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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選
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傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-15 23:45 |只看該作者

傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選


以上兩類學校我都有報, 現各有一間收左, 如果看個小朋友的性格, 佢是屬文靜的, 讀傳統名校應該可以, 但又怕佢讀得唔開心, 因為這些學校壓力一定好大,

新思維學校大部份人都話小朋友會讀得開心, 但亦有人批評太自由, 不知道小朋友學到些什麼回來, 亦有人擔心翻唔到轉頭, 想讀返傳統會好難.

好c煩, 都唔知點好,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 00:04 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear doristsang,

My daughter is studying in P1 of the "新思維學校" that you have enrolled.  She is quite happy and loves to go to school very much.  After two months' school life, she is quite confident in speaking Putonghua.  I don't think the school gives too much freedom to the children.  The teacher just likes to encourage rather than punish to make the children to behave well.  Besides, you surely would know what the children learn in school coz' the schedule of each subject was delivered to parents in the very beginning of the term.

But frankly speaking, the syllabus of this school just follows the standard of EMB while the syllabus of English of the "傳統名校" you enrolled will be more difficult than the standard of EMB.  For example, they use English 1B, 2A, 2B for P1 students rather than 1A, 1B.

The workload of homework and number of dictation, test and examination of the "傳統名校" would be more than that of the "新思維學校".

Just figure out what style of school life that you would like your daughter to have and what style of family life that you would like your family to have.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 09:47 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Hi doristsang,

My daughter also got one 傳統學校 and one 新思維學校's offer last year. At last, I declined the offer from the 新思維學校.

I think most of the parent think that  新思維學校 has less pressure and less workload. In my opinion, there is no pressure if your kid is not below the average standard in both schools. If your kid is really below the average standard, then you may get the pressure in the 傳統學校. However, it is worse that you may not know your kid is below the average standard in 新思維學校. If you can know that, you should have the same pressure.

For the workload, I think the kid should pay equal effort in 傳統學校 and 新思維學校. Will you ask your kid to have revision if there is no exam/test/dictation in the 新思維學校? exam/test/dictation is only a continuous assessment of the level of your kid only so that you can know whether more effort is needed or not.

In addition, I think kid is needed to have certain level of writing/dictation to build up their vocabulary bank.

I also disagree the parent to have too much involvement which makes the kid s relies on the parent. In my generation, all kids take care of themselves. Why this generation needs the help from parent? It is why there are many university graduates cannot work independently and are not responsible to their duty.

Moreover, my kid is a female. I think the students in the 傳統學校 are discipline.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Hi doristsang,

我囡囡都係讀緊"新思維學校"p.1.  情況同BallBallMaMa所講好相似.  學校是按一般小一程度無讀高一級半級, 不過好注重英文, 所有科目都係用英文教授(多數是外籍老師)除左中文係用普通話.  返左學兩個月我發現囡囡既英文好左好多, 認識既英文生字都幾深幾多, 好似"prism, pyramids, sphere...etc.", 因為不同科目都用英文, 所以認識生字既範圍都幾廣.

學校亦好注重紀律, 都要學生遵守課堂規則.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 10:27 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear doristsang,

"Will you ask your kid to have revision if there is no exam/test/dictation in the 新思維學校? "

In the 新思維學校 you enrolled, the children still need to have dictation/test/exam, but not as frequent as that in the 傳統學校 you enrolled.
(my colleage's girl is studying in the 傳統學校 you enrolled, thus I have information from both schools.

"I think the students in the 傳統學校 are discipline."
My girl is now studying in the 新思維學校.  I think the school have emphasis in the students' discipline.  Besides, the school also pay a lot of attention in the character development of the students.  They even have a subject called "EQ".

Besides, since the workload is not heavy, my daughter can have plenty of time in reading.  Actually, the students are required to bring story books (one week English books and the other week Chinese books) to school to read before the class every day.  This can also build up her vocabulary bank.

One more thing that you have to note is that: the
傳統學校 you enrolled are still running in AM/PM model (P1,P3,P5: PM; P2,P4,P6:AM).  You may consider if your daughter can adapt to this 生活模式 or your family can support such kind of 生活模式

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 10:31 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

G-Ma 寫道:返左學兩個月我發現囡囡既英文好左好多, 認識既英文生字都幾深幾多, 好似"prism, pyramids, sphere...etc.", 因為不同科目都用英文, 所以認識生字既範圍都幾廣..

見到以上的評價, 驅使我搭下咀 ~  
基本上, 以前傳統的英文小學, 很多科目都用英文課本, 都能令英文辭彙增加。 所以, 我其實好鬼憎政府逼學校全中文教學, 除英文本科。
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." ~Mother Teresa~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 10:45 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

I have no intention to insult the  新思維學校. I agree that 新思維學校 students are also dicipline. However, they are comparatively active and talkative, just my impression only, whereas I think a girl should be elegant, also my preference only. Sorry if you think I used the wrong wording.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-16 10:58 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

我女女都係讀新思維學校(p1), 佢好鐘意返學, 前日佢病左, sick leave, 佢話好唔開心, 因為無得返學wor!
新思維學校唔等於唔駛做功課, 無付出過, 又點學習呢? 不過功課量會比傳統學校少(通常中英數各一), 量少不過用既腦力多 eg 英文唔著重做grammer exercise, 可能會叫小朋友寫張card俾best friend, 或者準備個presentation介紹一件心愛玩具, 咁樣個小朋友會好俾心機去想, 去做, 又例如數學, 雖然都係1-18之內既應用, 不過多多文字題, eg, 小明有$14, 還欠$2至夠錢買想買果2樣文具, 咁究竟佢想買咩?
另外, 學校雖然無測無考, 不過有默書, 中默除左課文, 仲有趣味默書eg學校設施, 手字部既字(要自己先去搵無指定list)....所以, 小朋友除左死記, 仲要用心機去準備, 去搵答案, 所以學習過程雖然花時間, 但係有意義既
而上課形式同校風, 相比起傳統學校, 係無咁嚴謹, 學生有好多機會去發言(堂上要做presentation, even只係一年班), 去表演(午間音樂會, 圖書館講故仔), 去問, 去做主動, 如果小朋友夠膽去試, 學校有好多空間令到佢地每日都滿載而歸! 我女女上次唔敢試音樂會, 睇完一次, 已經話下次要表演, 又叫我幫佢報名去圖書館講故仔! 呢d經驗, 未必間間傳統學校都有咁既機會俾到, 學生o係呢個環境長大, 對佢自信心, 表達能力, aggressiveness等等影響亦好大

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 11:19 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Hi Charlotte_mom

Your daughter's school sounds very good and I appreicate its style very much! Would you mind telling us the school name .... is it ICQM?



Charlotte_mom 寫道:
我女女都係讀新思維學校(p1), 佢好鐘意返學, 前日佢病左, sick leave, 佢話好唔開心, 因為無得返學wor!
新思維學校唔等於唔駛做功課, 無付出過, 又點學習呢? 不過功課量會比傳統學校少(通常中英數各一), 量少不過用既腦力多 eg 英文唔著重做grammer exercise, .....   

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-16 11:31 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Thanks! It's not ICQM. It's HKUGAPS

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 11:36 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

This is the question which bother me also......

For me, I prefer the ways of teaching of those 新思維學校, as other parents mention, it will built up the confident and character of the kids and also to cultivate the interest of learning.

But on the other hand, those traditional school will more based on academic achievment ,which I also think that it is also necessary for the kids in order to built a good foundation when they are in primary.... Also the discipline training is also another issue.

Guess both types of school will have their pros and cons, which make me even hard to make decision....

Moreover, since most of those 新思維學校 don't have much history compare to those traditional schools, so how will I know which one will have a better "reputation"....? And for those which are newly formed, how can we know that they are running well and being "trusted"?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Charlotte_mom & 其他媽咪,

睇完你地對用新思維教學ge學校意見, 其實我一直都好想俾我仔讀呢類學校, 但就唔知港島區仲有邊間小學係用此教學(除左柴灣明德小學), 所以請問各位媽咪可唔可以提供資料呀, 謝謝


Charlotte_mom 寫道:
我女女都係讀新思維學校(p1), 佢好鐘意返學, 前日佢病左, sick leave, 佢話好唔開心, 因為無得返學wor!
新思維學校唔等於唔駛做功課, 無付出過, 又點學習呢? 不過功課量會比傳統學校少(通常中英數各一), 量少不過用既腦力多 eg 英文唔著重做grammer exercise, 可能會叫小朋友寫張card俾best friend, 或者準備個presentation介紹一件心愛玩具, 咁樣個小朋友會好俾心機去想, 去做, 又例如數學, 雖然都係1-18之內既應用, 不過多多文字題, eg, 小明有$14, 還欠$2至夠錢買想買果2樣文具, 咁究竟佢想買咩?
另外, 學校雖然無測無考, 不過有默書, 中默除左課文, 仲有趣味默書eg學校設施, 手字部既字(要自己先去搵無指定list)....所以, 小朋友除左死記, 仲要用心機去準備, 去搵答案, 所以學習過程雖然花時間, 但係有意義既
而上課形式同校風, 相比起傳統學校, 係無咁嚴謹, 學生有好多機會去發言(堂上要做presentation, even只係一年班), 去表演(午間音樂會, 圖書館講故仔), 去問, 去做主動, 如果小朋友夠膽去試, 學校有好多空間令到佢地每日都滿載而歸! 我女女上次唔敢試音樂會, 睇完一次, 已經話下次要表演, 又叫我幫佢報名去圖書館講故仔! 呢d經驗, 未必間間傳統學校都有咁既機會俾到, 學生o係呢個環境長大, 對佢自信心, 表達能力, aggressiveness等等影響亦好大

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-16 11:52 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

我知既應有港大同學會, 維多利亞, 漢華......

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-16 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear bk2005,

Hi, just friendly speaking, I also want to daughter to be elegant, yet, it seems in 21 century, active and talkative is the basic skill, they will become more confidence, and more bright.

I had worked in a worldwide company in before, we need to attend meeting, presentation in always, if you're active and talkative, which is good for your job.

hope it use.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear JodiYang,

"since most of those 新思維學校 don't have much history compare to those traditional schools, so how will I know which one will have a better "reputation"....? "

Just don't know how many years should you count as "having history".  But just for your information, the 新思維學校 that my daughter is now studying in has been established for more than 20 years

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Oh IC...
do u mind telling me that which school your daughter is now studying?

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 06-11-16 12:05 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

其實我都有concern呢個問題, 所以揀學校既第一日, 我已經consider過"前途"呢個問題, 所以, either有一條龍中學, or升中方面有sound record, 呢樣好重要
我唔清楚係咪間間學校都有拔尖補底, 不過我知我女女果間有, 而家一年班, 英文科都有分小組上, 去到早年班d, 什至有"秘密留堂惡補", 始終雖然係一條龍中學, 都要fulfill到基本中英數要求架!
而我亦識人讀維小, arm arm開學已經要安排放學後補底喇!
學習要愉快不過唔可以兒戲, 所以, 個別學校對"學習"既認真程度, 都要考慮呢!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-11-16 12:13 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear JodiYang,

My girl is now studying in Creative Primary School.

發表於 06-11-16 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-16 12:31 |只看該作者

Re: 傳統名校 vs 新思維學校, 你會點選

Dear BallBallMaMa,

This is my problem now.  My daughter is admitted by Creative Pri Sch and Good Hope.  I like both school.  For Creative, we heard good reputations among the school.  Their teaching method and treasure every kids' ability are highly recommended.  I agree their vision.

For GH, a traditional religion girl school, also with good reputation.   Some of my relative's are also studing there.  They are really good student, good lang ability, social skill and presentable.  

I think most parents here should make same kind of dicision as P.1 admission results are coming out.
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