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想知Montessori - Pink Tower 的用法,請進! [複製鏈接]

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想知Montessori - Pink Tower 的用法,請進!

買到平的 montessori 教具係無用架,因為你地根本唔只點用,無論幾平都好,如不知其法,便得物無所用,跟本發揮唔到佢的教育目的,最重要係小朋友得不到益處,咁父母便浪費了金錢,小朋友浪費了學習的敏感期。


Purpose : Build blocks of graduated 3 dimensional sizes in order to understand sequence and order.

Presentation: Spread a mat or rug on the floor. Scatter the cubes over the mat. Build a tower starting with the largest cube. Choose slowly and with deliberation.

Grasp the cubes above each cube with one hand to get the muscular impression of the size. The child will probably not be able to do this with the largest cube with one hand, but the others should be able to be grasped this way.
(Again the connection the hand is visually measuring the cubes for the mind to process)
Exercise: The child builds the tower after the demonstration.
Using the 3 period lesson introduce the concept of large and small, large, larger, largest, small, smaller, smallest. Also, if your child is ready, you can count the numbers 1 through 10 starting with the smallest cube (1) to the largest cube (10). Already the concrete difference between 1 and 10 is the first step in understanding addition.
When you teach your child later on to count backwards use the tower again. 10 as the largest cube down to the smallest cube (1). The visual aid is invaluable to understanding of subtraction as well.

Advanced Exercise: When the child can build the tower easily have him or her build the tower with one corner exactly above the other all the way up, and the two edges exactly even. The smallest cube can fit on each ledge on each level. This shows the size and difference between each of the cubes.

Develops: 1.Visual and small muscular perception of dimensions. 2. This awareness of dimensions leads to observation of the child’s environment.
3. Helps to make smoother and more coordinated movement.
4. Math readiness by introducing concepts of smaller, larger, prepares for the decimal and number system. It helps to prepare for the cube root. 1000 smallest cubes make the largest 10th cube. 8 of the smallest cubes make the second cube, 27 of the smallest cube make the third cube, 64 of the smallest cubes make the fourth cube, 124 cubes make the fifth cube, and so on.

The cubes represent the concrete concept of the numbers of 1 through 10.

Error control. If the tower is incorrectly built, it will topple over.

Hint: If the tower is too difficult give the child every other cube to until he or she has mastered the exercise. Then add all ten cubes.

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