about glacier,  e.g. appear around latitude 20-30 degree, temperature as low as -15 degree or cooler all year....

no, just pm my num.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-22 07:17 |只看該作者
thanks for your sharing and it is so detailed.

Although the teaching method seems very easy, it takes time to understand.

My baby boy was borned on 8/3/2008, I haven't start up anything to him yet but after understanding, I start to show some pictures to him today... so excited~~

I get your cell and let's keep in touch!

發表於 08-5-22 18:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-23 15:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 kwanaty 於 08-5-19 12:23 發表
我以前都POST教材討論都無人覆, 我發覺呢度如果唔係POST D 大品牌的教材問題, 真係無人覆...

ANYWAY, 我想知你係自製教材定買現成的, 按哪一個APPROACH去教?



thanks for your valuable sharing.  i've a baby aged 8m and i started do the flash card with her since 2m old.
but i'm not as systematic as u organised, like eng, math and ency as when my baby feels bored i would changed to another category so as to draw her attention.

in fact i planned to make some chinese flash card as the founder of kinderU suggests it's really hard for the child to catch up chinese once he sticks to only english.  but currently i only speak english to my baby...so do you have any idea how to arrange the time to chinese channel (flash card section) without confusing her?

btw the way, can we share more on the flashing method?

can you speak a bit more on preparing the DIY encyclopedia?

for math, i'm doing dots dvd (unfortunately it's in japanese), and tried to show the numeric flash cards...seems it's very confusing as there are english and japanese version.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-23 22:23 |只看該作者

hi & nice to see some new comers.

1)Why don't you show Chinese to your kid?
I want to start English word too, but I'm afraid that would make my boy confused......
coz i never spear cantonese with him, & i speak eng with his daddy, plus that we are leaving hk when he turns 3 for K1. we want him learns better eng at first.
i want to start the cantonese & putongua programs for him actually, but i will wait till his daddy comes hk, he is a putongua man, heehee

well actually, if you are scheduling him for chinese / eng / PTH, (having a regular timetable) could be fine. or if you can find a person speak ONLY one language for him could also be fine

2)Can you see the result from your kid after showing flash card? (I know we should not test them, so wonder if you feel good about the learning)
i know he knows what i said (the pronounciation), but i m not sure whether he learns the words.
i doubt how much he learned, but i don't doubt the method, and i always remember NO TESTING.
anyway, i am not expecting a geniusly smart boy, nor expecting him to learn every word i teached, i just want him loves words & reading. even he 's learning none of those words could be fine for me, only he can enjoy reading with me/ on him own.

Thx for sharing~~~[/quote]

last of all, i made the animal book for him.

[ 本文章最後由 kwanaty 於 08-5-23 22:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-23 22:55 |只看該作者

hi, i am not the most experienced doman mom here, but i 'd love to share and learn from you all.

but i'm not as systematic as u organised, like eng, math and ency as when my baby feels bored i would changed to another category so as to draw her attention.
if i am using pps, i 'll let him go. he's having a swinging pattern like "go>back>go>back", he's propably skipping some of the words, but it's fine as words are randomly displayed each time, he's not going to miss particular words all the time.
if he is seeing only words, it's quite difficult to calm him. but with pic, much better.

in fact i planned to make some chinese flash card as the founder of kinderU suggests it's really hard for the child to catch up chinese once he sticks to only english.  but currently i only speak english to my baby...so do you have any idea how to arrange the time to chinese channel (flash card section) without confusing her?
see below the answer i gave BabaTed.
coz i never spear cantonese with him, & i speak eng with his daddy, plus that we are leaving hk when he turns 3 for K1. we want him learns better eng at first.
i want to start the cantonese & putongua programs for him actually, but i will wait till his daddy comes hk, he is a putongua man, heehee

well actually, if you are scheduling him for chinese / eng / PTH, (having a regular timetable) could be fine. or if you can find a person speak ONLY one language for him could also be fine

btw the way, can we share more on the flashing method?
my situation:
everyday, i'll have 2 categories on pps + handwritten, plus 2 more categories only got handwrittened version.
used words would becomes wall poster sticking everywhere. whenever i find nothing to do will point to the words and say, "hey, honey, there's a word 'XXX'"

can you speak a bit more on preparing the DIY encyclopedia?

what do you want to know about the encyc card?
i got the template from 開心網, but somehow it's not quite suitable for my son. i have to made my own version.
but it is not a problem how to made pps, or where to find cards, it's WHAT YOU WANT TO TEACH matters.
you got 6 divisions of knowledge and their respected categories according to doman, then you'll have to decide what kind of knowledge you want to teach him.
i am not teaching him all in fact. as i am a geog teacher, i am teaching him MY SUBJECT mainly. (plus few categories in other divisions)

for math, i'm doing dots dvd (unfortunately it's in japanese), and tried to show the numeric flash cards...seems it's very confusing as there are english and japanese version.
if you are using pps, just download those in 開心網.
or you can do the hand-made ones. i cut dots out from a red paper, and stick them on a stretch book, very easy to do.

發表於 08-5-24 10:00 |只看該作者
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