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請問已讀緊/讀完維多利亞PN班既家長… [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-7 20:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
1. 請問你地一星期報幾多日既班?
2. 你地係報兩文三語班定係國際班?
3. 如果揀兩文三語班,請問面試時係咪都係用英文同普通話問小朋友架?

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 4

發表於 11-9-8 14:37 |只看該作者
(1) 我細B讀緊PN 5 Day; 大B K2 (之前PN->K1)
(2) 兩文三語班
(3) 你意思係in PN果時? 好似無問小朋友問題.
開始時, 5-6個小朋友係課室玩玩具, 好似有個老師有問我個小朋友有無上playgroup (唔記得係咪廣東話老師). 無問其他特別問題.
跟住, 有1 or 2個老師lead住班小朋友唱歌/講故事, 好似playgroup咁. 同課室再有3 or 4個老師係側邊觀察.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-8 15:30 |只看該作者
1. depending on which campus you are applying, some campuses offer 5-day for all PN students, but there are some campuses (such as Homantin and Harbour Green) which offer both 3-day PN and 2-day PN.  HMT and HG have only very few seats available for 5-day PN which mainly are reserved for students who have brothers or sisters studying there.
2. For PN, only one choice, that is Cantonese / English.  But there is 20min PTH session each week. For K1 and onwards you may select either trilingual (Cantonese / PTH / English) or internaional (PTH and English).
3. As said, only Cantonese / English for PN.  So, their interviews are also conducted in these two languages mainly. My son had the PN interview in March this year and the format was similar to Vic's playgroup. Questions were asked by teachers but very simple ones. My son was asked to dance and do some action. There was circle time as well.

Hope this helps.
Btw, should this thread be put under 幼兒園?

[ 本帖最後由 winifred102 於 11-9-8 15:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-8 20:43 |只看該作者

我其實報左PG,但我估我太遲報 (阿囝半歲先報),所以佢話未來半年都唔會call到我地!咁即係如果有得interview,應該都未排到PG!


1. 你地兩位都話有circle time、跳舞之類,我阿囝而家都有返其他PG,但佢都唔肯跟導師做呢D動作,佢有時會望實,有時會自己玩,咁我呢段時間其實係咪要訓練下佢呢?但又要點訓練呢?

2. 另外想問下,聽講有D學校申請得都有得in,有D就如果比得你in就即係好大機會有得入,請問維多利亞係邊種?定係第三種:比左申請表都未必有得in、in完都未必有得入呢?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-8 23:39 |只看該作者
There are always many many parents applying for Victoria's PG.  I applied for my son when he was 1 month old, but eventually, there were space available when he was 15 month old.  You may check with Vic how many of kids are in front of your son on the waiting list for PG.  Vic usually has PN interview in March every year.  Maybe, by the time your son has the interview, there may be chance that your son has already started PG at Vic.  Although PG stuendents do have some advantages (at least the kids are more familiar with the teachers and the environrment which are beneficial during the interview), there is no guarantee that PG students will be accepted to PN, given that Vic is quite competitive in the PN application, especially Harbour Height campus.  I heard about some unsuccessful cases in the past year.

How long has your son attended the current PG?  He may not get used to it at the beginning.  But after several lessons, he may get interested of what other kids are doing during the class and will follow.  Just give him more time.  Or you may ask the teacher there where you can buy the CD for those songs that are played during the class.  And you may play those CD more at home.  When he gets familiar with those songs (and of course you can lead him to sing), he will like it and be more concentrated during the class.

Hope this helps.

原帖由 irene_the_pooh 於 11-9-8 20:43 發表

我其實報左PG,但我估我太遲報 (阿囝半歲先報),所以佢話未來半年都唔會call到我地! ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-9-9 11:54 |只看該作者
我小朋友無讀維記playgroup, 所以唔太知情況
但我都見有之前讀過維記playgroup的朋友的BB, 今年9月無去維記讀PN. 但我無問係佢有offer唔讀 or 佢無offer

維記PN係比左申請表就一定有得in, 當然, in完都未必有得入啦
你試試search之前d post, 都有好多有關維記PN interview分享
都有幾多家長comment佢既interview做得好. at least係match返小朋友年紀. 至於係咪一定要勁投入, 跳晒舞就收, 無人知. 之前提過, 都有幾位老師在旁做assessment, 相信應該有好多決定因素 (i believe包括埋家長表現)

仲有半年先interview~ dont be too worry~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-9 21:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 winifred102 於 11-9-8 23:39 發表
There are always many many parents applying for Victoria's PG.  I applied for my son when he was 1 month old, but eventually, there were space available when he was 15 month old.  You may check with V ...


我準備報o個兩間維記就係最多人揀o個兩間,我唔係因為佢地出名,而係因為「近」!但點知原來佢地係咁多間最hit --- 即係最難入!

我之前打去問過有關PG,佢話而家 (一個月前) 先處理緊舊年7-8月既申請,我今年3月左右先入紙,所以我估應該未必排得到!

阿囝之前有斷斷續續咁返過PG,但o個D玩既性質比較重,佢而家返緊TT,返左一個月多DD,如果佢o個日唔眼訓,佢circle time時會企 / 坐定定望實老師 (但我會攬住佢,因我怕佢好快又自由行),但如果佢o個日狀態唔好,就會扭囉!

唔知係咪佢呢個月齡仲未肯跟住老師做動作呢 (15個月),我o係屋企同佢做,佢都係間唔中先肯同我玩下,好多時都係enjoy himself!!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-9 21:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 enbutter 於 11-9-9 11:54 發表
我小朋友無讀維記playgroup, 所以唔太知情況
但我都見有之前讀過維記playgroup的朋友的BB, 今年9月無去維記讀PN. 但我無問係佢有offer唔讀 or 佢無offer

維記PN係比左申請表就一定有得in, 當然, in完都未必有得入啦 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-9 21:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 winifred102 於 11-9-8 23:39 發表
There are always many many parents applying for Victoria's PG.  I applied for my son when he was 1 month old, but eventually, there were space available when he was 15 month old.  You may check with V ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-10 02:00 |只看該作者
當年我個仔6個月大時, 我都有幫佢排PG, 到interview之前一個月, 終於收到電話, 話排到佢, 不過因為d時間唔係咁好, 加上當時已經上緊其他PG, 所以我turndonw咗佢哋
到interview果日, 佢嘅表現只係普普通通, 一定唔係最突出果個, 加上見到人山人海, 諗住實無行...我老公仲埋怨我, 好唔上佢哋個PG...

點知最後竟然收咗佢PN, 真係諗都無諗過

我有個朋友個仔喺佢哋度返咗成年PG, 但反而唔收佢...

我都有問過佢班主任, 究竟佢哋嘅收生標準係乜? 佢話都係睇小朋友表現, 老師評分...不過收唔收, 最後決定權都係喺校長度喎!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-10 02:02 |只看該作者
Since the PN admission is very competitive every year, it's better that you apply some more as back-up.

TT?  Do you mean Tutor Time?  My son also attended PG since 12 month and went to its nursery class (since 2 yrs old) for 1/2 year.
I quite like TT as I always want my son to learn more PTH.  This is the major advantage over Vic's PG.  TT used to have some very good teachers (both NET and PTH).  But Owen's teachers all left after the past summer.
My son went to both TT and Vic's PG before 2.  THen I switched him to nursery class at TT when he reached 2, since he is a "Big-boy".  Putting him to nurser earlier can help him to get used to school life (by himself) earlier and to train him becoming more independent.  Also, he was old enough for school life when getting 2 and he felt boring staying at home always.

Your son is only 15 mth old which is still very young.  You still have more than half a year to train him.  Need not to worry too much.

原帖由 irene_the_pooh 於 11-9-9 21:12 發表


我準備報o個兩間維記就係最多人揀o個兩間,我唔係因為佢地出名,而係因為「近」!但點知原來佢地係咁多間最hit --- 即係最難入!

我之前打去問過有關PG,佢話而家 (一個月前) 先處理緊舊 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-10 14:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 cute_melody 於 11-9-10 02:00 發表
當年我個仔6個月大時, 我都有幫佢排PG, 到interview之前一個月, 終於收到電話, 話排到佢, 不過因為d時間唔係咁好, 加上當時已經上緊其他PG, 所以我turndonw咗佢哋
到interview果日, 佢嘅表現只係普普通通, ...

照VIC既講法,到佢真係派到PG既位比阿囝時,睇怕都應該in左喇 (如果有)!所以我都冇期望佢既PG可以幫到阿囝IN喇!

其實我都知面試冇咩標準 (應該係話我地唔知有咩標準),可能只係合學校眼緣掛?



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-10 14:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 winifred102 於 11-9-10 02:02 發表
Since the PN admission is very competitive every year, it's better that you apply some more as back-up.

TT?  Do you mean Tutor Time?  My son also attended PG since 12 month and went to its nursery cl ...

係呀!tutor time呀!
阿囝之前試過其他PG,有D o係 BK好多媽媽都話OK,但阿囝唔鐘意,但TT反而第一堂已經好似好適應咁!而家佢上堂只要唔眼訓,都仲幾投入添 (不過並未做到VIC面試既要求囉)!

我而家waitlist緊TT既2日班 (PG),因為我都覺得佢地既老師唔錯 (不過聽講係個個校舍都唔同,咁o岩佢而家呢兩個都好好)。聽講TT既PG學生可以直算佢地既N,係咪架?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-11 00:25 |只看該作者
School life at TT is happy and interesting. But academically, I'm really not sure how it compares with other schools. My son is now starting PN in another school which is one of the popular ones where he can stay there till K3 and. This is all I can advise.
I do know quite a number of parents have their kids studying PG and PN there, then transfer to other schools for K1.
For primary, I most likely target Govt aided and DSS. But also will consider IS too.

原帖由 irene_the_pooh 於 11-9-10 14:26 發表

係呀!tutor time呀!
阿囝之前試過其他PG,有D o係 BK好多媽媽都話OK,但阿囝唔鐘意,但TT反而第一堂已經好似好適應咁!而家佢上堂只要唔眼訓,都仲幾投入添 (不過並未做到VIC面試既要求囉)!

我而家waitlist緊TT既2日班 (PG),因 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-11 21:57 |只看該作者

其實我都唔知PN班會做D咩,但我見真係會用英/普既地方實在唔多,所以如果維多利亞唔收佢PN,可能我地都會留o係TT先!不過K1就真係一定會轉,因為IS真係唔係我地杯茶 (其實咁多間IS我地有諗過SIS,但實在太難入)!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-11 22:28 |只看該作者
My son did attend Vic PN, but for a few weeks only since there was a better choice available at that time.  The major reason of such change is that they only offered me 3 days per week PN.  As I said before, there are some campuses of Vic only offer 3-day or 2-day classes for PN.  Only very very limited numbers of students will be given offer for 5-day class.
Therefore, you have to check very clearly with the campus that you are going to apply for.

原帖由 irene_the_pooh 於 11-9-11 21:57 發表

其實我都唔知PN班會做D咩,但我見真係會用英/普既地方實在唔多,所以如果維多利亞唔收佢PN,可能我地都會留o係TT先!不過K1就真係一定會轉,因為IS真係唔係我地杯 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-13 21:21 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 00:55 |只看該作者
我仔舊年返PN都係3日班架...其實我報名時係揀5日班嘅, 但最後收咗佢讀3日班...不過當時只係諗: 收佢已經好好彩, 幾多日都讀啦~

到開學時同其他家長傾開, 其實3日班有3日班好, 尤其我果個係細仔, 開學時都未夠2歲, 要佢返足5日可能有點吃力, 而且隔日返學好似無咁容易病添!

原帖由 irene_the_pooh 於 11-9-13 21:21 發表
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