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Re: 真道中、小家長聚談 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-10-19 21:25 |只看該作者

Re: 真道中、小家長聚談

Dear 20101101,KenBaBa, qq_dad,Cow, deniset and daisychan,

Hi, I am a Logos parent. I have visited this and other forums concerning Logos for about a year.   I did not join in any discussions before as I found that sometimes the forum is only a private chatting room or suddenly turned into a battlefield.  But recently, rational reflections of different sides seem to have taken place and I would like to be one of you now.

I am a happy Logos parent but up to day I dare not to say that I am proud of the school yet.  Our Principal, Dr. LUK and many key post holders have been working extremely hard to make the dream school comes true.  Of course Rome was not built up in one day.  Logos is heading in the right direction and I am sure it will help our kids to hit the new world with human resources and working styles so different from what we are in.  In fact, nothing can be more rewarding to see our kids love learning and prticipate so actively in the class.   

However, no one can deny that there are still rooms for improvement especially in the administrative management and communication styles.  I think instead of criticizing the school for this and that, we can try as far as possible to help the school, such as to be a volunteer in the various activities to be taken place; relay our worries and concerns to the relevant staff without teahing them what to do  but just providing the options collected from other Logos parents. Never feel unrespected if our suggestions are rejected as we may not have the full picture of what is going on or in fact what constraints our Principal is facing.

Let's just join hand in hands to create the dream school for our kids.  Never take it so seriously to other none Logos parents criticisms.  They do have the chance to experience  the magic that is happening to our kids.  


Rank: 4

發表於 06-10-19 22:34 |只看該作者

Re: 真道中、小家長聚談

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