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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 standard of 外籍老師
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standard of 外籍老師 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-5-3 16:05 |只看該作者

standard of 外籍老師

Hi, everyone,

i would like to take the advise of other moms for the standard/teaching methods of the native speaking teacher.

i am currently using a native speaking private teacher to teach my son phonics and oral one by one at home.  The teacher said that he is a teacher of the Int'l School for many years.

But as view of the teaching methods, As mainly i would like my son to learn phonics by the systematic way.  The teacher just using the picture Dictionary and ask my son to read aloud from A-Z, the name and the sounds of the letters.  And then spell it like A for Apple and ask my son to read A and the sound of A and spell the word like a-p-p-l-e, i think this is not the way of blending the word, just like the old method of what we use when we are the student, just memorise the spelling.  

Do you think i will stop this native speaking teacher and enrol the letterland or others phonics course at the teaching ctr is better??

Rank: 2

發表於 06-5-4 11:28 |只看該作者

Re: standard of 外籍老師

A lot of the parents in HK are looking for native speaker as their sons/daughters private tutor without knowing the teachers' standard at all.  This is actually very risky (according to my view).

(1) Many of the native speaker have "improper" accent and not a pure "English" accent.  Thus your kids will pick up an "odd" English accent.  

(2) They won't understand the mind set of the HK parents/ kids so they might not meet the requirements of the parents.

(3) If their previous teaching experiences are only at international schools or overseas, they just don't understand the requirements of the local schools in HK.  Thus unable to match the HK teaching method or how to "translate" their method with the HK method in order to teach the kids more effectively.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-4 18:07 |只看該作者

Re: standard of 外籍老師


How did you find this teacher? Did somebody recommend him/her to you?  What did that person say about this teacher? How about his/her teaching experience? He/She may be a teacher of an international school but what subjects does he/she teach? Is he/she an English teacher with qualifications teaching English as a second language? Is he qualified to teach phonics? Where is he/she from?  If you have doubt about the teacher's quality or competence, ask more about his/her background and get him/her to tell you what approach he/she is using and see if he/she can convince you.  If you have decided to change teacher or go to a learning center instead, ask your friends and get a reputable one because you won't know what teachers you'll be having there.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-6 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: standard of 外籍老師

其實有d國際kindergarten 既NET都係咁,質素都好參酋差,要小心小心
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