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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 有無家長可以証實一下?
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有無家長可以証實一下? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-9 21:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 09-12-9 21:43 |只看該作者

反而我就耐唔耐擦成行 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-9 23:28 |只看該作者
老師是不會擦全部,她會用星星代表靚,小朋友想要星星就會努力。K1 是不會擦的,是K2開始。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-9 23:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 00:13 |只看該作者
係呀, 明明寫得肉酸D線曲晒當然要擦啦. KV 老師真係會睇住D學生寫嫁, 我仔響學校果D明顯係肉酸D, 因為老師已經高抬貴手, 我同個仔做功課, 我小小歪都擦嫁.

我會咁諗, 寫字就係寫字, 端正總好過任意發揮, 佢要發揮, 留返畫畫先.

學寫字, 當然想寫得靚啦, 同埋, 佢地由K1已經開始寫字, 到K2時, 一定有要求啦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 09:16 |只看該作者

呢個討論真係好好, 而且大家都好理性.

至於你話擦字, 我記得K2(今年)家長日時, 老師一再強調, 字係要筆劃啱, 佢冇要求好靚. 我亦冇過佢成版咁擦... 反而有時我地見仔仔寫得唔認真, 會叫佢擦.
同埋, 我要講, 佢地學中文字, 在我地眼中, 可能覺得學校只係係咁教(上中下人大)冇乜特別, 但我留意倒, 其實一開始時, 係教左中文字的基本筆劃, 橫直勾等等.佢而家學寫的字, 當然筆劃係多左, 但萬變不離其宗(中文字的構造), 佢地掌握倒技巧, 其實唔係太難.
我好記得, 當初, 佢地要寫個"子"字, 真係唔好睇少呢個字, 筆劃唔多, 但真係慘不忍睹! 老師都講過, 呢個字寫倒, 之後果D就容易好多... 佢真係逐個學生捉住佢地隻手教寫呢個字架! 可以講, 老師教寫字, 係用左心機, 同埋有系統咁教... 要我自己教, 就真係唔得... 我怕我C左都未教倒!

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 09-12-9 21:26 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-10 09:27 |只看該作者
我囝現讀k3, 老師成日都強調不用看著他做功課, 只要做完睇下有冇錯就得lar.

冇錯, 老師是會好著重小朋友d字要'整潔'及'筆順', 但如果話老師在課堂上擦字, 無論是k2或k3, 都係因為佢寫錯或寫唔到個字先會擦咗再寫. 如果真係掌握唔到點寫, 老師會捉住小朋友隻手寫一次的, 好有耐性架!

記得囝囝讀k2時, 時常因為佢寫d字唔靚(在我角度來說可以話係醜樣)而擦, 有時仲要擦到個人都'孟'哂, 咁有一日阿仔返來同我講, 話老師叫佢同媽咪講, 話佢d字寫得好好, 唔好擦佢d字, 咁之後我送他返學, 同老師傾呢個問題, 老師話唔需要擦去d唔靚的字, 要記住他只有4歲, 只要冇寫錯, 又整潔, 就ok了. 後來我才發現愈擦得多, 就算寫幾靚, 結果都唔會有3粒星(最多).  返而之後我叫囝囝留心寫, 不要寫錯, 結果唔需要擦乜滯, 就經常得到3粒星, 咁好自然, 囝囝因為想有3粒星, 就會畀心機寫字, 這是一個良成循環.

[ 本帖最後由 janettang 於 09-12-10 09:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 09:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 stliu 於 09-12-10 09:16 發表

呢個討論真係好好, 而且大家都好理性.

至於你話擦字, 我記得K2(今年)家長日時, 老師一再強調, 字係要筆劃啱, 佢冇要求好靚. 我亦冇過佢成版咁擦... 反而有時我地見仔仔寫得唔認真, 會叫佢擦.
同埋, 我 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 09:59 |只看該作者
my son's writing was not too nice in k1 and k2 and i don't think the teacher has erase his writing at all.  they usually writing 4-5 words at school so the teacher can see if they can do it properly, then they do the rest at home. and if he writes it incorrectly at home, the teacher will circle which part is wrong and gets him to write 5 more on the next page.  if the writing is correct but not nice enough, then he will get a B- and no stars.... that's all!

that's what i (and other mommies i know) have experienced, and i have never heard otherwise...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 11:01 |只看該作者
嘻嘻, 我有睇你其他的回應. 我知道亦非常同意. 其實大部份家長可能覺得中文可以自己教, 但我的睇法係, 冇錯, 係可以教, 但中文易學難精...

我比較奇怪, 我覺得中文學得好, 英文都唔會差... 雖然係2套唔同的學習模式 / 語系... 我只係信, 如果果個小朋友, 語言方面訓練好的話, 中英都難唔倒佢...只係我自己的愚見!同親身經歷.

原帖由 jeremyphlam 於 09-12-10 09:45 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 12:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 stliu 於 09-12-10 11:01 發表
嘻嘻, 我有睇你其他的回應. 我知道亦非常同意. 其實大部份家長可能覺得中文可以自己教, 但我的睇法係, 冇錯, 係可以教, 但中文易學難精...

我比較奇怪, 我覺得中文學得好, 英文都唔會差... 雖然係2套唔同的學習模 ...




[ 本帖最後由 jeremyphlam 於 09-12-10 12:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 12:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 jeremyphlam 於 09-12-10 12:28 發表


我最欣賞學校培養到囝囝對中文的興趣,也教他用一些生動的方法 ...

我個囡K2, 因為上堂做classwork, 首先會做首2行, 老師確保佢地做得啱, 才放心叫小朋友回家, 做餘下的行數, 佢果班都試過有小朋友, 因為做錯首行, 整行被老師删掉, 重頭做過, 但我覺得這是理所當然, 不然會回家繼續錯的。
但另一方面, 如果有小朋友寫得靚, 老師是會褒獎他們的, 我個囡都試過, 老師拿着她的中文簿逐頁揭, 向全班同學讚揚她, 希望佢地都做到乖及寫字靚。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 20:17 |只看該作者
我仔都k2, 我唔多覺老師有擦佢d字

反而係我睇唔過眼, 擦左佢

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-11 04:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 elainec 於 09-12-10 09:59 發表
my son's writing was not too nice in k1 and k2 and i don't think the teacher has erase his writing at all.  they usually writing 4-5 words at school so the teacher can see if they can do it properly,  ...

This also my experience with my girl in K3, but sometimes I think she has written pretty characters but the teacher does not acknowledge this and give her the same grades.   

I've seen erased columns from school, my girl completed to many columns during lesson hence teacher asked to erased in order to do a home.  

Writing pretty Chinese is very difficult, especially in K3 where the words are very difficult / many strokes.  (Also, the boxes in her workbook are smaller then ones we buy from book stores.)   My girl started walking before 1 yr old and didn't craw (much), according to experts her left and right brain did not "mix" hence her spacial awareness is low and her arm and finger strength are low.   She use her hand to hold pencil instead of fingers so very strong grip.  We tried using the proper finger position, softer pencils, etc., but she is very uncomfortable and reverts back to her old position.  Any ideas for writing pretty Chinese characters?

[ 本帖最後由 smartmatt 於 09-12-11 04:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 08:57 |只看該作者
笑C我!  呵, 我都有睇"宮心計"架! 哈哈!

原帖由 jeremyphlam 於 09-12-10 12:28 發表


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-11 13:26 |只看該作者


原帖由 NICOLE123 於 09-12-9 21:26 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 18:25 |只看該作者
hi smartmatt,

i am not a real expert so i m not sure if i can really help u, but u can chat with her chinese teacher to see if she has any suggestions...

however, i do remember some exercise that his k1 teacher told us to try... 1- like give them paper to crumble/form into a small ball, the firmer and smaller the ball means the stronger their hands and fingers.... 2- give them some clips to open with fingers (i used the black long triangle ones, they come in all kinds of sizes), for them to practise opening with their little fingers to gain my finger strength...

as for the chinese square work books... u can get difference sizes also... i look for the ones similar to the size of their school workbooks...

softer pencils... since k2, my son's teacher told us to give them hb pencils, so i found some triangular hb pencils for him, i think the triangular shape will help him keep his writing form better than the hexagon ones but that's only my personal thinking, don't know if any truth to it... but my son's writing has improved alot now he's in k3... maybe also due to age?! they r writing some pretty difficult words nowadays.  but writing chinese is hard so give them more time to develop, and have patience when correcting their form, 筆畫, and proportion/spacial awareness...  i think the key, as everything else, is practise...  yes, parents have patience, haha, of course easier said then done! :)

about the marks, i think the teachers r casual about it, sometimes i don't know why one page which i think is better than the other but gets a 'b' or 'b-' while the one not as good gets a 'b+'... but his k2 teacher did say they also look for a well done clean page with no eraser marks...

and wow, ur daughter can write the whole pg at school and need to erase so she can do more at home... she writes fast!!

anyhow, nice chatting with u!! cheers!

原帖由 smartmatt 於 09-12-11 04:21 發表

This also my experience with my girl in K3, but sometimes I think she has written pretty characters but the teacher does not acknowledge this and give her the same grades.   

I've seen erased colum ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-12 01:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 elainec 於 09-12-11 18:25 發表
hi smartmatt,

i am not a real expert so i m not sure if i can really help u, but u can chat with her chinese teacher to see if she has any suggestions...

however, i do remember some exercise that h ...

Thanks for your ideas, our K2 teacher was not so full ideas.  We have tried small and big triangular pencils, hb and b pencils.  

If I could get my girl to grip with her fingers instead of hand this would probably mean lots of improvement.   Agree, the characters they need to write are very complicated for this age.

Yes, when my girl concentrates she can do very well and difference is huge.  When she does not concentrate she makes many little mistakes results in low marks for assessment and dictation but when she concentrates her marks are in the 90's.  Consistency and over confidence are her weaknesses, but she is not the academic type - she is never without a song or a dance.   Like you say practice makes perfect and one quality of KV students they are not afraid of practice.

The holidays are coming so I concentrate on her writing and consistency with her hoping she will make a big leap.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 15:37 |只看該作者
hi smartmatt,

yes, the holidays r coming, maybe u can get her to practise daily but short periods at a time, like 10-15 minutes, of just holding the pencil correctly... and not necessarily write words at first, maybe just to draw circles and line, etc... but must do it with the correct form...

i read somewhere... one can break a habit in 21 days!

good luck... add oil!!!

原帖由 smartmatt 於 09-12-12 01:10 發表

Thanks for your ideas, our K2 teacher was not so full ideas.  We have tried small and big triangular pencils, hb and b pencils.  

If I could get my girl to grip with her fingers instead of hand thi ...
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