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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 請問有無港大同學會家長傾吓
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請問有無港大同學會家長傾吓 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-21 11:47 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
港大同學會收左亞女,開頭真係好開心, 但係愈嚟愈多人問我點解比亞女讀呢間,仲話佢哋方向都未清淅,老師成日轉,功課又淺,浪費左亞女喎,唉.............真係好煩,你哋又點決定呀?
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-21 12:17 |只看該作者
Are your friends parents of HKUGA?  I wonder why they have such comments.  Cause I know quite a lot of parents whom their kids are doing great in HKUGA.  They highly reommended me to take this school.  They told me that the new headmistress is very devoted and hard-working.  She leads the school very well.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-21 12:42 |只看該作者

我仔仔係港同讀緊小一, 我對學校很滿意, 課程不見得好淺, 仲要好多時要學生思考的, 方向對我來說清晰的, 老師有愛心及流失量不是好大, 校長對教學都好投入。

你的朋友是否港同家長呀, 若不是就亂咁比意見, 對學校好唔公平的。你去小學一覽, 東區港大同學會topic傾下啦, 冇一間學校係完美的, 最緊要係適合自己的小朋友讀, 不是自己的朋友讀, 亦不是我講幾句你會比囡囡讀的,你再考慮下吧, 有人仲後補緊的, 希望你早日做決定!


原帖由 jovemama 於 08-11-21 11:47 發表
港大同學會收左亞女,開頭真係好開心, 但係愈嚟愈多人問我點解比亞女讀呢間,仲話佢哋方向都未清淅,老師成日轉,功課又淺,浪費左亞女喎,唉.............真係好煩,你哋又點決定呀? ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-21 13:33 |只看該作者

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-21 20:42 |只看該作者
Hi iwff

can you give us more example on the "仲要好多時要學生思考的"  and any comment on their secondary school ?


原帖由 iwff 於 08-11-21 12:42 發表

我仔仔係港同讀緊小一, 我對學校很滿意, 課程不見得好淺, 仲要好多時要學生思考的, 方向對我來說清晰的, 老師有愛心及流失量不是好大, 校長對教學都好投入。

你的朋友是否港同家長呀, 若不是就亂咁比意 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-21 22:03 |只看該作者
I think every student's parent will have different comments on the same school as each priorities are different.  I heard one parent highly appraised the student's PTH ability while the other one has the opposite comment.  Same school, extremely different comment !?  Indeed no school can perfectly meet ALL parents' expectation.  

I have been looking into this school for almost 3 years and have been talking to various relevant parties, including the board member, parents and students.  There's no definite answer for any questions.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-21 22:19 |只看該作者
Quite eager to know what have you found and what is your view on this ?  Can you share with us ?

原帖由 tinching821 於 08-11-21 22:03 發表
I think every student's parent will have different comments on the same school as each priorities are different.  I heard one parent highly appraised the student's PTH ability while the other one has  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-21 23:21 |只看該作者

我都有留意你好關心問港同的發展,是否港同已收了你小朋友呀? 我所寫"仲要好多時要學生思考的"意思係功課不是得個做字, 而是小朋友需要思考一下問題及家長當然要輔助啦,我仔仔只開學3個月, 學校的功課量唔多又唔少(不會十樣八樣), 但我仔仔做得好開心。其實我真的唔識得寫出來去解釋你知, 因為我知仔仔的性格, 他是適合港同的活動教學方法, 不適合成日默書測驗的傳統學校。

每人對唔同學校都有唔同意見, 對我來說真的好難去告訴你港同是怎樣(我寫的表達能力又不好), 我又不知你心目中的理想小學是怎樣? 你小朋友的性格又是怎樣? 我亦相信你不會因為我幾句好說話而比小朋友讀港同的, 你心目中一定有一些要求。

我對港同的中學部暫時沒有特別的意見, 將來的事將來再作決定吧, I believe God's plan for my son.


原帖由 GIPW 於 08-11-21 20:42 發表
Hi iwff

can you give us more example on the "仲要好多時要學生思考的"  and any comment on their secondary school ?


[ 本帖最後由 iwff 於 08-11-21 23:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-21 23:48 |只看該作者
Hi, Yes my kid is being accepted by HKUGA.  She is an active girl so she should like HKUGA.  What I would worry is "freedom" is good but too much "freedom" is no good to them.  Building a strong academic foundation is also very important as this will benifit her in the future in her academic study.  

I am interesting to know more on the developing 思考 part of the students?  Next generation, the successful person may come from people with their own thought and not people with just know to take order.  But equally 默書,測驗,功課 will is also essential.  They might feel the pressure, but they will need to cope with this - here they will learn how to cope with pressure and develop a  good time management - to prioritize stuff.

My problem is now whether I should put her to a traditional school, to strenghten her discipline (she definately do not like this as she does not like homework) or 活動教學 where she would learn happily (not too sure if this could stimulate her learning interest or will be like the kite that is high up in the sky and you have difficulity to pull her back )

Really appreciate for all the info that you and Chorlotte_mom share.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-22 00:22 |只看該作者

我好明白你的憂慮, 其實港同不是外人想像中的好自由, 冇紀律, 欠交功課一樣要罰, 學校要學生學識負責任, 老師都會要學生守紀律, 我仔仔試過欠帶一本功課(我以為冇堂就唔駛帶), 結果要罰冇小息去靜思室反思, 以後仔仔真係好認真去執書包, 當然有些小朋友要罰好幾次才懂反醒, 因人而異, 我只想告訴你唔駛擔心學校對學生的紀律處理太寬鬆。

至於學術相比傳統學校一定會操得好好, 但小朋友同家長一定都要好合作去跟學校的課程, 接受到壓力, 都幾辛苦的。
我仔仔其實都讀到傳統學校, 但因我和先生工作較忙, 唔想每晚放工同阿仔糾纏於功課及默書上, 而選擇了港同。不過港同都有默書, 測驗, 考試(小一小二係評估), 只是相比傳統學校冇咁密, 學生讀得輕鬆些又可以學習到。

你講得冇錯, 時代轉變得很快, 以前死讀書的方法已慢慢不適合用了, 我喜歡學校鼓勵培養小朋友閱讀的習慣, 去思考同培養小朋友發問的主動性, 我仔仔的性格真的好適合, 他喜歡閱讀及發問。學校到高小或3年班功課都開始加多些, 我真的不擔心仔仔會否承受到壓力, 我有朋友的小朋友讀傳統名校承受的壓力真的很大, 要面對的壓力有好多種的, 不一定要在學校上。

我不知道可否解答你的問題, 我仔仔每天返學都好開心, 因為上堂唔悶, 課外活動又開心。真的好難幫你去作決定的。


原帖由 GIPW 於 08-11-21 23:48 發表
Hi, Yes my kid is being accepted by HKUGA.  She is an active girl so she should like HKUGA.  What I would worry is "freedom" is good but too much "freedom" is no good to them.  Building a strong acade ...

[ 本帖最後由 iwff 於 08-11-22 00:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-22 00:40 |只看該作者
I also have concern about HKUGA in the beginning as afraid that the school is too loose in discipline and curriculum is too simple.  But then I heard very good comments from parents who have kids studying in this school.   Not just one person saying this, at least 4 couples whose kids from different grades in HKUGA praise the school and the teaching method they use.  I believe the proactive learning method is a new learning trend.  It will stimulate the interest and thus the learning ability of kids. Once they got the initiative to learn, everything becomes easy.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-11-22 18:03 |只看該作者
(轉左新工, 少左上黎呀....)
港同有一part好令人感動既, 係佢教育小朋友既方式, 係會令小朋友同大人之間有一份互相專重同信任, 小朋友唔識, 錯左, 見到大人錯左, 有野想表達, 從來唔會hesitate, 學校教識佢地主動, 問要主動, 解決問題要主動, 有野想講要主動........試下舉d example你地自己衡量下
1. 有個學生遲到(相信係高年班學生自己搭車返學), 去校務處"報到", 副校長同佢打招呼, 今朝遲左既? 同學好casual咁話係啦頭先咁咁咁, 跟住副校長聽完, 哦, 咁你快d填完上課室啦 --> 呢件係我當年去叩門發生既事, 我見到, 更加希望自己小朋友可以有d咁既老師陪住成長, 遲到當然唔arm, very likely佢會無左個小息, 但小朋友好正面去面對wor
2. 我個女放左學, 返到屋企發現無帶功課簿, 自己打電話問老師點算, 老師叫佢做落紙, 於是我個女"自製"左一本校簿, 有cover, 內容, 仲有道歉信 -->obviously佢知自己錯左, 但佢亦好主動去solve個問題, 係全自動wor! 我係好inspired的 (見到本"校簿"真係唔知好嬲定好笑)
3. 傳說, 有次中學部放學時, 校車上有小朋友玩開車門, 校車ee報告校長, 校長捉左d當時人去問話, 邊個曳自己企出黎, 結果好幾個港同小學部學生企晒出黎, 我曳(掉位), 我曳(大聲講野), 我曳(攪隔離同學), 相反真正開門果個學生(第2間學校升上去)無出聲, 校長其實亦心中有數知道晒咩事, 結果係各人都有唔同既懲罰, 但d家長事後知道, 係好proud of自己小朋友, 因為佢地習慣左誠實(港同學生不嬲同老師之間好信任的), 反而傳統學校果個, 驚俾人鬧唔敢出聲
所以我成日話, 港同學生唔係勝左叻, 係勝在第2d野, 勝左有一份赤子之心, 有一種charm, 希望你明我想表達d咩

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-23 00:14 |只看該作者
真實你如果已留位, 即已簽紙放棄自行派位個學位, 咁無謂諗咁多!  如你有其他直資或私校OFFER 在手呢, 又好担心第日後悔 的話 , 你可以去學校再了解深入D.   你屋企去學校方便嗎?
真實我都有個朋友(佢個仔讀DBS  P2) 叫我哋唔好揀HKUGA, 因為唔行IB.  但我哋諗住
最重要係小朋友鍾意返學&讀得開心, 仲可以有時間&精力去發展課外興趣, 如游泳、樂器、童軍 ..... "讓孩子在體驗中學習".

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-23 00:32 |只看該作者
:)  Yes I have already 放棄自行派位.  I like the part where they train children to have their own thinking.  As long as they can intergrate into the local education system in the later years, say not 讓賽 especially when they are on their way to secondary school.  For IB system, so far I would still prefer those organized by international school, even if HKUGA will opt for IB, I will still have doubt if they could really success in implementing this.  One strong belief that I insist not choose international school is to build their chinese foundation.  The kids in this generation find it is easier to learn english than Chinese - so Chinese as medium instruction is important.

原帖由 popocat 於 08-11-23 00:14 發表
真實你如果已留位, 即已簽紙放棄自行派位個學位, 咁無謂諗咁多!  如你有其他直資或私校OFFER 在手呢, 又好担心第日後悔 的話 , 你可以去學校再了解深入D.   你屋企去學校方便嗎?
真實我都有個朋友(佢個仔讀DBS  P2) ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-23 10:49 |只看該作者



Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-11-23 15:08 |只看該作者
我住港島, 大概搭20分鐘車, 不過由於8am上堂(7:25上車), 所以未夠7am就要起身準備了, 冬天時, 真係天都未光呢!
如果要一早搭個幾鐘頭車, 我都鄧你小朋友辛苦......老實講, 間學校幾好都係假! 真係難捱呀! 其實柴灣區d樓唔算貴丫, 可以搬就最好了(考到都仲有成年考慮丫)
至於功課, 比起傳統學校唔算多, 又唔至於完全休息啦, 每日平均me下more下, 一個鐘做功課差唔多了, 抄既野唔多, 要搵資料, 查字典, 作野等就花時間d, 視乎小朋友啦, 佢地鐘意做, 作到個故仔長長又畫下公仔咁, 梗係要耐d啦 學校1,2年班係持續評估的, 即上堂表現, 堂課, pop quiz, project, 全部計分, 亦即係話, 唔需要特別準備d咩, 上堂有留心, 落左堂消化一下就可以應付了

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-23 20:11 |只看該作者
On transportation time, I have some different perspectives for your consideration.  

I lived in Tsing Yi.  4 years ago, I chose a kindergarten in Tsuen Wan as it only takes 15 minutes door to door.  To my great surpirse, the school bus takes one hour, sometimes even more for a single trip!!!  And it is late for school every day!

But I found that except my girl sometimes need to wee wee on the bus, there's no big problem.  Yes, for adult an hour's travelling is tiring but it may not apply to the kids.  She's actually quite happy playing on the school bus.  

I took my girl to HKUGA by MTR for interview twice.  We enjoyed reading in the long journey.  I'm thinking if she could make good use of the travellilng time, it may not be a bad thing.

If we go to HKUGA next year, my girl need to leave home by 6.40 a.m. At first, I found that's horrible especially in winter.  But later I heard from other moms living in the same building that actually most kids took school bus around 6.30 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. even the schools are very near. The point is we need an adult to accompany her.

My girl actually was been accepted by 3 schools so far and many friends suggest going to the nearer ones but interestingly my husband and I both think it's worthwhile to send her to Chai Wan!  We're now trying to work out the logistics.  If you have any suggestions, please let us know.  Cheerio.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-23 22:30 |只看該作者
個人認為, travelling time 是要考慮的。
因為,小学生花在功課的時間比幼稚園多。小学是全日制,幼稚園多是半日制。若小朋友学樂器,平均一星期要練四次, 每次半小時(高級再長些),入了校隊又再加練習時間,還有﹝每日一篇)這類網上功課, 幾簡單都要時間做的。若小朋友是快手腳的人還可,若不,大人也不好過。
一般小一生要睡9-9 1/2小時, 小二--小三睡9小時才夠。有些人當然天生睡得少些。

某天, 碰見一群瑪XX的小学女生, 共兩車人, 第一印象: 乜普遍偏瘦。同齡的另一校(冇乜功課的), 平均冇咁瘦。我猜同睡眠時間有關。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-25 10:55 |只看該作者



Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-25 11:23 |只看該作者

It's very kind of you to try making an early decision so that those who are waiting can shorten their torture.  I know someone who is waiting for the seat anxiously.  Although HKUGA is a good school, travel time is really a concern.  Whether your answer is yes or no, you did a very good model.
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